8 Hrs Mandatory Seminar

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Mandatory 8-hour Safety

Seminar for Workers
Conducted by:
Marlon D. Bernardo
Safety Officer-3
Mandatory 8-hour Safety and Health seminar for workers/employees


I. Introduction to OSH
• Importance of OSH
Participants will be able to express • Situationeir using company data/statistic
appreciation on OSH and recognize the MODULE-1 • Salient features of OSH legislation
importance of various data and legislation Overview 1. RA 11058 and its IRR (198-18)
relating to OSH. 2. OSH standard as amended including
related provision PD 626
3. Company OSH Policies and Programs

II. General concept on OSH

• Accident causation theories (Example Domino
Theory )
• Accident causation and prevention
1. Unsafe act and Unsafe condition
2. Accident prevention
Participants will be able to understand, learn 3. Benefits of having safety and health
MODULE-2 1-hour and 30
and discuss basic concept of OSH practices in the workplace
Understanding OSH minutes
implementation in the work place. III. Definition of terms with example
• Safety hazard
• Health Hazard
• risk
1. Low risk
2. Medium risk
3. High rsik
Mandatory 8-hour Safety and Health seminar for workers/employees


IV. Basic safety rules and meassure for workplace

• House keeping and material handling and storage
• Machine safety (types, sourcers and control)
Participants will be able to recognize safety • Electrical safety (types, sources, LOTO and
Recognizing safety
hazards and appropriate safety measure in controls) 2-hours
hazard and appopriate
the workplace • Fire safety (elements of fire, prevention and
control meassure
• Chemical safety
• Workshop
• Application of learning

V. Hazard Identification, Risk Assesment and control

• Key step in recognizing and identifying hazards
MODULE-4 1. Safety hazards
Note : SO to provide
Participants will be able to perform risk/hazard Application of hazard 2. Health hazards
practical examples
assesment, evaluation and recommended identification, risk • Risk assesment and prioritization
applicable to
measures of control. assesment and control • Aplication of controls
(HIRAC) (Elimination,Subtitustion,Engineering,Administrative
• Workshop on accomplishing risk assesment
Mandatory 8-hour Safety and Health seminar for workers/employees

VI. Work place emergency preparedness

S.O to discuss in
Participants will be able to know how to MODULE-5 • Role of OSH personnel
details the
respond in work place emergencies and Workplace emergency • Responces during emergency
emergency excution
participate during conduct of emergency drills preparedness • Conduct of emrgency drills (i.e Earthquake drill,
Fire dril, Bomb Threath)

S.O To emphasize
VII. Administrative OSH requirements
the rights of workers
• Reportorial Requirements and prescripted period of
submission (R1020, AEDR, WAIR,AMR,RSO &
MODULE-6 minutes of meeting)
Participants will be able to identify the
Compliance to • Mandatory OSH program
prescribed administrative requirements and
administrative OSH • Penalties of violators
expres commitment to OSH
S.O to get
Commitment setting
commitment from
• Re-entry plan on OSH
the workers
Introduction to
Occupational Safety and
Health (OSH)
Session Objective:

At the end of the session, the participants

will be able to explain the importance of
OSH, national OSH data

Why the need for
Occupational Safety
and Health (OSH)
Every worker or
employee has the
right to a SAFE and
HEALTHY workplace!
Occupational Safety and Health

• Occupational Safety and Health is devoted

to the recognition and control of factors
(hazard) in the workplace, which may
cause death, disability, injury, sickness, or
graet discomfort and inefficiency among
the workers.
Focus of OSH
Method Materials


Environment Equipment
Did you know?

• Every 15 seconds, a workers dies from a work

related accident or disease.

