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Human Reproductive
Anatomy and Physiology

• This module provides an overview of the basic

anatomy and physiology of both the male and
female reproductive systems.

• Knowledge gained from this module will help

service providers understand better the mode of
action of the family planning methods related to the
human reproductive anatomy and physiology.

• To explain human reproductive anatomy and

physiology as basic knowledge to the effective
delivery of family planning methods.

Session 1 - The Female Reproductive System

Session 2 - The Male Reproductive System

Session 3 - The Concept of Fertility and Joint


The Female Reproductive

Learning Objectives

• Identify the parts of the external and internal female

reproductive system.

• Discuss the functions of the parts of the female

reproductive system.

• Describe the physiological changes that occur during a

woman’s menstrual cycle.

• Relate the menstrual cycle to the mechanisms of action

of modern FP methods of family planning methods.
Female external reproductive organ
Female internal reproductive organ
Menstrual cycle

• Begins on the first day of menstrual bleeding and

ends the day before menstrual bleeding occurs

• Average length is 26-35 days.

• Menstrual bleeding normally lasts from three to

five days.
Menstrual cycle


January 5 then February 3

January 24 then February 19

March 14 then April 12

March 7 then April 9

Menstrual cycle

Phases of the menstrual cycle

Pre-ovulatory phase

Ovulatory phase

Post-ovulatory phase
Menstrual cycle
What happens if fertilization occurs

• The fertilized egg produces Human Chorionic

Gonadotropin (HCG) hormone

• What happens due to HCG:

Corpus luteum is maintained

Estrogen and progesterone is sustained

No shedding of the endometrium

No menstruation

Pregnancy test is positive

Menstrual cycle

• Relating FP to menstrual cycle changes

• Why are women on hormonal contraceptives not


• Why are most women on the progestin-only

injectables, like DMPA, not having menses?

• Why is the temperature higher after ovulation?

• Why does the cervical mucus thicken?


The Male Reproductive

Learning Objectives

• Identify the parts of the external and internal male

reproductive system.

• Explain the functions of the parts of the male

reproductive system.
Male reproductive

The Concept of
Fertility and Joint Fertility
Learning Objectives

• Explain the concept of fertility and

joint fertility

• Fertility

Capacity of a woman to conceive and bear a child

Capacity of a man to have a woman conceive

• Joint Fertility

The united and equal contribution of the male and

female in the decision and ability to have a child.

It is necessary for both a man and a woman

to be fertile for conception.
Joint fertility
Module Exercise
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