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• Using RED, highlight the key word/words in the question
and choices. Highlight the correct answer in BLUE and
provide your rationale by adding a new slide after each

1. What is/are more likely to happen when a student gets
intrinsically motivated?
I. Tackles assigned task willingly
II. Eager to learn classroom material
III. Engaged in meaningful learning

A. I, II and III C. I and II

B. I and III D. II and III

Rationalization: From the word intrinsically motivated, it
emphasizes motivation and willingness to do such things
because you’re motivated from within. Hence, the correct
answer is letter A because all of the choices describe intrinsic
motivation of a student from the key words in the choices,
willingly, eager, and engaged. Wherein these things made a
student motivated in doing to learn.

2. Which applies to extrinsically motivated learners?
I. Tend to process information superficially
II. Tend to be content with meeting minimum requirements
III. Achieve at high level

A. I and II C. I and III

B. II only D. I only

Rationalization: When we say extrinsic motivation, it talks about doing
something because of external incentive such as reward or deadline. It
is not letter B because from the word only in choice B, it makes it
eliminated because both option I and II are correct. Neither letter C
because of the key word “high level” in option III which explains
intrinsically motivation that a learner studies well because he wanted
to achieve high level for self-recognition. Nor letter D because not only
option I is correct that appllies extrinsic motivation to learner, rather
both I and II because of the key word “tend”, means a learner is doing
something for the sake of surviving the subject or whatever the
external factor is. Where
For Questions 3,4,5,6,7

As to do a learning task, Joe hesitates and says “Mahirap. Ayaw ko. ‘Di
ko kaya!” (It’s difficult. I don’t like it. I can’t do it.)

3. Which statement about Joe is CORRECT?

A. Has a low sense of self-efficacy
B. Has a high sense of self-efficacy
C. Has no sense of self-efficacy
D. Wants to be sure of his self-efficacy

Rationalization: The correct answer is letter A because from the key
words in the question, only letter A corresponds to the statement of
Joe that he has a low sense of self-efficacy. In which he says he can’t
do the learning task even without trying. Obviously, it’s not letter B
because the statement doesn’t shows high sense of self-efficacy of
Joe, in fact it is opposite to the statement of Joe. Also not letter C
because no learner has no sense of self-efficacy. I believe every learner
has of it either low or high depends upon the motivation of oneself.
Especially not letter D because from the key words in the question, Joe
is obviously sure that he has low sense of self-efficacy because he
concluded right away that he can’t do the learning task without trying
his best. 8
4. Which drive can motivate him to perform the
learning task? The drive to _____.
A. Achieve C. Affiliate
B. Have power D. To be free

Rationalization: Letters B, C, and D are eliminated to
be the correct answer because in order for the learner
to have power, affiliate, and to be free he must
achieve first the drive so he will be motivated to
perform the task.

5. To which factor can you attribute his perceived inability to
perform the task? To a factor ______________.
I. within him III. which is stable
II. outside his control IV. within his control

A. I and IV C. I only
B. II and III D. IV only

Rationalization: Letter A is the correct answer because of the
key word, “within” from the choices I and IV. Which is to be
the greatest factor in perceiving Joe the inability to perform
the task. Because when we say perceive, it is through the
senses and this happens from within. It is not letter B, C, and
D because of the key words “outside” which is not the factor
in perceiving the inability to perform the task and “stable”
which is not, instead inconstant because of possible internal
and external factors.
6. Is it possible to motivate this type of student?

