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Michael Faraday Electricity

 Inventions- generator,
forerunner and electric motor
 1831 and 1821
 electricity makes life easier
for us.
 discoveries about the Moon,
Jupiter's moons, Venus, and
 1589 to 1610,
 Inventions- telescopes,
celatone, galileo's micro
Nikola Tesla inventor
 Inventions – tesla coil,
radio and remote control
 From 1891 to 1898
 Usages – Tesla coil:
entertainment and
educational displays
Vinton Cerf and Bob
Khan Internet

Invention- the important

Internet protocols (IP) and
(TCP) In January 1,1983
• If electricity makes life easier for us, you can thank Michael
• He made two big discoveries that changed our lives. In 1821, he
discovered that when a wire carrying an electric current is
placed next to a single magnetic pole, the wire will rotate. This
led to the development of the electric motor.
• Ten years later, he became the first person to produce an
electric current by moving a wire through a magnetic field.
Faraday's experiment created the first generator, the forerunner
of the huge generators that produce our electricity.

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