Unit III: Object Oriented Programming in

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Unit III

Object oriented Programming in

1 Sub Procedures and Functions
• A procedure contains a series of statements
that are executed when called.
• After execution of a procedure the control
returns to the statement calling the
• Function –returns values
• Sub procedure –does not return values
1.1 Sub Procedures
• The Sub statement is used to define procedures
• Sub keyword indicates start of a Sub procedure
• End keyword indicates end of procedure
• Modifiers specify the access level of the procedure,
possible values are
• Private
• Protected
• Public
• Friend
[modifiers]Sub Subname[(parameter list)]
End Sub

• Sub name – name of procedure

• Parameters- list of parameters
WAP to find area of circle
Module Module1
Sub area(ByVal r As Double)
Dim a As Double
a = 3.14 * r * r
Console.WriteLine("area of circle " & a)
MsgBox("area: " & a)
End Sub

Sub Main()
Call area(4)

End Sub

End Module
We can pass parameters to procedure by 2
1 parameters by value(ByVal):
ByVal means that a copy of the provided value
will be sent to the procedure
2 parameters by reference(ByRef):
ByRef in means that a reference to the original
value will be sent to the procedure.
1.2 Function
• The function statement is used to define
functions like a Sub procedure but it can
return a value of a particular data type.
[modifiers]Function functionname[(parameter
list)] As returntype
End Function
WAP to find area of circle
Function area(ByVal r As Double) As double
Dim a As Double
a = 3.14 * r*r
Return a
End Function

Sub Main()
Dim a1 As Double
a1 = area(4)
Console.WriteLine("area" & a1)

End Sub
2 Class and object
• Class is a collection of data members, methods
and properties and events
• It is used to define new datatypes
• Class is referred as user defined datatype.
• Class is a blue print for an object
• To use class we need a object
• [Access specifiers] Class Classname
End Class
• Variables or fields to represent data
• Methods or operations to performed on that
• Properties which are used to access the
private data
• Events to perform some activities when occur.
2.1 Field in class
• Field is a member of a class which holds data
• Syntax:
[Access specifiers] variable_name As [Datatype]

• Access constraints are defined using access

• datatype of a variable states which type of
data it can hold
Example of field
Public Class Employee
private empname As String
private empid As Integer
End Class
2.2 Object
• An object is a real time entity which can be used to access
the class
• It is a instance of a class
• Object is used to access the members of a class
• To declare an object “Dim” statement and “New” keyword
is used.
• Eg: Dim obj as New classname()

• To access methods
• Objectname.Methodname()
Dim objectname As classname= New classname

Dim objectname As New Classname()

Simple Program
Public Class test
Sub disp()
Console.WriteLine("Welcome ")
End Sub

End Class
Sub Main()
Dim obj As New test


End Sub
3 Access specifiers
• Private – private members are accessed within class
• Public – public members are accessed to anyone
• Friendly- they are accessible to methods of any class in
friend class(within class +within project )
• protected- can be accessible from containing class
types inherited from containing class(within
class+derived class).
• Protected friendly- they are accessible to methods of a
class, methods of derived class from it(derived class+
+within class +within project).

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