A. Yes, he can do something with his ability

B. Yes, he can change the nature of his job
C. No, it is possible to motivate a student who
himself is not motivated
D. No, motivation is totally dependent on the
student. No person outside can influence him.
Rationalization: Obviously, the correct answer is letter A
because it is indeed possible to motivate a kind of student
which he can really do something according to his ability. He
can improve it for the best. Letter B is eliminated because this
is not about on Joe’s job rather his ability to perform a task
and how to motivate it. Also not letter C because there is
always a possibility to motivate a student even he himself is
not motivated or intrinsically unmotivated because there is
always extrinsic motivation that could help student to be
motivated in class or performing an activity.
7. To which problem does the case of the student
I. Unmotivated students
II. Uncaring teachers
III. Extreme difficult learning tasks
IV. Incompetent teachers
A. I and III C. II and III
B. I and II D. I, II and III 15
Rationalization: From the key words in the question above,
choice A is the most related answer because this implies to
the problem of the student itself not on the teacher. Hence,
choices B, C, and D are incorrect since it talks about the

For questions 8,9,10,11,12
Principal A wants her teachers to be constructivist in
their teaching orientation.
8. Which does he/she wants his/her teachers to do?
A. Make her students derive meaning from what is presented
B. Give the meaning of what she presents
C. Let her students construct meaningful
sentences based on the lesson
D. Require her students to come up with a
construct of the lesson
Rationalization: According to Jean Piaget, Constructivist Approach
indicates that human create knowledge through their own
experiences which is applicable in outcome-based learning. Therefore,
letter A is not the correct answer because it is the perennialist
approach where a student is dependent to the teacher who embraces
spoon-feeding in which a student will just explain the meaning of what
is presented to him/her. The same with letter B, that’s why it is
eliminated. Letter D could be the answer but letter C is much closer to
constructivism teaching because choice D focuses on the construction
of something that is unclear. While letter C in able student to provide
meaningful sentences that could come up with one’s own experiences
that is relevant to the lesson.
9. Which one should teachers then avoid?
Students _____________.

A. reflection
B. memorization of facts for learning
C. inquiry
D. self-directed learning
Rationalization: Letter B is the correct answer because of all
choices only letter B doesn’t implied constructivist teaching,
instead it talks about the role of memorization in teaching
and learning. Because when we say constructivism, it allows
student to reflect, inquire, and acquire self-directed learning
through personal experiences. Therefore, letter B is the
correct answer.

10. Which material will teachers most likely

A. Controversial issues
B. Unquestionable laws
C. Open-ended topics
D. Problems or cases
Rationalization: In teaching constructivist approach, a
teacher should avoid using material that engages to
unquestionable laws. Because it may lead students to
conclusion right away without wondering and questioning
why and how it happens. So choices A, C, and D are
eliminated because these may be used by the teacher in
teaching constructivist approach. Whereas this may lead to
inquire learning in their own and learn from their experiences
on how something happened and proven.
11. On which assumption/s is the principal’s action
I. Students learn by personally constructing meaning of
what is taught
II. Students construct and reconstruct meanings based
on experience
III. Students derive meaning from the meaning that
teacher gives
A. I and III C. I and II
B. I only D. II only 23
Rationalization: It is not letter A because option III doesn’t
imply constructivist teaching which it focuses on what
teacher gives to students. This may lead to teacher-centered
teaching. It is not letters B and D because both are correct
answers that’s why letter C is the correct answer which
compose of constructing meaning of what is taught and
construct and reconstruct meanings based on experience.

