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Injection in
Z-Track Technique

Prepared by:
Charril Pabular-Araneta RN, MN
Z-Track Technique
 The Z-track method is a method of administrating an IM
injection that prevents the medication being tracked
through the subcutaneous tissue, sealing the medication in
the muscle, and minimizing irritation from the medication.
 Using the Z-track technique, the skin is pulled laterally,
away from the injection site, before the injection; then the
medication is injected, the needle is withdrawn, and the
skin is released.
 Delivers irritating or caustic medications deep into muscle tissue to prevent
Should focus on the following:
 Complete medication order  Client’s response to previous injections
 Intended injection site and condition of the  Factors affecting size and gauge of needle
site ( .g., bruising, tenderness, skin breaks, (e.g client’s size and age, site of injection,
nodules, or edema) viscosity and residual effects of medication)
 Site of last injection  Client’s knowledge about medication and
reason for use
 Allergies
Different Injection Sites
Video Presentation
 Perform Hand Hygiene  Reduces microorganism transfer
 Prepare syringe with medication, adhering to  Prepares drug properly, decreases chance of
the ten rights of drug administration drug error
 Change needle after drug has been fully  Prevents staining and irritation of skin and
drawn up subcutaneous tissue when needle is inserted
into skin
 Pull plunger back another 0.1 ml
 Makes air lock in syringe
 Identify client by reading identification  Confirms identity of the client
bracelet and addressing client by name  Decreases anxiety; promotes cooperation
 Explain procedure and purpose of drug  Alerts nurse to possibility of allergic reaction
 Verify allergies listed on medication record or  Decreases embarrassment
electronic medication record
 Prevents direct contact with body secretions
 Provide privacy
 Don gloves
 Assist client into prone position with toes  Promotes comfort by relaxing gluteal muscles
pointed inward  Prevents sciatic nerve damage
 Outline dorsogluteal site by identifying  Maintains asepsis
landmarks appropriately; alternatively use
ventrogluteal or vastus lateralis area.
 Clean site with alcohol and allow site to dry.
 Remove needle cap
 Hold syringe with needle pointed down and  Ensure that air clears needle after drug is
observe for air bubble to rise to top (away administered so that drug can be sealed into
from the needle) muscle tissue
 Using fingers of non-dominant hand, pull  Retracts skin and subcutaneous tissue from
skin laterally (away from midline) about 1 muscle
inch and down  Allows nurse to maintain retraction and
 While maintaining skin retraction, rest heel of stability of needle while aspirating or if client
non-dominant hand on skin below fingers suddenly moves
 Talk to client and warn of impending  Provides distraction; prevents jerking
needlestick response
 With dominant hand, quickly insert needle at  Minimizes pain from insertion; ensures that
a 90 degree-angle (as if throwing a dart) needle enters muscle mass
while maintaining traction on site with heel of  Determines if accidental insertion into blood
non-dominant hand
vessel has occurred
 Pull plunger back and aspirate for blood
 If blood returns, remove needle, clean site
with antiseptic swab, assess site, apply  Prevents leakage into subcutaneous tissue;
adhesive bandage and begin injection allows adequate absorption time
procedure again
 Prevents tearing of tissue avoids direct track
 If no blood returns, inject drug slowly, between muscle and surface of skin
holding needle in place for 10 seconds
 Remove needle at same angle of insertion
while releasing skin at the same time
 Place alcohol swab over insertion area but do  Avoids displacing drug into tissues, which
not massage would cause irritation and pain
 Place needle on tray; do not recap  Prevents needlestick
 Reposition client, raise side rails and lower  Maintains safety and comfort; allows
bed to lowest position; place call light within communication
reach.  Prevents injury and spread of infection
 Dispose of equipment properly  Reduces microorganism transfer
 Remove gloves and perform hand hygiene  Serves as legal record of administration;
 Document administration on medication prevents accidental re-medication
record  Verifies that no seepage of medication has
 Check site 15 to 30 minutes later for pain, occurred
bleeding, fluid, drainage, or bruising.

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