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Lesson-3 ( क्षेत्रीयता र संघियताको अवधारणा )

Concept of Regional Development and Federalism

What basic ideas should the students learn from this lesson ?
• What is development ?
• Why do we need development ?
• What is regional development ?
• What is federalism ?
• Who is known as the father of federalism ?
• Types of federal structures in the world
• Advantages and Disadvantages of federalism .
• Basis of state restructuring according to federal structure
Previous map of Present map of
Nepal Nepal


Need of development

To make the life of human straightforward

To increase the self dependence and competence
To ensure economic and social transformation
To change traditional thought into contemporary
What is Regional development ?

Regionalism is another name of unitarism . It is the process

of economic development of whole region’s economic ,
social and political . It is the concept of decentralization
where country is divided into many regions where
particular regions are given more priorities to its overall
Concept of Federalism ( संघियताको अवधारणा )
The country is transformed into a federal structure for the
proper distribution and mobilization of resources and for
the proportional development of all sectors by reducing
economic, social and religious discrimination. The federal
structure is an important concept of decentralization. This
will enable the people to make proper use of the resources
of their area, earn income, consume it and participate in
the development of their place and become responsible.
Johannes Althusius
Johannes Althusius is considered the father of federalism. He introduced the concept in 1603
to keep his city, Imden, independent of France. In particular, he advocated that his city should
be independent of France, that the people should be able to meet their own needs and lead a
comfortable life. This concept is believed to have later created a federal form
Types of federal structures in the world:

Dual federal Competitive Prescriptive

structure federal structure federal structure
Types of World’s climate and factors affecting to the
What is climate ?

Climate is the average

weather in a given area
over a longer period of
Climate is the long-term pattern of weather in a particular area

Climate is the long-term pattern of weather in an area, typically

averaged over a period of 30 years
The average weather conditions prevailing in an area in general or over
a long period is called climate .
What is climatic region and Zone ?
Climatic region refers to a continuous geographic area in which similar climate
characteristics are observed

A climate zone is a large geographical territory of the world classified on the basis of
the weather types and its experience
A climate zone is a classification of the type of weather that is
experienced in a specific geographic region of the world. Climate
zones are differentiated based on average temperatures and the
amount of precipitation that occurs in an area.

