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Class Lectures

ME 1503: Basic Thermodynamics
3 hours/week Credits : 3.00
Lesson - 1

Dr. Himangshu Bhowmik

Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering
DUET. Gazipur.  Bangladesh.
Cell Phone: +8801758434173

• Syllabus
Fundamental concepts and definition; Laws of thermodynamics and their
applications: Zeroth law of thermodynamics; First law of thermodynamics and
corollaries, Energy analysis of control mass and control volume system, non flow and
flow processes; Second law of thermodynamics and corollaries, Entropy and exergy
analysis; Third law of thermodynamics; Thermodynamic relations.

Properties of pure substances and thermodynamic processes; Ideal gas cycles: Carnot
cycle, Otto cycle, Diesel cycle, Dual cycle, Brayton/Joule cycle, stirling cycle, Erickson
cycle, Atkinson cycle; Vapor power cycle: Carnot cycle, Reverse Carnot cycle, Rankine
cycles; Mixture of ideal & real gases; Gas vapor mixture; Boilers.
Fuels: Characteristics and analysis; calorific value and measurement.
Combustion: Flue gas and analysis.

• Fundamental concepts and definition
• The field of science, which deals, with the energies possessed by
gases and vapours, is known as Thermodynamics.
• It also includes the conversion of these energies in terms of heat and
mechanical work and their relationship with properties of the system.
• A machine, which converts heat into mechanical work or vice versa, is
known as Heat Engine.

• Fundamental concepts and definition
• Fundamental Units
There are only four systems of units, which are commonly used and universally recognized.
1. C.G.S. units, 2. F.P.S. units, 3. M.K.S. Units, and 4. S.I. units.
4. S.I. Units (International System of Units)

• Fundamental concepts and definition
• Newton's Laws of Motion
Newton has formulated three laws of motion, which are the basic postulates or assumptions on
which the whole system of dynamics is based. These three laws of motion are as follows
1. Newton's First Law of Motion: It states, Everybody continues in its state of rest or of
uniform motion in a straight line, unless it is acted upon by some ext ernal force. " This is also
known as Law of inertia.
The inertia is that property of a matter, by virtue of which a body cannot move of itself, nor
change the motion imparted to it.
2. Newton's Second Law of Motion: It states, "The rate of change of momentum is directly
proportional to the impressed force and takes place in the same direction in which the force
3. Newton's Third Law of Motion. It states "To every action, there is always an equal and
opposite reaction."

• Fundamental concepts and definition
• Mass and Weight
1. Mass: It is the amount of matter contained in a given body, and
does not vary with the change in its position on the earth's surface. The
mass of a body is measured by direct comparison with a standard mass
by using a lever balance.
2. Weight: It is the amount of pull, which the earth exerts upon a
given body. Since the pull varies with the distance of the body from the
centre of the earth, therefore weight of the body will also vary with its
position on the earth's surface (say latitude and elevation). It is thus
obvious, that the weight is a force.

• Fundamental concepts and definition
• Force
According to Newton's Second Law of Motion, the applied force or impressed
force is directly proportional to the rate of change of momentum. We know that

• Fundamental concepts and definition
• Thermodynamic Systems
The thermodynamic system (or simply known as system) may be broadly defined as
a definite area or a space where some thermodynamic process is taking place. The system
has its boundaries, these boundaries may be like that of a tank enclosing a certain mass of
compressed gas, or movable like boundary of a certain volume of liquid in a pipe line.

• Thermodynamic Process
When a system changes its state from one equilibrium State to
another equilibrium state, then the path of successive states through
which the system has passed is known as thermodynamic process.
• Thermodynamic Cycle or Cyclic Process
When a process or processes are performed on a system in such a way that
the final slate is identical with the initial state, it is then known as a
thermodynamic cycle or cyclic process. In Fig. 1.5, 1-A-2 and 2-B-1 are processes
whereas 1-A-2-B-1 is a thermodynamic cycle or cyclic process.
• Path of Change of State
When a system passes through the continuous series of equilibrium states during a
change of state (from the initial state to the final state), then it is known as path of
change of state. When the path is completely specified, it is then known as path of the
process. 8
• Fundamental concepts and definition
• Thermodynamic Systems
The thermodynamic system (system) may be broadly defined as a definite area or
a space where some thermodynamic process is taking place. The system has its
boundaries, these boundaries may be like that of a tank enclosing a certain mass of
compressed gas, or movable like boundary of a certain volume of liquid in a pipe line.
• Thermodynamic Process
When a system changes its state from one equilibrium State to another
equilibrium state, then the path of successive states through which the system has
passed is known as thermodynamic process.
• Thermodynamic Cycle or Cyclic Process
When a process or processes are performed on a system in such a way that the
final slate is identical with the initial state, it is then known as a thermodynamic cycle or
cyclic process. In Fig. 1.5, 1-A-2 and 2-B-1 are processes whereas 1-A-2-B-1 is a
thermodynamic cycle or cyclic process.
• State of a System
The state of a system is the condition of the system at any particular moment which can be identified by the
statement of its properties, such as pressure, volume, temperature etc.
• Path of Change of State
When a system passes through the continuous series of equilibrium states during a change of state (from
initial to final state), then it is known as path of change of state. It is also known as path of the process. 9
• Fundamental concepts and definition
• Quasi-static or Quasi-equilibrium Process
When the process is carried out in such a way that at every instant, the system deviation from the
thermodynamic equilibrium is infinitesimal, then the process is known as quasi-static or quasi-
equilibrium process and each state in the process may be considered as an equilibrium state.

•Thermodynamic Equilibrium
A system is said to be in thermodynamic equilibrium, if it satisfies the following three requirements of equilibrium.
1. Mechanical equilibrium: A system is said to be in mechanical equilibrium, when there is no unbalanced forces acting on any part of the system or the system as a whole.
2. Thermal equilibrium: A system is said to be in thermal equilibrium, when there is no temperature difference between the parts of the system or between the system and
the surroundings.
3. Chemical equilibrium: A system is said to be in chemical equilibrium, when there is no chemical reaction within the system and a t so there is no movement of any
chemical constituent from one part of the system to the other.

• Fundamental concepts and definition
• Classification of Thermodynamic systems
The thermodynamic systems may he classified into the following three groups
1. Closed system: This is a system of fixed mass and identity whose
boundaries are determined by the space of the matter (working substance)
occupied in it.
A closed system is shown in Fig. I 2. The gás in the cylinder is considered as a
system. If heat is supplied to the cylinder from some external source, the
temperature of the gas will increase and the piston will rise.

2. Open system: In this system, the mass of the working substance crosses
the boundary of the system. Heat and work may also cross the boundary. Fig. 1.3
shows the diagram of an air compressor which illustrates an open system.

3. Isolated system: A system which is completely uninfluenced by the

surrounding is called an isolated system. It is a system of fixed mass and no heat or
work energy cross its boundary. In other words, an isolated system does not have
transfer of either mass or energy (heat or work) with the surroundings. An open system
with its surroundings (known as an universe) is an example of an isolated system.

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