• Every 15 seconds, 160 workers have a work-

related accidents
Global OSH Data: ILO Report

340 Million Work related accidents


160 Million victims of work related illnesses

annually (causing more that 4 days

Source: International Labor Organization

Global OSH Data: ILO Report

2. Million People die each year from work-

related deseases.
321.000 People die each year from
occupational accidents.
Occupational accidents occur mostly in:
• Agriculture
• Mining
• Construction
• Comercial fishing
Global OSH Data: ILO Report

4% or over 1.25 trillion USD of

the world’s GDP is lost due to
occupational deseases and
2017-2018 Integrated survey on labor and employment (ISLE)
Number of cases of occupational accidents & injuries with and without workdays lost, Philippines 2017
and 2015 ( In blishment and employing 20 or more workers)
Cases of Occupational Injuries 2015 2017
Total establishment 30,682 32,288

Total cases 50,961 46,283

Cases without workdays loast 33,102 25,485

Cases with workdays lost 17,859 20,797

Fatal cases 156 469

Non fatal cases 17,703 20,328

Permanent incapacity cases 358 223

Temporary incapacity cases 17,346 20,105

Local scenario: ISLE 2017-2018

Top 3 industries
with cases of occupational injuries

Administrative and support
service activity
Whole sale and retail trade;
repair of motor vehicles and
2017-2018 ISLE

Injuries and
OSH Data on Occupational Injuries

INDICATOR 2003 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 2017

TOTAL CASES** 23,265 20,386 17,713 48,957 49,118 50,961 46,283
Total cases with work days lost 20,797
Superfacial injury and open wound 11,609 10,517 9,045 11,140 12,765 10,042 10,561
Dislocation, sprain, strain 3,336 2,366 2,085 2,460 2,004 2,254 2,488
Fracture 1,927 1,839 1,356 2,082 1,497 1,572 2,228
Burn, Corrosion, scald, frosbite 2,300 2,065 1,781 2,073 1,538 1,509 1,749
Foreign body in the eye 1,848 1,565 1,558 1,471 1,253 1,101 1,558
Concussion, Internal injury 1,048 694 589 953 576 880 1,442
Acute poisoning, infection 221 750 665 229 242 245 452
Traumatic, amputation 547 234 134 220 317 228 294
Others 420 356 541 2 510 28 26
OSH Data on Occupational Injuries
INDICATOR 2003 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 2017
Total cases 55,413 47,235 71,894 85,483 171,787 127,973 101,851
Work-related musculoskeletal disorder 20,603 13,296 28,574 45,572 88,454 78,716 53,893
Essential hypertention 15,806
Occupatinal asthma 6,742 8,759 4,906 3,652 8,914 8,363 11,576
Other infections 7,825 6,517 3,482 3,773 6,395 3,559 5,394
Occupational dermatitis 5,028 5,965 5,644 4,374 9,381 6,196 5,349
Other deseases 4,748
Tuberculosis - - 2,921 4,505 3,670 3,320 3,466
Other deseases caused by chemical 2,570
Heat stroke, cramps, exhaustion 631 577 633 1,044 1,792 1,078 1,309
Occupational lung deseas 1,309
Cardio-vascular deseas 1,454 854 767 2,030 1,679 1,567 987
Deafness 510 172 320 868 196 309 596
Occupational kidney deseas 351
Cataract 634 284 140 309 218 314 313

Chilled, frosbbite, freezing 150 112 37 99 268 321 253

Acute poisoning 202 189 192 91 125 N/A N/A


TOTAL 30,758 95.3

Hearing conservation program 5,985 18.5

Monitoring surveilance of occupational and work related injuries and illnesess 20,494 63.5

Healthy lifestle program 19,275 59.7

DOLE approved Construction Safety and Health program 14,117 43.7

Policy on non-discrimination of workers with PTB 16,119 49.9

Policy on non-discrimination of workers with HIV infection 14,692 45.5

Policy on non-discrimination of workers with hepatitis B. infection 15,139 45.9

Accident prevention program 22,098 68.4

Emergency response preparedness program 11,995 37.2

Tuberculosis prevention and control program 14,850 46.0

Heatstress management program 11,090 34.3

Respiratory protection program 11,995 37.2


Anti-sexual harassment program 18,673 57.8

HIV and AIDS prevention and control policy and program 15,074 46.7

Indoor air quality program 12,595 39.0

Drug-free work place policy and program 24,870 77.0

Employee assistance related to substance abuse 13,900 43.1

Hepatitis B. prevention and control policy and program 14,678 45.1

Ergonomics program 10,682 33.1

Anti sexual harassement policy 19,479 60.3

Chemical safety program 11,942 37.0

Fire prevention and control program 25,655 82.6

Others 91 0.3

 Every one has a right to a safe and healthy


 OSH is prevention of workplace injuries and


Session objectives
At the end of the session the participants will be able to:

 Discuss the various strategies for OSH administration in the


 Explain the goverment OSH regulation and other responses to

existing and potential OSH hazards.