The broad climate zones are polar, dry, humid tropical and moist
mid-latitude. Climate zones have subclimates with more specific
determining factors. Some examples include tundra, icecap,
desert, tropical wet, humid subtropical, humid continental and
subarctic. The length and severity of winters and summers, along
with the types of vegetation found in the area, can determine a
geographic region's subclimate group (or groups
Let’s watch one video about climate
What are the factors affecting to the climate of the world ?
Climate is affected by
latitudinal extension. Towards
the equator (also called lower
latitudes), climate is hotter
whereas, towards the poles
(also called higher latitudes),
the climate is colder. It
happens mainly due to two
Distance from sea
Slope of Mountain
Presence of
Nature of wind
Ocean current
Towards the equator, sun rays are
straighter. In the equatorial region,
they are vertical or overhead. They
cover less distance from the sun to
earth and cover smaller areas of the
earth. Hence, they are more
powerful. In higher latitudinal areas,
sun rays are more inclined to cover
larger geographical territories and
they are less powerful. Take a
magnifier and experiment yourself.
the equatorial part is nearer to the
sun. That is why the equatorial region
is hotter.
Generally means the height
of land surface or relief
features. In geography, 'relief'
refers to the highest and
lowest elevation points in an
area. Mountains and ridges
are typically the highest
elevation points. The higher
we go, the cooler we feel and
the lower we are, the hotter
we feel. In higher altitudes,
temperature decreases by 1°C
for every 160m to 165m
It happens because the density of
air in the higher altitudes is less. To
be more precise, there are less
atmospheric pollutants in higher
altitudes. Dust particles and other
air pollutants which absorb the
heat of the sun are heavier and
cannot be taken to greater height
by the wind. They are more
accumulated in the lower altitudes
resulting in the absorption of heat
of the sun and making the surface
hotter. Land elevation also
determines the pattern of rainfall.
Ocean current
Lithosphere (land mass) is
heated quickly and gets
colder quickly but
hydrosphere (water mass)
takes longer time to be
heated and cooled. That is
why the condition of
temperature near sea areas is
always mild-neither cold nor
Moreover, land areas near
the sea get affected by the
sea breeze that contains
water molecules and, hence
get rainfall almost regularly.
But the land areas far away
from the influence of the sea
lack both of these aspects.
These areas are affected by
the land breeze which is
generally dry and, hence the
climatic condition is extreme
Slope of Land
The slope (side) of land that
faces towards the direction
of the wind is called
windward slope and back to
it is called leeward (also
called rain shadow area)
slope. Windward slope gets
more rainfall because it gets
direct influence from the
moisture-laden wind.
On the leeward slope, the wind is
dry and causes no or less rainfall.
Pokhara gets enough rainfall and
because it lies on the windward
whereas Manang and Mustang are
dry valleys that lie on the leeward
sides of the Annapurna range
respectively. Moreover, the slope
of land towards the equator is
likely to have warmer conditions of
temperature because it gets
affected by solar radiation. In
contrary to this, the land areas
facing poles are cooler.
Presence of Mountain
Mountains affect climate by
blocking wind and receiving more
rainfall than low lying areas. As air is
forced over higher ground, it cools,
causing moisture to condense and fall
as rain. Not only this, mountains also
block winds from one direction to
another. The Himalayas in Nepal block
monsoon wind in summers and cause
no or less rainfall in Tibet. The same
Himalayas block severely cold and dry
wind blowing from north to south
resulting in less severe winter
conditions in the south.
Nature of Wind
Moisture laden wind keeps the
climate mild whereas dry wind
makes the climate dry. In summers,
the land area gets heated quickly
hence wind starts travelling from
high pressure area to low pressure
area (sea to land). During winters,
the land area is much colder than the
sea area, hence wind's movement is
from land to sea This movement of
the wind is also observed on diurnal
(within twenty-four hours) as well.
The climate of an area under the
influence of land breeze is, that is why
dry and extreme. For example, Nepal is
affected by moisture-laden wind that
comes a from the Bay of Bengal during
summers and gets enough rainfall but
not in winter. During winters, the
western front of Nepal is more affected
by westerly coming from the
Mediterranean Sea and gets more
rainfall than the east. In summers, the
Terai region of western Nepal is
affected by höt and dry wind coming
from the Thar desert .
Soil can also influence climate on a smaller
scale. Soils that are wetter or denser hold
heat and stabilize the surroundings from
temperature changes than the drier and
looser soils. Natural variation in soil
properties can lead to areas with better
moisture and heat storage than their
surroundings. Cities, where there are fewer
plants and less exposed soil, often
experience what is called a 'heat island'
which means that the city is warmer than
other nearby areas. That is why soil is often
regarded as the modifier of earth's
It is generally observed that
the land area where natural
vegetation is abundant
experiences moist climatic
conditions whereas the
areas with less or no natural
vegetation have dry climate.
Natural vegetation affects
climate due to the natural
Tropical Zone
At the end of this lesson , Student will be explore
these questions answers by themselves
 What is Tropical Zone ?
 What things determine the climatic zone ?
 In which climatic region does Nepal lie ?
 Who are Masai and Hausa ? How do they earn their living ?
 What are the features of vegetation and climate of equatorial region ?
 What are the tropical grassland called ?
 The camel is called “Ship of the Desert “. Why ?
 Tropical grassland is called “Zoo of the world “ . Why ?
 The equatorial climate is hot and wet throughout the year . Why ?
 What is selvas ?
 What is Oasis ?
What is Tropical Zone ?
The Zone which lies between 0̊̊
degree to 30 degree latitudes in
both hemisphere of the earth is
called Tropical Zone .
What are the features of Tropical Zone ?
Due to direct
sunlight rays ,
there is hot
throughout the
year and amount
of rainfall is high
On the basis of temperatures ,air pressure and amount of
rainfall , there are four types of climatic region are found

Equatorial Tropical Grassland Tropical Desert Tropical Monsoon

Climate or Sudan Type
Climate climate
Climate Climate
What is Equatorial Climate ?

The climate which is found between 0 to 5

degree latitudes of equator is called
Equatorial Climate
What are the features of
Equatorial climate ?

There is hot , wet , humid ,convectional rainfall , the day and night is
equal as well as climate does not change throughout the year
The natural vegetation like evergreen forest , dense forest , creeper plants , tall trees ,crops are
found due to good amount of rainfall

The dense evergreen forest found in Amazon basin is called Selvas .