12. What do the school campus expression
“promdi” and “barriotic” indicate?

A. The powerlessness of the poor

B. Low literacy rate of the country
C. The power of the rich
D. The prevalence of ethnocentrism
Rationalization: From the word “promdi” and “barriotic”, it
describes to people who live in provinces. Additionally, this
indicates ethnocentrism where a lot of culture and ethnicity
belong together. Alike in school, there are diversity of
learners with different economic status, intelligences, etc. but
they have one goal and that is to learn and be educated. So
letter D is the correct answer. Not letters A, B, and C because
from the key words in the choices, it doesn’t depicts good
school campus expression. In which it focuses on one-sided
party, a school campus should forbidden.
13. Professor B once said: “ We talk of developing critical
thinking among our students, but when they disagree
with us, we get offended.” To which Filipino trait does
this point?
A. Inquisitiveness of the Filipino Youth
B. The lack of seriousness among Filipinos
C. Extreme authoritarianism
D. Lack of subjectivity
Rationalization: The key words in the question are “they disagree with
us, we get offended”. In that sense, it describes that Filipino has this
extreme authoritarianism. Which people who are in the authority
trying to be close-mind in the ideas, opinions, and suggestions of
other people especially those inferior to them. They wanted their
ideas to be followed without any consideration to others. It is not
letter A because it talks about ability of Filipino being curious
everytime. Neither B because the question doesn’t portray
seriousness of Filipino. Nor lack of subjectivity because the situation
did not literally talked about opposing the ideas of the other party but
rather it only shows the behavior of someone being superior all the
time. 28
14. Between pursuing a college course where there is no
demand and a vocational course which is highly in demand,
the students usually opt for the college course. Which
Filipino value is demonstrated?
A. Importance of Education
B. Penchant for a college diploma
C. Desire for entrepreneurship
D. Interest to obtain a skill
Rationalization: All choices could be the answer but only
letter B shows practicality out of all choices. Because if you
will graduate college and have a diploma, entrepreneurship
and skills could be attained onwards as long as you have the
diploma that you could present if you are going to apply a
job. Since that is one of the major requirements in finding a
job. And it is not letter A because the question trying to know
the reason on why students opt to college course even it is
not demand, and not about the importance of education at
all. 30
15. Lecturer C narrates “ I observe that when
there is an English-speaking foreigner in class,
more often than not, his classmates perceive him
to be superior.” To which Filipino trait does this
A. Hospitality C. Colonial mentality
B. Friendliness D. Lack of confidence
Rationalization: The situation above describes the colonial mentality
of Filipinos. Wherein colonial mentality is defined as the perception of
ethnic and cultural inferiority and a form of internalized racial
oppression. That means when an English-speaking foreigner in class
seems to be superior because of the ability to speak English fluently. It
is not letters A and B because both are positive traits of Filipino while
the situation is negative that’s why it is eliminated. Also not letter D
because the situation doesn’t portrays lack of confidence of Filipino
people. In fact Filipinos has different level of confidence where they
tend to compete internationally and globally because of their
overflowing confidence.
16. To ensure that all Filipino children are functionally
literate, which mechanism is meant to reach out to
children who come from a barangay without a
A. Mobile teacher
B. Multi-level classroom
C. Multi-grade classroom
D. Sine Eskwela 33
Rationalization: The correct answer is letter A because from the key words in the
question, it is a duty and responsibility of a mobile teacher to conduct BLP (Basic
Literacy Program) in remote barangays in the country. In order for those illiterate
out-of-school children able to learn basic literay skills. It is not letter B because
multilevel classrooms refers to student- centred classrooms in which students
learn across two or more grades and are taught by the same teacher for two or
more years. Neither letter C because a multigrade classroom simply means
that there is more than one grade in the room who are working and learning
together. Nor letter D because Philippine children's television series produced by
ABS-CBN Foundation, Science Education Institute of the Department of Science
and Technology and the Department of Education, Culture and Sports. The show
aims to educate children about science. It was alternatively known as a School on
17. Which program of the Department of
Education is an offshoot of the Filipino
bayanihan spirit?
A. Every Child A Reader Program (ECARP)
B. Brigada Eskwela
C. Child-Friendly School System
D. The Basic Education Curriculum 35
Rationalization: It is not letter A because accordingly, The ECARP is a
national program that addresses the thrust of DepED to make every
Filipino child a reader at his/her own level. It is designed to equip
elementary pupils with strategic reading and writing skills to make
them independent young readers and writers. Letter C is not the
correct answer also because child-friendly school system is based on
the simple premise that schools can and should operate in the best
interests of the child. And should be provided conducive and
appropriate learning environment. Not either letter D because Basic
Education Curriculum is a system impose to provide students life long
learning skills in order to be globally competitive. So, letter B is the
correct answer because it promotes bayanihan among parents-
teachers association for the opening of the classes. 36
18. According to Erikson, what years are
critical for the development of self-

