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Reading and
Writing SKills
With Sir Jared
“The Lord is my shepherd I shall not
-Psalm 23:1

There was girl named Karen. Karen is living an

exemplary life. A 17-year-old girl who is studying
in STEM university. Karen never had any friends.
Everyone in the school called her “weirdo” and
kept away from her. One day at the prom, Karen
felt bad and went to the bathroom. An hour later,
she was found dead. Someone hit her on the
head from behind. Based on the initial
Suspect 1 :What? Who is Karen? I
don’t even know her.

Suspect 2 :What? We’ve been friends
since childhood. Why would

Suspect 3 : No, I did not kill her. I was

dancing with my boyfriend.
It’s for ALL!

Which word would

you use if you needed
to describe a person
who does not have all
their fingers on one
It’s for ALL!

If a plane crashes right on

the boarder between the
Canada and the United
States, where should they
bury the survivors?
It’s for ALL!
Mrs. Brownie despite
her name loves the color
pink. Her bungalow is
decorated entirely in the
bubblegum color: pink
carpet, furniture,
curtains, even the walls
are pink. What color do
you imagine the stairs
It’s for ALL!

What do you
sleep on, sit
on, and
brush your
teeth with?
It’s for ALL!
There were three highly
important rooms in the house of
an extremely important man.
One room is filled with valuable
secret documents. The second
room was full of money; and in
the third room, the man kept
expensive jewelry, but one day
an arsonist set the house on fire
and all the highly important
room burst into flames. Which
of the rooms did the police start
to extinguish the fire first and
walk in
the park.
5 Minutes
You are tasked to quickly write
about the books, movies, or other
media you have liked. In your
notebook, write for 5 minutes
about the things you like and did
not like from books, movies, or
any other media you have recently
At the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
1. Define and explain the purpose of evaluative
statements in critical reading;
2. Analyze and evaluate a text to form their own
evaluative statements;
3. Develop and use critical thinking skills to support
their evaluative statements; and,
4. Apply their understanding of evaluative
statements in daily life situations.
What is Critical Reading?
requires critical thinking. It means evaluating
an author’s support for a point to determine
whether that support is solid or not, that a
reader applies certain processes, models,
questions, and theories that result in
enhanced clarity and comprehension.
“Character is like a tree
and reputation like its shadow.
The shadow is what we think
of it; the tree is the real thing.”
-Abraham Lincoln
What is the point that Abraham Lincoln is
proving based on the above quotation?
a. Character is more substantive than reputation.
Reputation is more easily seen, but it is not real.
b. Character and reputation are synonymous with
each another.
c. Reputation is more important than character.
“In the end, we will remember
not the words of our enemies,
but the silence of our friends.”
-Martin Luther King, Jr.
What is the point that Martin Luther King, Jr. is
proving based on the above quotation?
a. Silence of friends is golden.
b. Friends are more important to us than
c. We will remember the betrayal of our friends
more than the attacks of our enemies.
d. Betrayal is morally wrong.
Critical reading provides high reflective skills
which allow you to stand back and look at the
text from different perspectives.
It lends you the ability to see and evaluate
how a text presents arguments.
3 Ways to Read Critically:

1.Separating fact from opinion;

2.Detecting propaganda;
3.Recognizing errors in reasoning.
Separating fact from opinion:
FACT-Information that can be proven true through
objective evidence. Facts can be checked its
accuracy and thus proven true.
At least four out of five adults will experience
lower back pain at some point in their lives.
Separating fact from opinion:
OPINION-a belief, judgement, or conclusion
that cannot be objectively proven true.

The best treatment for lower back pain is
physical therapy.
Detecting propaganda:
Propaganda is communication that is primarily used to
influence or persuade an audience to further an agenda,
which may not be objective and may be selectively
presenting facts to encourage a particular synthesis or
perception, or using loaded language to produce an
emotional rather than a rational response to the
information that is being presented.
Propaganda techniques:
Testimonials-you are convinced to use a product because it is
endorsed or confirmed by a well-known personality.
Recognizing errors in reasoning
Circular reasoning (Fallacies that ignore the issue)-
The supporting conclusion is really the same as the
Allan Gordon is a great manager because he is so
wonderful at managing.
Recognizing errors in reasoning
False cause (Fallacies that oversimplify the issue)- to
assume that because B follows event A, event B was
caused by event A.

Example: My favorite TV Show was moved to a

different time slot this season. No wonder it’s now
getting canceled.
For group 1, access the link:
For group 2, access the link:
For group 3, access the link:
For group 4, access the link:
1.What is the author's main argument
or claim?
2.What evidence does the author
provide to support their argument?
3.How effective is the author's
An evaluative statement is a way of giving a better
explanation to show the strength and weaknesses of
something through writing. It presents value judgment
based on a set of criteria. It is the writer's way of
explaining why strength is a strength and weakness is
a weakness based on the evidence gathered (Belino,
Further, according to Hernandez et al. (2017), an
evaluative statement is an objective and tactful
way of reacting to a text.
As defined by Tiongson (2016),
assertions are "declarative sentences
that claim something is true about
something else." These sentences may
either be statements of truths or
Read the following examples:
1. The Sampaguita's roots are used for medicinal
purposes, such as anesthetic and sedative.
2. The Sampaguita belongs to the genus Jasmin of
the family Oleaceae.
3. The popularity of the Sampaguita flowers is most
evident in places of worship.
4. Sampaguita is the most beautiful and most
fragrant of all flowers.
4 Common Types of Assertions
(Tiongson, 2016)
The first type of assertion is FACT.
The second type of assertion is CONVENTION.
The third type of assertion is OPINION.
The fourth type is PREFERENCE.
The first type of assertion is FACT.
This is a claim or statement that can produce
objective proof or evidence through direct
experience, testimonies of witnesses, verified
observations, or research results. Since this type
of assertion can be easily checked through
consulting various sources, people usually agree
on the truth it provides.
The first type of assertion is FACT.

The Sampaguita's roots are used for
medicinal purposes, such as anesthetic
and sedative.
The second type is an assertion of the CONVENTION

This is "a way in which something is done, similar

to traditions or norms." These assertions solely rely
on existing laws, rules, usage, customs, and
historical precedent available.
The second type is an assertion of the CONVENTION

The Sampaguita belongs to the genus
Jasmin of the family Oleaceae.
The third type of assertion is an OPINION.
This statement is based on facts. While facts can be
proven objective, opinions are hard to prove as this
would have to rely on reliable and sound proofs.
Tiongson (2016) said, "The more ambiguous an opinion
is, the more difficult it is to verify." The statements
commonly leave room for discussion and disputes.
The third type of assertion is an OPINION.
The popularity of the Sampaguita flowers is
most evident in places of worship.
The fourth type of assertion is
Preference relies on personal choice. These
are entirely subjective assertions that cannot
be objectively proven.
The fourth type of assertion is
Sampaguitas is the most beautiful and
fragrant of all flowers.
Look for a partner and list at least five
assertions you have heard in your community.
Identify if it is a fact, convention, opinion, or
preference. Use ½ sheet of paper for this
Complete the following statement:
Write a note here

I am a critical reader
Copy a note, drag to ________________________________________________________________.
the board, and write
your ideas.
Critical reading helps me
That is why, I must
Copy a note,
drag to the _________________________________________________________________ Write a note
board, and write
your ideas.
________________________________________________________________. here
Thoughts to Ponder:
Our ability to think is not exactly
useful, if we cannot translate this
masterful thoughts into speech and

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