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Lesson 11.

If you are a male,
do you notice the
broadening of
your shoulders?
For females, you
might have
enlargement of
your chests.
All of these changes
are part of puberty.
Do you know what
puberty is?
Try it!

Changes During Puberty

1. Draw an outline of a human being on each illustration board.

2. Create small slips of paper containing the following texts at
the side.
3. Stick the small slips of paper based on what puberty change
occur into the corresponding parts.
4. Do this for all the characteristics.
Try it!

Expected Changes
development of breasts acne

menstruation broader shoulders

hips become wider pubic hair

armpit hair adam’s apple more visible

increased height growth of facial hair

increased armpit sweat deeper voice

Learn about It


● Puberty typically starts at ages

8–13 for females, and about
9–14 for males.

● However, it may vary from

individual to individual. The ages for puberty can vary
from person to person.
Learn about It

Reproductive Maturity

● Reproductive maturity refers

to the physical capability of a
person to reproduce.

● Puberty prepares a person for

reproductive maturity. Puberty prepares a person for
reproductive maturity.
Learn about It

Primary Sex Characteristics

● Primary sex characteristics

refer to organs specifically
needed for reproduction.

● These organs are the vagina,

uterus, and ovaries in females The ovaries are a primary sex
characteristics in females.
and the penis and testes in
Learn about It

Secondary Sex Characteristics

● The physical characteristics that develop during puberty
are called secondary sex characteristics.

Growth of armpit hair

Learn about It

Secondary Sex Characteristics

● Hormones are responsible for the development of these

Growth of armpit hair

Learn about It

Secondary Sex Characteristics

● Examples of secondary sex characteristics are the growth
of hair in different parts of the body or the development of
breasts in females.

Growth of armpit hair

Learn about It

Secondary Sex Characteristics

Boys Girls
Growth of hair in pubic regions Growth of hair in pubic regions

Increase in size and strength of muscles Enlargement of breasts

Enlargement of the larynx and deepening

Beginning of menstruation
of voice

Widening of shoulders Broadening of hips

Further development of testes Further development of ovaries

Growth of hair in armpits Growth of hair in armpits

Learn about It

Secondary Sex Characteristics

These are changes that

occur during puberty
among male and female
Learn about It

● Gonadarche refers to the development of the reproductive
organs, or gonads, during puberty.

● The gonads in males are the testes and the ovaries in


● When the brain releases pituitary gonadotropins, the

gonads grow and mature.
Learn about It

Hormones and Puberty

● Hormones have both an
organizational and activational

● This is evident in the regulation

of puberty.

Hormones released by the glands

Learn about It

Hormones and Puberty

● The organizational role of
hormones is to prime the body to
behave in a certain way once
puberty begins.

● The activational role of hormones

is to trigger certain behavioral
and physical changes. Hormones released by the glands
Learn about It

Endocrine glands
• Your endocrine glands secrete chemicals, called hormones,
into the bloodstream which carries them throughout the
• Many endocrine glands make up your endocrine system
• the endocrine system is responsible for many reactions
such as influencing how your heart beats, how your bones
and tissues develop, and even your capacity to have a baby
Learn about It

• Hormones help regulate body processes such as growth,
development, metabolism, and response to stimuli

• male hormones are produced in the testes while female

hormones are produced in the ovaries.

• hormones act in very small amounts.

Learn about It
Table I. Major Glands in the body, with their
functions, locations, and the hormones that
they release.
Learn about It
Learn about It
Learn about It

• The pituitary gland is called the master gland because it

regulates many body processes.
Key Points

● Primary sex characteristics

Primary sex characteristics refer to organs specifically needed for reproduction.

● Puberty
Puberty happens in preparation for sexual maturity. It is initiated by various hormonal
signals from the brain to the reproductive organs or gonads.

● Gonadarche
Gonadarche refers to the development of the reproductive organs, or gonads, during
puberty. These are the testes and the ovaries.
Check Your Understanding

Write true is the statement is correct and false if otherwise.

1. The primary sex organs of females are the cervix and the
2. An example of a secondary sex characteristic of females is the
growth of facial hair.
3. Gonadarche refers to the first menstruation.
4. Gonadotropins are required for the gonads to mature.
5. The testes produce testosterone necessary for puberty.

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