A. High school years C. Preschool years

B. Elementary years D. College years
Rationalization: According to Erikson’s Psychosocial Theory,
preschool years is the years where self-confidence of a child
critically development ages around 3-5 years old. It is not
letter B because elementary years ranges 5-11 years old is
when a child develops his competence on something either in
schools activity or games. Not either letter A because high
school years of a child ages 11-18 years old started to have
identity-crisis. Also not letter D because college years is now
at the stage of intemacy vs isolation where a person longing
to have intimate relationship towards others ranges 18-40
years old. 38
19. At the high school level, Kohlberg’s advice to teachers is for them
to begin discussing with students about the abstract principles
such as justice and human rights. On the average, in which moral
development stage are high school students supposed to be?
A. Post conventional stage
B. Conventional stage
C. In between conventional and post conventional stage
D. That depends on the school culture

Rationalization: According to Kohlberg’s Moral Development, Post-
Coventional Stage is the stage where a high school student started to
know about the universal principles like justice and human rights in
Stage 6: Universal Principles. Wherein student has now the ability to
determine abstract moral concepts. It is not conventional stage
because in this stage a child learn to obey the rule set by the society as
well as the law. It is not especially letter C because obviously
conventional stage is already eliminated. And letter D is not the
correct answer because of the key word “depends” infact it doesn’t
depends upon school culture but rather depends on the stages of
20. Teacher H begins a lesson on tumbling by demonstrating front
and back somersaults in slow motion and physically guiding his
students through the correct movements. As his students become
more skillful, he stand back from the mat and gives verbal
feedback about how to improve With Vygotsky’s theory in mind,
what did Teacher H do?

A. Guided Participation
B. Peer interaction
C. Apprenticeship
D. Scaffolding
Rationalization: The correct answer is letter D because
from the they words in the question, “demonstrating” and
“Vygotsky’s theory in mind” this talks about scaffolding that
describes appropriate assistance given by the teacher to
assist learner performed and accomplished the task given.
It is not letter A because this can be fall into scaffolding
which it give guidance to learner. Also not letter B because
the choice emphasizes peer interaction which talks about
person’s learn socially. Which doesn’t answers the question
above about theory of mind. Especially not letter C because
apprenticeship was not mentioned.
21. Which is essential in the cognitive development of persons
according to Vygotsky?

A. Independent thinking
B. Social interaction
C. Individual mental work
D. Scientific thinking

Rationalization: It is not letters A and C because obviously
it describes learning through oneself from the word
“independent” and “individual”. And it’s not letter D because
Vygotsky’s Cognitive Development is not scientifically
learned but rather through social interaction. Hence, the
correct answer is letter B.

22. Teacher X asked her students to describe how their families
celebrate holidays. Students can discover that people celebrate
holidays differently. Which principle in cognitive development
governs Teacher X’s teaching activity?

A. Social interaction is essential for cognitive Development

B. Children often think in different ways at different ages
C. Cognitive development involves relating new information to
prior knowledge
D. Children actively construct their knowledge
Rationalization: The correct answer is letter A because
only choice A corresponds on learning through social
interaction provided the celebration that been celebrated
differently. And letters B, C, and D are eliminated because
these are the studies of Jean Piaget’s Cognitive
Development that comes through different stages.

23. Rodel gave a wrong answer. Teacher said “Wrong! You
are way off”. As a consequence other students in the class
were afraid to answer questions. Which of the following is
illustrated by the event?

A. Ripple effect C. Severity error

B. Halo effect D. Central tendency Error

Rationalization: Accordingly, ripple effect is a series of
consequences by a single action or event. So the correct
answer is letter A because of a wrong feedback of the
teacher to a student’s answer, this caused other students to
be afraid on answering. It’s not letter B because when we
say halo effect it base on a bias action where a teacher
focuses to a single student everytime. This causes a
negative effect to other students also, like having A
favoritism inside the classroom. Neither C nor D because
both are on rating the scores which isn’t questioned in the
question above.
24. Who of the following authors would most help
Teacher Lito to understand the underlying
effects of poverty on academic achievement?