The trees are tall , broad-leave ,evergreen and 90 % species animals of the world is found
here . Many reptiles and amphibians animals like snakes ,lizards ,
frogs ,chimpanzes ,leopard ,gorilla,crocodile and hippopotamus are found here
Agriculture production
The major occupation is agriculture because good rainfall and appropriate
climate .Agricultural products are paddy ,coconut ,
sugarcane ,maize ,coffee,tea,spices,cocoa ,banana,tobacco
Effects on Lifestyle

The lifestyle of the people in equatorial climatic region is primitive and very difficult due to
the hot and wet climate Red Indians of Amazon basin and Pygmies of Congo (Zaire) basin
are the indigenous nomadic tribes of this climatic region. As industry and commerce are not
well developed here, the people earn their living from hunting and gathering, animal
husbandry and temporary farming. Though the climate is suitable for agriculture, it is not
appropriate for human settlement. But in the South East Asia, people have made
advancement due to influence of European contact and civilization. Indonesia, Malaysia and
Singapore are its examples. The population density is also high there. The people are
involved in trade, industries, tourism etc.
The indigenous tribe who lives in Zaire basin is called
Pgymies .
Tropical Grassland Climate
Climatic Region:
Tropical grassland climate is found between 5° to 20 latitudes the inner part of
the continents. Sudan, South African plateau, Brazilian plateau,Orinoco basin,
inner part of northernAustralia, Deccan and Shan plateau are the main regions of
this climate, As the main region of this climate is Sudan of Africa, it also called
Sudan type of Climate and Savanna Grassland .
The tropical grassland which is found in Africa is called Savana Grassland . It is the largest
grassland of the world . It is also called zoo of the world because varities of animals and birds
are found in this region . This is the home all animals .That’s why it is called zoo of the world
Features of Tropical Grassland
Summer is very hot and winter is warm and often dry in this region. Trade wind causes
rainfall during summer ranging 50 to 150 cm. As this climatic region is between equatorial
region and tropical desert region, the rainfall is more towards the equatorial region and
less towards the tropical desert region.
Natural Vegetation and Animals

Rainfall not enough to grow a dense foren. So, only De long grasses are found here. The
tropical gland is called Llanos in Orinoco basin, Cemps in Brazilian plateau, and Savanna
in contral African region Savanna grassland is also called "Zoo of the World because varieties
of animals and birds are found in this region. This pon is the home of many herbivorous and
ivorous animal like deer, gazelle, antelope, hes, giraffe, clephants, hion, tiger, leopard,
hippopotamus and thinoceros Some of common birds found in these regions are Outch,
Emus, Cassowary, Rhea etc. These birds mostly flightless and live in the region where there
are few trees
Oh ! Shit . I
forgot to call
Agricultural Production:
The major occupation of the people living in the areas where
enough water and irrigation facility is available . Oilseed , Cotton,
Tobacco , sugarcane, maize, wheat etc. The indigenous tribes live
their life by hunting wild animals.So this region is also called “Land
of Big Games “Cattle rearing is another occupation of people .
Wood ,Leather ,dairy product etc are the animal production of this
As this region experiences and dry climate, it is not appropriate for the settlement. Most of
the population is living in primitive way. Some indigenous of Central African region like Masai
and Hausa living their nomadic life. The level of mic development is not uniform in e tropical
region. There are some pastoral who depend on animal husbandry and sce agriculture. The
population density My lew There is higher possibility of tourisim development . Most parts of
tropical grassland converted into National Parks and Wid Lale Reserves Nowadays, thousands
of y visit there every year for entertainment
Tropical Desert Climate
Tropical desert climate is found roughly between 20 to 30 degree latitudes in the western
part of the continent . It is also known as “Hot Desert “ . This type of climate is found in
Sahara and Kalahari Desert in Africa , Iranian and Thar Desert in Asia , Atacama Desert of
South America , Arizona and Mexican Desert in the America, the Great Australia Desert in
Australia . As this type of climate is mainly found in Sahara region of Northern Africa , it is
also called “Sahara type of Climate “
Climatic Characteristics

