Lesson 1: Making Moral Decisions and Avoiding Temptations / Vices

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Homeroom Guidance 10

Quarter 4. Module 1

Lesson 1
Making Moral Decisions
and Avoiding Temptations / Vices
What is Moral Decision Making?
Moral decision making is having the ability to decide
which is the right course of action once we have
spotted the ethical issue.

Sometimes this can be very difficult, as multiple

options may seem morally defensible (or, perhaps, no
options seem morally acceptable).

Sometimes people face difficult ethical choices, and it

is hard to fault them too much for making a good faith
choice that they think is right but turns out to be
When it comes to making moral decisions, we
often think of the golden rule: do unto others
as you would have them do unto you. Yet,
why we make such decisions has been widely

Are we motivated by feelings of guilt, where we

don't want to feel bad for letting the other person
down? Or by fairness, where we want to avoid
unequal outcomes?
Decision Making Steps
4 Ways to Avoid Temptation
In a study, published in the October 2019 Personality and Social
Psychology Bulletin, the researchers found that the following four
strategies, when planned ahead, are generally more effective
than waiting until you are face to face with whatever tempts you
and forced to try to resist at the moment:

1. Situation Selection. Whenever possible, avoid any

situations where you know you will confront
For instance, if you’re tempted to eat junk food, stay
away from fast-food restaurants (don’t even drive by),
and don’t go down the snack or baked-goods aisles
of the supermarket (or any other aisle that’s filled with
temptation). cravings/201911/4-ways-avoid-temptation-and-
4 Ways to Avoid Temptation
In a study, published in the October 2019 Personality and Social
Psychology Bulletin, the researchers found that the following four
strategies, when planned ahead, are generally more effective
than waiting until you are face to face with whatever tempts you
and forced to try to resist at the moment:

1. Situation Selection. Whenever possible, avoid any

situations where you know you will confront
For instance, if you’re tempted to eat junk food, stay
away from fast-food restaurants (don’t even drive by),
and don’t go down the snack or baked-goods aisles
of the supermarket (or any other aisle that’s filled with
temptation). cravings/201911/4-ways-avoid-temptation-and-
4 Ways to Avoid Temptation

2. Situation Modification. If you can’t completely avoid a

situation that may involve temptation, do what you can to
reduce the pull. If you’re at a party or a club and trying not
to drink alcohol, stay as far away from the bar as possible.
Try to connect with other non-drinkers.

 3. Distraction. Divert your attention away from temptation.

For instance, if you’re trying not to overeat or over-drink at
a party, stay engaged in conversations and always have a
glass of water in hand to sip on.

4 Ways to Avoid Temptation

2. Situation Modification. If you can’t completely avoid a

situation that may involve temptation, do what you can to
reduce the pull. If you’re at a party or a club and trying not
to drink alcohol, stay as far away from the bar as possible.
Try to connect with other non-drinkers.

 3. Distraction. Divert your attention away from temptation.

For instance, if you’re trying not to overeat or over-drink at
a party, stay engaged in conversations and always have a
glass of water in hand to sip on.

4 Ways to Avoid Temptation

4. Reappraisal. Change the way you think about the

temptation so it becomes less appealing. Craving that
double cheeseburger? Remind yourself that if you give in,
you’ll be eating ground-up animal muscle and artery-
clogging fat.

You can try to neutralize most temptation by exerting self-control, but

it’s not always easy. By proactively initiating these self-control
strategies—by planning ahead—the researchers say you have a better
chance of resisting temptation, which, in turn, can help you move
more quickly toward reaching your long-term goal of changing bad
habits to good, once and for all.
Short prayer to avoid temptations
1. Lord, I thank you for saving my life despite being a sinner.
2.Lord, I thank you for your protection from the devil and
my enemies.
3.Gracious father I seek your grace in times of trouble.
4.Lord, I ask for strength to redeem me from my lustful
5.Eternal God, I cannot do anything without you, so save me
from myself.
6.Lord Jesus, teach me to be contented with whatever you
have blessed me.
7.I ask for the Holy Spirit to strengthen me in times of my
weaknesses to overcome any temptation I may encounter.
8.Lord Jesus, teach me your word to guide my paths in
dangerous times. Amen.
Activity #1: My Personal Steps in Decision-making

As a Grade 10 learner, you are expected to somehow be able to

make decisions in your everyday life. This activity will determine your
knowledge and skills in decision making.

1. Prepare a sheet of paper and fold it crosswise. Copy the illustration below
and complete the activity.
2. On the left side of the paper, recall a significant event from your past
when you made a correct/appropriate decision which led to a positive
outcome. While on the right side, cite a significant event when you made a
wrong/inappropriate decision which led to a negative outcome. Share things
which you are comfortable to discuss with your teacher.
3. Begin with the nature of the problem. Reflect on the steps that you take
leading to your decision.
4. Answer the processing questions after.
Activity #1: My Personal Steps in Decision-making

Processing Questions:
1. How did you feel when reflecting on the decisions you made in the past?
2. What are the steps that you identified and followed in making your personal
3. What have you learned from the results of your decisions in the past?
Activity #2: What Will I Do?

To further test your decision making skills, analyze the

decision-making scenarios below. Read carefully and reflect
on the important steps in the decision making process. Write
your answer on a sheet of paper.
Scenario #1:
You dream of being a part of the school’s basketball
team. To achieve that, you think that you should practice
every day. Two of your classmates who are already
members of the team constantly size up your efforts. They
make fun of you for practicing and for working hard. One
day, they asked you to hang out with them. They told you
that if you will join them and do things for them, they will
recommend you to the team coach. What would you do?
Activity #2: What Will I Do?

Scenario #2:
Someone in your class cheated on a test. You know for a
fact that he, together with your friend, were writing answers on a
small note before the test. When the test papers were given, your
teacher congratulated him for getting the highest score. You are
confused about reporting that he cheated as your friend might
also be punished as well for helping him. What would you do?
Processing Questions:
1. How did you feel while deciding for the given scenarios?
2. What are the factors that you considered in making your
3. What important insights have you gained from the decisions
you have made?

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