Basic Commands - 1st To 6th Grade

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Speak English

with your English teachers in recess

with your classmates for permissions

Short Phrases
• Is there a ball?

• Is there my lunchbox/ bottle?

• Hurry up!

• I lost my money/pencil/etc.

• I forgot my money at home.

• Where is Ms../Mr. _______?

Short Phrases

• Am I leaving?

• My school bus, it’s in the parking lot

• I forgot my book/notebook/pencil case/etc.

• I forgot my materials in the classroom.

• Let’s go out to play, it’s recess time.

Short Phrases that you can use in your daily life

• Let’s do it
• Let’s go
• Come here
• Follow me
• This way, please
• Right this way
• Keep doing what you’re doing
• Wait (here/there)
Short Phrases that you can use in your daily life

• Stay still/ stand still / don’t move/stay right there

• Try again/ one more time
• Stop right there
• Try it
• Help me/him/her/etc.
• Give it to me/her/etc.
• Be quiet
• Stop that/ it
Short Phrases that you can use in your daily life

• Don’t do that
• Be careful
• Pay attention
• Ask him/her/etc
• Let go (of that/it)
• Leave it (here/there)
• Put it here/there
In class
• Open your book, please.

• Take out your notebook.

• How can I say _____________ in English?

• Pick up the trash!

• Organize the classroom/chairs/backpacks.

• Make the lines.

• Open the door / Close the door.

• Turn on / off the light.

In class
• Let’s turn off the (fans, and lights) before going to recess

• Turn on the fans, it’s too hot.

• Turn on the light it’s too dark.

• I lost my notebook, please help me find it.

• May I borrow a sharpener/pencil/, please

• Stop bothering please or I will tell a teacher

• I am thirsty, May I go to buy water, please

Asking for permissions

• May I go to drink water, please?

• May I go to the restroom, please?
• May I go to the office to call my mom?
• May I go to the office ? Because I have a stomach ache /
fever / headache.
• Can I throw this in the trash can?
When your feel bad
e f e v e r.
n ' t fee l I have a stomach I hav
I do d
goo ache.

I have a I have flu.

headache .
Phrases that you can use !
Can I go upstairs to bring my money?

Can I go downstairs?

May I go buy to the cafeteria?

May I go to the cafeteria to buy a soda?

Tie my shoes, please

Can you borrow me a pencil please? (eraser, glue, color)

In recess
• Can you open it, please?
• May I go to wash my hands?
• Can I play with you?
• Can you heat my food in the microwave?
• Can I sit here, please?
• Enjoy your meal!
• Make the line. Take distance!
• Pick up the trash and clean the fields.
At the office
• Can you give me a pill, please?
• Can you give me medicine, please?
• I don’t feel good. Can you call my mom, please
• I need to buy a mask.

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