A. Maslow C. Piaget
B. Dewey D. Kohlberg

Rationalization: It is not letter B because Dewey studies
Progressivism which is a student learns by doing that is not related
to the question itself. Not either C because Piaget’s studies
Cognitive Development that goes on with stages. Not even letter D
because the study of Kohlberg is Moral Development that is nothing
to do with the question above. Thus, letter A is the correct answer
because Maslow proposed Hierarchy of Needs that may help
Teacher Lito to understand the effect of poverty on academic
achievement. Since as a student, it is one of our basic needs to
pass the course we are enrolled. And Teacher Lito maybe observe
the unfavorable effects of poverty to student’s academic
achievement. So he wanted the determine and understand the
reason behind.
25. You are convinced that whenever a student
performs a desired behavior, provide reinforcement
and soon the student learns to perform the behavior
on her own. On which principle is your conviction

A. Cognitivism C. Constructivism
B. Behaviorism D. Environmentalism

Rationalization: From the key word “behavior” in the
question, the correct answer is behaviorism because
according to John Watson, a behavior is learn through
process. That’s why reinforcement is needed so students
will respond to it until the desired behavior is achieve.It’s not
Cognitivism because according to Jean Piaget, a child learn
through adaptation following stages. On the other hand, it is
not Constructivism because this is learning base on one’s
own experiences. No either Environmentalism because this
learning comes through the environment itself.
26.What is an application of BF Skinner’s Operant
Conditioning Theory?

A. Use of ICT in the classroom

B. Constructivist teaching
C. Computer-based self instruction
D. Action research

Rationalization: Out of all the choices, only letter C
integrates reinforcement. Which a student has the
opportunity to learn within himself following a process. It is
not letters A, B, and D because letter A is an example of
Progressivism approach, while letter B is Constructivism
that base on one’s own experiences and letter D is
Progressivism also. Which a student tend to learn through
inquiry-based approach.

27. If a child is bitten by a large, black dog, the
child may fear not only that black dog but
also other large dogs. Which conditioning
process is illustrated?

A. Discrimination C. Acquisition
B. Extinction D. Generalization
Rationalization: The correct answer is letter D because
from the key words above, “fear not only that black dog but
also other large dogs”. This means that a child generalizes
that all dogs able to bite. It’s not letter A because it doesn’t
shows discrimination at all in the question. Neither B nor C
because the question doesn’t talk about extinction or even

28. What was Gagne’s hierarchical theory propose
for effective instruction?

A. Sequence instruction
B. Reward good behavior
C. Be concerned with the socio-emotional climate
in the classroom
D. Teach beginning with the concrete
Rationalization: The correct answer is letter A because all
other choices may fall to sequence instruction which
Gagne’s Hierarchical Theory suggested that learning task
can be organized hierarchically from concrete or complex.
Wherein stimulus-responses also recognize by a good
behavior that should be rewarded. Also, socio-emotional
changes in a classroom setting should be considered.

29. Watson applied classical conditioning in his
experiments and the results showed that the behavior is
learned through stimulus-response associations,
specifically the development of emotional response to
certain stimuli. This helps us in _________________.

A. interpreting reflexes as emotions

B. understanding fears, phobias and love
C. connecting observable behavior to stimulus
D. understanding the role of overt behavior
Rationalization: From the key word in the question
“stimulus”, obviously letter C is the correct answer because
it corresponds to the question that a behavior is learned
through stimulus-response. Letters A, B, and D are
eliminated because these are not connected to the question

30. Learning styles refer to the preferred way an individual
processes information. Classify a student who learns
best through verbal lectures, discussions, talking things
through and listening to what other have to say. He/she is
a/an ______________.

A. visual learner C. analytic

B. auditory D. global

Rationalization: Though the key words itself, “verbal lectures,
discussions, talking things through and listening”, this learning is
achieved sense of hearing. A learner who embraces this kind of
learning is called auditory learner. It’s not A because from the
word “visual”, a learning through sense of sight. Neither C
because analytic learner is learning by thinking their
experiences. Nor D because from the word “global”, it is a kind of
leaner that open widest range of ideas and concepts within and
beyond the country.


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