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Animal rights

Pablo Collado Rodríguez

How can
students help
this issue
• Students can help the issue of animal rights in many ways.
They can raise awareness about animal rights and the issues
surrounding it by talking to their friends, family, and
classmates. They can also organize events and campaigns to
promote animal rights, such as fundraisers for animal shelters
or protests against animal cruelty. Additionally, students can
make small changes in their own lives, such as adopting a
vegan or vegetarian diet, buying cruelty-free products, and
supporting animal rights organizations.
Why is this issue • Animal rights is an important issue to me because animals are living beings that
deserve to be treated with compassion and respect. They are not objects or

important to me? commodities that we can use for our own purposes without regard for their
well-being. Animals have the capacity to feel pain and suffer, just like humans,
and they should be protected from cruelty and exploitation.
How does this issue
impact our society?

• The issue of animal rights impacts our

society in many ways. Animal cruelty and
exploitation not only harm animals, but
also have negative effects on human health,
the environment, and the economy. The
meat and dairy industries, for example,
contribute to climate change and
deforestation, and can have negative effects
on human health. Additionally, the
mistreatment of animals can have
psychological effects on humans, and
studies have shown that individuals who
engage in animal cruelty are more likely to
engage in other forms of violence.
How has this issue changed • The issue of animal rights has evolved over time. In the past, animals were
considered property and were used for entertainment, labor, and experimentation
throughout time? without regard for their welfare. However, with the rise of animal rights activism
and the recognition of animal sentience, there has been a growing movement to
protect animal rights and promote animal welfare. Laws and regulations have been
put in place to protect animals from cruelty and exploitation, and more people are
adopting vegan and vegetarian diets and buying cruelty-free products.
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Activists Non activists

What is one organization that
works toward this issue and
what have they done/are
doing to solve it?

• One organization that works towards animal

rights is PETA (People for the Ethical
Treatment of Animals). PETA is one of the
largest animal rights organizations in the
world and works to end animal cruelty and
exploitation through education, advocacy,
and direct action. They have campaigned
against animal testing, the use of animals in
entertainment and fashion, and animal
agriculture. They also provide resources and
information for people who want to adopt a
vegan lifestyle and support animal rights.

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