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Identify the logo using the image presented.

Lesson Objectives
+ Identify what are the different Media and Information tool
+ Understand Communication Process
+ Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of influence of
media and information to communication
Communication is simply the act of transferring information from
one place, person or group to another (SkillsYouNeed, 2020). It is
the process of sending and receiving messages through verbal or
nonverbal means, including speech, or oral communication;
writing and graphical representations (such as infographics, maps,
and charts); and signs, signals, and behavior (Nordquist, 2020).
1. Source - The source
imagines, creates, and
sends the message. In
a public speaking
situation, the source is
the person giving the
speech. He or she
conveys the message
by sharing new
information with the
2. Message - The
message is the
stimulus or
produced by the
source for the
receiver or
3. Channel - The channel is the
way in which a message or
messages travel between
source and receiver (What Is
Communication?, 2012). There
are multiple communication
channels available to us today.
4. Receiver - The receiver
receives the message from
the source, analyzing and
interpreting the message in
ways both intended and
unintended by the source.
The process of turning
communication into
thoughts is called
decoding. The receiver
decodes the message.
5. Feedback - When the receiver responds to the
source, intentionally or unintentionally, she/he is
giving feedback. Feedback is composed of
messages the receiver sends back to the source.
Verbal or nonverbal, all these feedback signals allow
the source to see how well, how accurately (or how
poorly and inaccurately) the message was received.
6. Environment - The environment is the
atmosphere, physical and psychological, where an
individual sends and receives messages. This can
include the tables, chairs, lighting, and sound
equipment that are in the room
7. Context - The context of the communication interaction
involves the setting, scene, and expectations of the individuals
involved. A professional communication context may involve
business suits (environmental cues) that directly or indirectly
influence expectations of language and behavior among the
8. Interference or noise – This is anything that blocks or changes
the source’s intended meaning of the message. Psychological
noise is what happens when your thoughts occupy your attention
while you are hearing, or reading, a message. Stereotypes,
reputations, assumptions, and biases are examples of
psychological noise which affect communication
Media and Information influence to Communication

• Media and information technology play a vital role

in globalization. Through these, we become
connected to different people around the world.
• Media, particularly social media provides great
ways to connect, to interact, and to communicate
with friends and family while living separately.
• Media becomes a source of misinformation and
fake news. These sometimes are utilized to push
personal gain and agenda, making the receiver of
the information deceived, confused and
misinformed. Everybody publishes whatever they
want and unmindful of the consequences of their
• Media can also pose medical, social and
psychological issues
3. The process of turning communication into thoughts
is decoding.
4. Tone of voice, body language, and choice of clothing
of the speaker convey a message.
5. There is communication even without the presence
of a receiver of the message.
6. Social media such as Facebook and Twitter
serve as channel of communication today.
7. Interference provides an opportunity for the
audience to ask for clarification, to agree or
disagree, or to indicate that the source could
make the message more interesting.
8. Psychological noise is what happens when
your thoughts occupy your attention while you
are hearing, or reading, a message.
9. Your thoughts or mode can interfere the way
you receive a message.
10. Noise has no effect on the communication
11. Stereotypes, reputations, assumptions, and
biases are helpful to communication.
12. Social media provides great ways to connect
interact and communicate with friends and
family while living separately
13. Since social media pose some threats to the
user, it is good not to use social media at all.
14. Being a responsible media user is a way to
hold a positive, or at least a neutral effect of
media in our life.
15. Bias media help in the proper dissemination of
information and communication
Enumerate the Characteristics of Mass Media.
Identify if the statement is true or false. Write your answer on a separate
sheet of paper.

1. Mass Media is the process of sending and receiving

messages through verbal or nonverbal means, including
speech, or oral communication; writing and graphical
representations; and signs, signals, and behavior.
2. In a public speaking situation, the source of the
message is the person listening to the speech

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