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Pavani Raju

Mba 4th sem

European Monetary System

The European monetary system is a multilateral adjustable

exchange rate agreement in which most of the nations of the
European economic community linked their currencies.
Fixed Exchange Rate

It is a rate which the government sets and maintains at the same level.

-Confidence and certainty for trade and investment decisions.

-Avoids speculation in forex market
-Helps government to check inflation

-Need to maintain a large foreign exchange reserve

-Discouraging the objectives of having free markets
-May result in undervaluation or overvaluation of currencies
Flexible Exchange Rate
It is a rate that varies according to the market forces

-Operates to remove external instability by change in forex rate

-No need to maintain gold reserves
-Eliminates problem of undervaluation and overvaluation of currency

-International trade and investment is discouraged due to the uncertainty caused

by currency fluctuations
-Encourages Speculation
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