Science f1 (Chapter 5)

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Chapter 5

The air around us Udara disekeliling kita

Composition of air Komposisi udara

The air that surrounds the earth is known as the atmosphere. Udara yang meliputi bumi dikenali sebagai atmosfera.

Composition Komposisi Nitrogen Oxygen Carbon dioxide Inert gas

Percentage Peratus 78 % 21 % 0.03 % 0.97 %


Largest component of air Komposisi udara yang terbesar Inactive gas Gas yang tidak aktif


Necessary for respiration, combustion, rusting and decay Diperlukan untuk pernafasan, pembakaran, pengaratan dan pereputan

Released during photosynthesis Dibebaskan semasa fotosintesis

Dissolved in water, is taken in by the aquatic animal and plants Larut di dalam air, digunakan oleh haiwan dan tumbuhan akuatik.

Carbon dioxide

Carbon dioxide
Released during respiration, burning and decay Dibebaskan semasa pernafasan, pembakaran dan pereputan Absorbed by green plants during photosynthesis Diserap oleh tumbuhan hijau semasa fotosintesis

Properties of oxygen and carbon dioxide

Ciri-ciri oksigen dan karbon dioksida

Solubility in water
Properties Sifat Solubility in water Keterlarutan dalam air Oxygen Oksigen Slightly soluble Sedikit larut Carbon dioxide Karbon dioksida Slightly soluble Sedikit larut

Experiment: Invert a test tube full with oxygen/ carbon dioxide into a beaker of water

Observation: Level of water rises a little in the test tube

Solubility in sodium hydroxide

Properties Sifat Solubility in sodium hydroxide Keterlarutan dalam natrium hidroksida Oxygen Oksigen Not soluble Tidak larut Carbon dioxide Karbon dioksida Very soluble Sangat larut

Experiment: Invert a test tube full with oxygen into a beaker of sodium hydroxide

Observation: Sodium hydroxide solution does not rise in the test tube

Experiment: Invert a test tube full with carbon dioxide into a beaker of sodium hydroxide

Observation: Sodium hydroxide solution rises to fill up the test tube

Test with wooden splinter

Properties Oxygen Carbon dioxide

Test with a glowing wooden splinter Ujian dengan kayu uji berbara Test with a burning wooden splinter Ujian dengan kayu uji menyala

Splinter ignites Kayu uji menyala

Splinter goes out Kayu uji terpadam

Splinter ignites Kayu uji menyala

Splinter goes out Kayu uji terpadam

Test with moist litmus paper

Test with moist litmus paper Ujian dengan kertas litmus

Oxygen (neutral)
No effect Tiada perubahan

Carbon dioxide (acid)

Change moist blue litmus paper to red Menukarkan kertas litmus biru kepada merah

Test with lime water

Test with lime water Ujian dengan air kapur

No change Tiada perubahan

Carbon dioxide
Turns cloudy Bertukar keruh

Test with bicarbonate indicator

Test with bicarbonate indicator Ujian dengan penunjuk bikarbonat

No change Tiada perubahan

Carbon dioxide
Change the colour from red to yellow Bertukar dari warna merah kepada kuning

Both oxygen and carbon dioxide are colorless (no color) and odorless (no smell) Oksigen dan karbon dioksida tidak mempunyai warna dan tidak berbau Oxygen supports combustion Oksigen membolehkan pembakaran The presence of oxygen can be shown by using glowing wooden splinter Kehadiran oksigen boleh dilihat dengan menggunakan kayu uji berbara
Ignites a glowing wooden splinter Menyalakan kayu uji berbara

Carbon dioxide is acidic Karbon dioksida adalah bersifat asid

The moist blue litmus paper turns red Kertas litmus biru lembap bertukar kepada merah

The presence of carbon dioxide can be shown by using lime water Kehadiran karbon dioksida boleh dilihat dengan menggunakan air kapur
The lime water turns cloudy Air kapur bertukar keruh

Oxygen need for respiration

Respiration is a process which involves the inhalation (breath in) and exhalation (breath out) of air Pernafasan ialah proses yang melibatkan menarik nafas dan menghembus nafas.

When a person breathes in air (inhale), oxygen is taken in to oxidize (burn away) food In the form of sugar (glucose) within the cells. This process produces energy, carbon dioxide and water Apabila seseorang menarik nafas, oksigen masuk untuk mengoksidakan (membakar) makanan dalam bentuk gula (glukosa) didalam sel. Proses ini menghasilkan tenaga, karbon dioksida dan air.

Respiration process

Glucose + oxygen water + carbon dioxide + energy

Composition of inhaled and exhaled air

Composition of air Nitrogen Inert gases Oxygen Carbon dioxide Heat Water vapors Inhaled air 78 % 0.9 21 % 0.03 % 25 oC Less Exhaled air 78 % 0.9 16 % 4% 37 oC More

Oxygen is needed for combustion

Combustion is a chemical reaction that occurs between substance (fuel) and oxygen. This process gives out heat and light. Pembakaran adalah tindakbalas kimia yang berlaku antara bahan bakar dan oksigen. Proses ini menghasilkan haba dan cahaya. For combustion to take place, there must be oxygen, fuel and heat. Untuk suatu pembakaran berlaku, mesti terdapat oksigen, bahan bakar dan haba.

Common fuel
Ex; coal and wood

Ex; candle, petrol and diesel

Carbon + oxygen heat + light + carbon dioxide

Hydrocarbon + oxygen heat + light + carbon dioxide + water vapour

Effects of air pollution Kesan pencemaran

Air pollution occurs when there are substances in the air that are harmful to human health and environment Pencemaran udara berlaku apabila terdapat bahan di udara yang merbahaya terhadap kesihatan manusia dan persekitaran These foreign substances are called pollutants Bahan asing ini dipanggil sebagai bahan cemar

Pollutant and their effects

Pollutant Bahan cemar Carbon dioxide Effects Kesan Increases temperature Meningkatkan suhu Greenhouse effect Kesan rumah hijau Breathing difficulties Masalah pernafasan Low visibility Jarak penglihatan rendah Haze Jerebu Thins ozone layer Menipiskan lapisan ozon


Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC)

Nitrogen oxide and sulphur Acid rain dioxide

Major effects of pollution

1. Health issues
Pollutants are harmful to the lungs and respiratory system (ex; lung cancer) Bahan cemar berbahaya kepada paru-paru dan sistem pernafasan (contoh; kanser peparu)

2. Greenhouse effect
Carbon dioxide is trapped in the air, heat from the earth cannot escape into outer space. Temperature on earth rise, resulting global warming Karbon dioksida terperangkap didalam udara, haba dari bumi tidak keluar ke angkasa lepas. Suhu di bumi meningkat, menyebabkan pemanasan global

3. Acid rain
Formed when the nitrogen and sulphur dioxide dissolve in rain water Causes object rust and death of aquatic organisms and plants

4. Ozone layer
Air pollution reduces the thinckness of the ozone layer (layer that protect earth from UV rays) Over explosure to ultraviolet rays may cause skin cancer and damage to eyes

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