This climate is very dry and hot. Due to the quick heating and cooling
nature of sand, there is higher gap between the maximum and
minimum temperature. The temperature at day rises up to 49°C and
at night it fall up to 10°C. There is very less rainfall because there is no
influence of rain bearing wind blowing from sea.
Natural Vegetation and Animals
Trees cannot grow due to the lack of rainfall. Dry and hot climate supports only
thorny plants like cactus to grow in this region. Such plants have very long roots
to reach the underground water. The plants like cactus has tiny, waxy and
leathery leaves to prevent the loss of moisture. Some animals such as Camel
can live without or very little water for a long time. They store fat in their
humps which can be broken down to provide water and energy. Camel furs can
trap a layer of air which acts as insulator and help keep their body cool during
day and warm during night. They have very tough lips and tongue which
enables them to nibble (chew) thorny desert vegetation. They have thick
cyebrows to protect them from sand storm and broad feet to enable them to
walk easily on the sand. The desert fox snakes, lizards, gazelle, hyenas, donkeys
and horses are also found in the desert.
Agricultural Productions
The main ocucciation of the people in tropical desert is
agnculture and cattle rearing. It can only be done in the
Oasis where water is available and land is fertile.
Wheat, barley, on tobacco, maize, oilseed, sugarcane e are
the agricultural production of this region.
Effects on Lifestyle
As the tropical desert climate is hot and dry, it is not appropriate for human activities. So
life in the desert is extremely difficult. Agriculture, industry and commerce are not well
developed here. Nomadic tribes live in small numbers by hunting and food gathering. In
oasis, people have permanent settlements. They five in houses with thick mud walls and at
roofs. The Bushmen of Kalahari Desen, Aborigines of Australian desert and
Bedouins of Arabian Desert are the native ribe of hot deserts. A few of the desert areas
are attracting immigrants due to rich mineral deposits like petrol and gold. Nowadays
development activities are increasing. Construction of infrastructure and businesses are
growing rapidly. The people have now started commercial agriculture and animal
husbandry by using modern technology.
Everybody calls me
Ship of the Desert .
But why ?

It is the most dependable

means of transportation in
desert area . It is used as a
means of transportation for
carrying people and goods . It
can easily walk and live without
drinking water for many
days .that’s why it is considered
as Ship of the Desert .
Tropical Monsoon Climate
Tropical Monsoon Climate
Tropical monsoon climate is mainly found between 5° to 30°
latitudes in the Southern and South-Eastern part of the Asia. This
climate is also found in Northern Australia, South-East Africa, South-
West Africa, South East Brazil, Caribbean region and Eastern islands
Here summer is hot and wet and winter is cold and dry During summer, there is low air
pressure over the land and high air pressure over the sea. So summer monsoon blows from
sea to land and causes enough rainfall in this The annual rainfall ranges from 50 cm to 200
cm depending on the place. As the winter monsoon blows from land to sea, it does not
cause rain. Thus, this climate is also as "Summer Rain Climate". There are three
seasons: summer, rainy and winter is unreliable and the amount fluctuates greatly from year
to year.
Natural Vegetation and Animals:
Deciduous forest is the main natural vegeta this region. Sal, bamboo, Sisau etc are
the major species of trees. Besides this, ever forest, tall grasses, thomy bushes
and scrubs are also found in various parts depending the amount of rainfall and
altitude. This Region is known for its wide varieties of Animals. The climatic
condition and natural vegetation of this region favors the existence of different
species of birds, animals and insects. Many wild animals like leopard, tigers, wild
buffaloes, wild yaks, Asian elephant, Indian and Javan hinoceros, elephant, lions,
monkeys, langurs, orangutan, gibbons etc live in this climatic region.
Javan Rhinocerous
Agricultural Production:
The tropical monsoon climate is appropriate for agriculture, industry and trade.
The major occupation of the people in this region is agriculture. The high air
pressure, enough rainfall, fertile soil, plain land, facility of irrigation, cheap labor
cost etc are supporting for the enough agricultural production. Beans, maize,
barley, wheat, paddy etc are the major agricultural products of this region. Cash
crops like tobacco, tea, coffee, sugarcane, cotton, jute etc are also produced
Forest product and animal product are also produced sufficiently here. Paddy is
the main crop. There are many mineral industries as well
Effect on lifestyle:
This climate is most appropriate among the climates found in tropical
zone. It is suitable for agriculture, industry, trade and human health.
It is rich m human civilization and culture. The population density is
high. About one-third population of the world lives in this region. This
is the common habitation of the people representing different
culture and civilization. The regions where human civilization
originated and developed on the valley of Rivers Indus, Brahmaputra,
Ganges and Irrawaddy also lie in this climatic region.

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