 Identify the different OSH requirements and areas for compliance

to the OSH standards
DOLE OSH Framework
Department of Labor and Employmenmt
(Policy Regulation)

Occupational Safety and Health center Employees Compensation Commission

(OSHC) Bureau of Working Condition (BWC)
(Policy Formulation) (ECC)
(Technical Services, Research, Training) (Compensation/Rehabilitation)

DOLE Rigional Offices


Luzon Claster Visayas Cluster Mindanao Cluster

Legal bases

 Labor Code of the Philippines (PD 442, 1974)

Consilidation of labor and social laws to afford full protection to labor, promote
employment and human resources developement, and ensure industrial peace.

 OSH Standards (1978, amended in 1989)

A set of mandatory rules on OSH wich codifies all safety orders issued prior to
its promulgation.

 Republic act no: 11058 and its IRR (January 24, 2019)
An act strengthening compliance with the OSH standard and providing
penalties for violation thereof.
SECTION 2: Coverage
• It shall apply to all establishment, projects and sites and all other places where work is
being undertaken in all branches of economic activity, including;

 Establishment located inside special economic zone and other invesment promotion
agencies (e.g., Philippine Economic Zone Authority [PEZA] , Clark Developement
Corporation [CDC];

 Utilities engaged in air, sea and land transportation;

 Industries such as mining, fishing, construction, agriculture and maritime;

 Contractors and sub-contractors including those engaged in the projects of the public

NOTE: The rules does not apply to the public sector

SECTION 3: Definition of terms

Covered workplace-
Establishments, projects, Employer- Any person
Certified first aider - Any sites and all other places natural or juridical, including
person trained and duly where work is being under the contractor, and principal
certified to administer fisrt taken wherein the number of employer who directly or
aid by the Philippine red employees, nature of indirectly benefit from the
cross (PRC) or any operation and risk of hazard services of the employee
organization authorized by involve in the bussiness as
the DOLE secretary determined by by the
secretary of labor and
Like BFP, DOH and TESDA employment, require
compliance with the
provisions of DO 198-18
SECTION 3: Definition of terms
High risk establishment - refers to a workplace wherein the presense of hazard or potential
hazard within the company may effect and/or health of workers the following are workplaces
commonly associated with potential high-risk activities.

1. Chemical works and chemical production 11. Power generation, transmition and
plants distribution in the energy sector
2. Construction 12. Storage and distribution center for toxic or
3. Deep sea fishing Hazardous chemical.
4. Explossive and pyrotechnics factories 13. Storage of pertilizer in high volume
5. fire fighting 14. Transportation
6. healthcare facilities 15. Water supply, sewerage, waste management
7. Installation of communication accessories, remediation activity
towers, and cables 16. Works in which chlorine is use in bulk; and
8. LPG filling and reffiling storage and 17. Activities closely similar to those enumerated
distribution obove and other acitvities as determined by
9. Mining DOLE in accordance with existing issuances
10. Petrochemical works and refineries on the clasification of stablishments.
SECTION 3: Definition of terms

Low Risk Medium risk Imminent Danger- A Micro and small

Establishment- A work establishments- a situation caused by a enterprices (MSEs)-
place where there is a workplace where there condition or practice in Establishment
low level of danger or is moderate exposure every place of employing less than 10
exposure to safety and to safety abd health employment that could employees and the
health hazards and not hazards and with reasnably be expected establishments
likely or with low probability of an to lead to death or employing less than
probability to result in accident, injuriy or serious physical harm 100 employees,
accident, harm or illness. respectively, regardless
illness of capitalization.
SECTION 3: Definition of terms

