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Function: to express a relationship between

two words in a sentence, specifically between
a noun, verb or adjective and a noun or
Basic information
There are around 150 one-word prepositions in English and their meanings often
change depending on the context they are used in, for example:

● We will go to the cinema on Sunday (in this context on is a preposition of

● The bread is on the table (in this context on is a preposition of place)

Understanding the differences between contexts comes from practice of reading and
listening to English, the more you read the more you will understand. If you are
ever confused about how a preposition is being you can check each of its meanings
in a dictionary.
Types of preposition
● Place - under the bed, beside the table, through the park
● Time - on Sunday, at 3 o’clock
● Movement - towards the horizon, over the bridge
● Manner - by train, by boat
● Means - with a blunt instrument
● Accompaniment - without a job
● Possession - a friend of mine
● Purpose - done for charity
Most commonly used prepositions: At, in and

1. I started doing martial arts … school and then went on to study …

drama college
2. I’m an actor and I spend a lot of time auditioning for roles … the
theatre and in films
3. When I’m not auditioning, I’m often rehearsing or reading through a
script … home
4. That’s why my heart lies … theatre acting, because it’s more structured
5. But … college I was … a course that didn’t do street dance
● When we think of a place as a point, not an area (including at home,
at school, at work, at university):
The delivery man is at the back door
The cars were waiting at the barrier
● To talk about an event with a number of people:
We’ll both be at the party this evening
The students were at the seminar about virtual reality
● When we think of a place as an area or space:
He had his workshop in the basement of his house
The headquarters of the company are located in Silicon Valley
● For cars and taxis
● Normally with in class, in hospital, in prison, and in court
● With people of things which forms lines:
She was prepared to wait in a queue for hours for the new iPhone
● With the world:
Paella is the greatest meal in the world
● To talk about a position in contact with a surface:
They post announcements on the walls of the building
The frying pan is on the cooker
● With border, coast, road to, the outskirts of, the edge of, the way to/from:
On the border between France and Germany, there was a bakery selling
bread and pastries
● With means of transport (apart from cars and taxis)
● For technology:
He spends hours on his phone
● With left and right:
There is a sharp bend in the road on the left
Activity 1

1. In old spy films they often exchanged prisoners … the border

2. Over two hundred guests were … the wedding reception
3. He kept all of his rubbish … his attic rather than getting rid of it
4. Their head office is … a prestigious part of the capital
5. The criminals who burgled my flat will be … court tomorrow
6. We played football all day … the new pitch
Activity 2 ( correct the incorrect sentences)

1. They waited patiently on the back door for him to come back
2. They had to wait all afternoon at the queue for the opera tickets
3. That snake is reputed to be the most poisonous on the world
4. All the cutlery is on the tray ready to be carried into the dining room
5. She used to own a luxury villa on the outskirts of a medieval town
6. The facilities in that cruise ship are incredible
Activity 3
1. There are lots of fortified castles … the border between Spain and
2. A lot of children are failing to achieve at school because they are
spending too much time … their phones
3. He damaged his car quite badly because he didn’t see the vehicle parked
… the left until too late
4. I saw several old friends … the festival
5. I didn’t set out early enough and got stuck … a traffic jam … the M25
ring road
6. The last time I saw that talented young actor was on the stage … the
Royal Shakespeare Theatre
Prepositions of place
1. Above a. Higher than
2. Across b. On the other side of
3. Alongside c. In the middle of two or more
4. Behind d. From one side to the other
5. Below e. Covering something or above
6. Between f. Move in a circular movement
7. From g. At the side of
8. Inside h. Be in the inner part of something
9. Near i. External, opposite of inside
10. Opposite j. Lower than
11. Outside k. On or to the other side
12. Over l. At the back of something
13. Past m. From one side to the other
14. Round n. In the direction of
15. Through o. In close proximity to
16. Towards p. Showing where something starts
Prepositions of place answers
1. a
2. d
3. g
4. l
5. j
6. c
7. p
8. h
9. o
10. b
11. i
12. e
13. k
14. f
15. m
16. n
Prepositions of manner
Prepositions of possession

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