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What is Emotional Intelligence

Why Does it Matter, Can it be

Developed and How Do You
Assess it?
Emotional Intelligence
Defined MHS 2005

“an array of non-cognitive capabilities, competencies and skills that

influence one’s ability to succeed in coping with environmental
demands and pressures”
— Reuven BarOn
“the ability to perceive emotions, to access and generate emotions so as
to assist thought, to understand emotions and emotional meanings,
and to reflectively regulate emotions in ways that promote emotional
and intellectual growth”
— Salovey & Mayer
“the capacity for recognizing our own feelings and those of others, for
motivating ourselves, and for managing emotions well in ourselves
and in our relationships”
— Daniel Goleman
Why Emotional Intelligence?

“There is a growing body of research

findings that scientifically
demonstrates that emotional
intelligence predicts how well we
perform at home, school and in the
Reuven Bar-On, Ph.D.
December 16, 2004
Why Focus on Emotional Intelligence in
Higher Education?

“It is clear that academic success goes hand in hand with

emotional and physical well-being. College is a fresh start for
many students, but dysfunctional coping styles can cripple
their efforts. Even students who “get by” or succeed
academically can be at risk if unhealthy behavioral patterns
follow them after college. Promoting emotional health in
students is an investment in the future. It should be part of
the mission of all colleges and universities.”

Dr. Richard Kadison, Chief of Mental Health,

Harvard University

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Specific Issues to Address Emotional
Intelligence in Higher Education
Address issues that connect with student success
 Experiencing Stress
 Feeling overwhelmed
 Not getting along with others
 Giving up
 Engaging in destructive behaviors

Address General Education Outcomes

 Writing
 Presenting
 Problem Solving
 Ethical Behavior
 Working in Teams
 Having Global Perspectives
 Lifelong Learning
 Appreciation for Diversity and Diverse Perspectives
From Greater Expectations: A New Vision for
Learning as a National Goes to College (AAC&U
The Empowered Learner
 Communicates effectively
 Has the ability to manage change
 Works within diverse groups

The Informed Learner

 Understands the human imagination, expression, and
the products of many cultures

The Responsible Learner

 Has deep understanding of one’s self and respect for the
complex identities of others, their histories and their
Identifying skills successful students
have or need to develop
Emotional self-awareness
Reality testing
Problem solving
Stress tolerance
Impulse control
Social responsibility
Interpersonal relationship
What is the BarOn Model?
Emotional Competencies
(BarOn EQ-i®)
MHS 2005
SCALES  Reality testing
 Self-regard
 Emotional self-awareness
 Flexibility
 Assertiveness  Problem solving
 Independence
 Self-actualization  STRESS MANAGEMENT
 Stress tolerance
SCALES  Impulse control
 Empathy
 Social responsibility  GENERAL MOOD
 Interpersonal relationship
 Optimism
 Happiness
The Foundation
Adapted from: The Cannon Emotional Competence Model
Kate Cannon, Author
and Personal &
results in Interpersonal
which Effectiveness
predicts Effective  Self-Actualization
Relationships  Happiness
 Interpersonal
is related
Interpersonal Relationships
 Independence
 Empathy
plus Coping Skills  Social Responsibility
 Impulse Control  Assertiveness
 Stress Tolerance
Self Awareness  Problem Solving
 Emotional
 Flexibility
Self-Awareness  Optimism
 Self-Regard
 Reality Testing

Frances Clendenen – beBetter Networks, Inc.

Some recent Findings Examining the
Impact of EQ on Student Success
• Higher achieving students demonstrated higher Total EQ, Intrapersonal Skills,
Stress Tolerance and Adaptability
• Students who are anxious or depressed get lower grades/lower achievement

• Students who can delay gratification earn better grades and have an average of
210 more points on their SAT tests

• Students who respond to setbacks with hope and resilience vs. anger and
hopelessness achieve higher academic and social success

• Low levels of empathy are associated with poor achievement

• Resiliency training can improve the resiliency of students

• EQ skills can be enhanced in a college transition course

How Does EQ Differ From IQ?
MHS 2005
 Focus: developing an  Focus: developing one’s
understanding of and an cognitive abilities; more
ability to manage emotions academically oriented
 Can be enhanced  Generally thought to be largely
throughout one’s life established at birth and cannot
be enhanced
 Recently understood to be an  Has been traditionally used to
important predictor of one’s predict potential for one’s
potential for success success
 Fosters understanding and  Allows development of needed
management of own emotions knowledge base

 Promotes positive relationships  Enables development of

technical skills and abilities

 Increases self-motivation and  Enables conceptual thinking


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