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Industrial Water Technologies

Complete the following questions:
71 3
1) The planet is covered with water by ---------% while only --------% is considered as a fresh water.

2) Examples of Surface water are …………. Lakes and ………………..
Evaporation Condensation
3) In water Cycle, Surface runoff and percolation steps are followed by …………….……., ………………….…….. And then
process that improves the water quality to make it
appropriate for a specific end-use
4) Water treatment is ……………………………………………………………………………………………. While wastewater treatment is
removal of impurities from wastewater and converts it into an effluent that can be returned to
the water cycle
Polarity Universal
5) Many substances dissolve in water because of its ------------------ and consequently water is called …….............. solvent

6) The hydrogen end of the molecule attracts the oxygen side of an adjacent molecule, linking them by an attractive
Hydrogen bonding
force called---------------------------------
7) During mixing , Sulfuric acid should be added to water and not the opposite as water has --------------------- heat
capacity than sulfuric acid.
Heat Transfer applications. However, the solvent
8) The unique properties of water make it an ideal medium for ………………….…..
Scale formation and …………………………
properties can create problems like ………………….………….
9) Sometimes, parts per million (ppm) is used in place of mg/L to measure impurities in water. Since the density of
1 kg/L or 1 g/cm
distilled water equals ………………………….
Oxygen scavengers Differential aeration
10) In Water Boilers , …………………………………… are used to decrease dissolved oxygen which causes ……………………………….
overheating corrosion Explosion
11) In water Boilers , Scale formation causes ……………………….. , ……………………………….. And ……………………………………..
Mud Sand Scale formation
12) Suspended Solids like ………………. Or ……………… are not well suited for boiler feed, as they cause ………………………….. Which

cause ………………………………. Corrosion
aeration Formation of
Scales corrosive HCl
13) Dissolved Solids don’t form ……………………….. In water boilers but sodium salts like NaCl causes ………………………………….. And
Attacking of steel and stress corrosion cracking
Caustic soda (NaOH) causes ………………………………………………………………………………….
Acidic corrosion
14) Dissolved gases are the major reason for corrosion in boilers as CO 2 and H2S cause……………………………………. While oxygen
Differential aeration Stress corrosion
corrosion cracking Copper
causes ………………………………. And NH3 cause …………………………………. Especially in tubes made of ………………………………
Suspended Turbidity color Taste Odor
15) Physical water Quality parameters are …………………..,……………………….,…………………, …………………………. , ……………………… and
Colloid Suspension
16) Water Turbidity is due to the presence of suspended matter in the forms of …………………………………. And it changes water
Water Cloudiness
color to be called -----------------------------
Photochemically, In Nephelometry, the intensity of the ……………………….. light is
17) Water Cloudiness is measured ……………………………..

measured, while, in turbidimetry, the intensity of light ………………………………..through the sample is measured.
Directly Proportional with concentration while it is ……………………………..
18) In Beer – lambert Law , Absorbance is ………………………. Directly
Proportional with Path Length
True Apparent
19) The ………………………………… color of water is indicated by dissolved solids, whereas the ………..........…………. watercolor is
indicated by suspended solids.
20) Temperature increase of 10℃ is usually sufficient to …………………………… the biological activity.
Decreases at elevated temperatures.
21) Solubility of dissolved oxygen…………………………………
TDS Hardness Alkalinity Nutrients Organics
22) Chemical water Quality parameters are …………………..,……………………….,…………………, …………………………. , …………………
23) TDS can be measured in terms of …………………………………… of water.

24) Hardness of water is mainly caused by dissolved …………………………. Magnesium
And………………………………… salts in solution.
Permanent and ………………………………….
25) .Water hardness may be classified as …………………………. Temporary

carbonates Bicarbonates
26) Temporary hardness represents the water content of …………………….. and ……………………. of calcium and magnesium as it
Boiling Scales
can be removed upon……………………….. of water where ……………………………of insoluble carbonates are precipitated.
27) Permanent hardness like …………………………… Sulphates of calcium and Magnesium salts can be removed by
and ………………………
Ion Exchange Resins
Sodium Carbonate or ……………………………….
adding ……………………………………
Soap Scum
2+ 2+
28) When using hard water, Ca and Mg ions react with soap molecules to from a precipitate called……………………………..
Carbonates BiCarbonates Hydroxides
29) A water body with a high level of alkalinity has high levels of …………………., ………………………….., and/or ……………………….
Mercury Chromium Cadmium Toxic
30) Heavy Metals such as ………………………., …………......... And ………………….. Are …………………… and they can be measured
Atomic adsorption
31) Nutrients are essential elements to growth and reproduction of plants and animals like ……………. ,………….
2 And …………….
Eutrophication which increase the algae population in water limiting the sunlight
32) Water with excess nutrients is called …………………………..,
available to water organisms which in turn causes aquatic life disturbance.
Biodegradable Nonbiodegradable
33) Dissolved organics in water are usually divided into the broad categories: …………..................and ………………………………
Alcohols Proteins
34) Biodegradable organics such as ……………… and ……………………….can be utilized for food by naturally occurring
Microorganisms BOD
……………………………, BDO are converted into water, carbon dioxide, and/or methane. It is measured using ………………………
prevent photosynthetic production of DO
35) Light must be excluded from the bottle to …………………………………………………………………..……

20 5
36) A 300-mL BOD bottle is used and placed in an air-tight container at ……… oC for ………… days (where organic carbon is almost
37) The rate at which the organics are utilized by microorganisms is assumed to be a ……………….. order reaction
38) In Case of determining BOD when there is not sufficient Bacteria Population. ……………………………. Must be added.
Cellulose Phenol
CODBiodegradable organics such as ……………… and ………………………. resist the biological degradation. It is measured using
150 ℃ for …………………
40) Digestion of NBDO takes place at …………… 2 hours.
pathogens Are Organisms capable of infecting, or of transmitting diseases to humans like …………………..
41) ……………………….. Bacteria Or



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