Safety Officer-1 (SO1) Safety Officer-2 (SO-2) Safety Officer-3 (SO-3) Safety Officer-4 (SO-4)
An employee who has An employee who has -40-hour OSH training -40-hours of training
completed the completed the course applicable to the course
mandatory 8-hour OSH mandatory forty 40- industry -80-hours of
orientation course as hour OSH Training -Additional 48-hours of advance/specialized
prescrived in the OSH course applicable to the advance specialized occupational safety
standard and and 2- industry as prescribed OSH training course. training course.
hours trainer’s training. in the OSH standard. -Atleast 2-years -Aggregate of 320
expirience in OSH. hours of OSH related
training or expirience
SECTION 4: Duties... of (a) Employers
Every employer, contractor or sub-contractor, if any, and any person who manages, controls and
supervises the work being undertaken shall:

 Equip a place of employment for workers free from hazardous conditions that are causing or are like
to cause death, illness, or physical harm.

 Provide complete job safety instruction and proper orientation to all the workers, including, but not
limite, to, those relating to familiarization with their work environment.

 Ensure that, so far as it is reasonably practicable, the chemical, physical and biological substances
and agents, and ergonomics and psychosocial stresses under their control are without risk to health;

 Use only approved specific industry set of standard of devices and equipment for the workplace

 Comply with OSHS including training, medical examination, and where necessary, provision on
protective and safety devices such as PPE and machine guard.
SECTION 4: Duties... of (a) Employers

 Make arrangement for workers and their representatives to have the time and resource to participate
in the processess of organizing, planing and implementation, monitoring, evaluation and action for
improvement of the OSH management system.

 Provide, where necessary, for meassures identifying trainings and drills, evacuation plans, etc. to
deal with emergencies, fire and accidents including first aid arrengements.

 Comply with all reportorial requirements of the OSH standards

 Register establishments to DOLE as provided under the OSH standards

SECTION 4: Duties... of (b) workers
 Every worker, in order to ensure compliance with the OSH
standards, shall:

 Participate in capacity building activities on safety and health and

other OSH related topics and programs;

 Proper use of all safeguards and safety devices furnished for

worker’s protection and that of others;

 Comply with instructions to prevent accidents or imminent danger

situation in the workplace;

 Observe prescrived steps to be taken in cases of emergency;

 Report to their immidiate supervisor any work hazard that may be

discovered in the workplace.
SECTION 5: Worker’s Right to know
 The right to safety and health at work shall be guaranteed , all
workers shall be appropriately informed by the employer about sall
types of hazard in the workplace, and be provided access to training
education, and orientation on chemical safety, electrical safety,
ergonomics, and other hazard and risk.

 All worker, including new hires, shall be provided training and

information for all types of hazard in the workplace in a language or
dialect that workers can understand. training and information
materials used shal be made readily available and accessable to

 A re-orientation on safety and health for workers in high risk

establishment must be conducted regularly, not less than once a
quarter, and to be conducted immidiately followng any changes in
the operation and production process
SECTION 6: Worker’s Right to Refused Unsafe Work
 the workers has the right of refusal to work without threat or reprisal
from the employer if, is determined by DOLE, an imminent danger
situation exist.

 As a preventive measure, the safety officer may, is/her own

determination and without fear of reprisal, implement a work
stoppage or suspend operation in cases of imminent danger
situation exist in the workplace.

 The employer or safety officer cannot require the workers to return

to work where there is a continuing imminent danger. A worker may
also refuse to work until the lifting of the WSO after implementing
the appropriate control measure.

 Workers affected by the existensce of an imminent danger situation

maybe temporarily assign to other areas within the workplace
provided there is no impending issue with safety and health.
SECTION 7: Worker’s Right to Report Accidents

 Workers and their representatives shal have the rights to report

accidents, dengerous occurences and hazard to the employer, to
DOLE and to other concerned competent goverment agencies. they
shall be free from any form of retaliation for reporting of any

 Reporting of accidents to DOLE maybe made through any means of

communication, including the DOLE hotline, whichever is most
convenient to the worker. the same may be reported to the nearest
DOLE regional, field, provincial or satelite office having jurisdiction
ever the place of the incident.
SECTION 8: Worker’s Right to Report Accidents
 Every employer, contractor or sub-contractor, if any, shall provide his/her
workers, free of charge, PPE for any part of the body that maybe exposed
to hazards, lifeline, safety belts or harness, gas or dust respirators or
mask, and protective shields wheanever necessary... the cost of the the
PPE shal be part of the OSH program which is separate pay item
persuant to the section 21 of this rules.

 All PPE shall be of the appropriate type as tested and approved by the
DOLE based on its standard and/or other means of verification.

 The usage of PPE in all establishment, projects, site and all other places
where work is being undertaken shall be based on the evaluation and
recomendation of the safety officer.

 All PPE must be of appropriate zise, weight and type to specific workers
exposed to hazards from which PPE are meant to ensure effective

 Failure to provide appropriate PPE in high risk activities shall give rise to
the right of worker to refuse unsafe work.
SECTION 9: Safety Signage and Devices
All establishment, projects, sites and all other places where work
is being under taken shall have safety signage and devices to
warn the workers and the public of the hazards in the workplace.

Safety signage and devices shall be posted in prominent

position at strategic location in a language understandable to all,
and i accordance to OSH standard on color of sign for safety
instruction and warnings, globaly harmonized system, (GHS)
pictograms, construction safety, clasification and lebeling of
chemicals, radiation, safety instruction and warnings signs, set
by DOLE. all signage shall also be of appropriate quality to
ensure their ligibility (Table II. P190)
SECTION 10: Safety in the Use of Equipment
In relation to the use of equipment , such as but not limmited to,
earth moving equipment, heavy duty equipment, materials
handling equipments, and construction equipment, the eployer,
contractor or sub-contractor, if any, most comply with OSH
standards set by DOLE on safety and use of such equipment in
different phases of the company or project operationincluding
the transport to and from the establishment, project, sites or
place where work is being undertaken.

Appropriate training and certification by the technical education

and skills developement authority (TESDA) , Professional
Regulation Commission (PRC) or other concerned goverment
agencyshall be a requirement for operators before use of
equipment, if applicable.
SECTION 11: OSH Program
Covered workplaces shall develope and implement a suitable OSH program in a
format prescrived by DOLE which shall be in the prominent places.
SECTION 12: OSH Committee
1) For establishments with less than 10 workers and low-risk establishments with 10-50
workers. - A SO1shall establish an OSH committee composed of the following:

Chairperson : Company owner or manager

Secretary : Safety officer of the workplace
Member : At least 1-(one) worker, preferably
union member if organized

The OSH committee shall effectively plan, develope, oversee and monitor the implementation
of the OSH program.

The safety officer of the workplace may also be the owner, of his/her designated

The company owner, manager or one of the workers of the company shall undertake first aid
training from the Philippine Red Cross or any DOLE recognized organization.
SECTION 13: Safety Officer

In the implementation of OSH program, safety

officer shall be employed or designated with the
following duties and responsibilities.

 Oversee the overall management of the OSH program in coordination with

the OSH committee.
 Frequently monitor and inspect any health or safety aspect of the operation.
 Assist goverment inspector in the conduct of ssafety and health inspection
at any time wheanever work is being performed.
 Issue work stopage order (WSO) when necessary based on the
requirements and procedure provided by the OSH standard.
SECTION 13: Safety Officer
workplace must posess
a) Mandatory eight (8)-hours OSH orientation
the necessary training Safety officer-1(SO1) course and;
and experience b) Two (2) hour trainers training
requirements according to Mandatory forty (40)-hour basic OSH training atleast two (2) years of
Safety officer-2 (SO2)
its category as contained course applicable to the industry expirience in OSH
Safety officer-3 (SO3)

The respective
qualification of safety
officer are as follows

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