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*Amazing Title*

Thematic Analysis
Christian L Magloire
April 10th, 2023
OGL 482
Brent Scholar

I am excited to share with you my experience with this Thematic Self-Analysis

Presentation. As a student of OGL 482, I was tasked with using qualitative
research to analyze and synthesize data about myself, including self-
assessments, interviews, personal reflections, and other documents from both
this course, other courses and other areas of my life. The objective was to
identify patterns and themes that would guide my future decisions regarding my
career, work/life balance, and personal growth. The data analysis coding process
involves organizing material into segments and labeling them with key words and
phrases. The process includes three rounds of coding to identify significant
statements, develop groupings of codes, assign relationships, and condense
codes into key themes. In this assignment, I will walk you through, my data, the
themes I identified, and my personal vision and mission statements. I hope you
enjoy learning about my journey of self-discovery and reflection.
Data Sources
Below is a list of the resources used, their origin and descriptions

01 OGL 482 Unit 1 Yellowdig Prompts (YDP)- “ What does the world need me to do? (What can I contribute?). Complete
the Values Checklist and reflect on what you learned about yourself”

In completing this post and worksheet, I was able to gain a deeper understanding of my passions and values, and how they can be applied to
make a positive impact in the world. Through reflecting on my upbringing and values, I now have a clearer idea of what is important to me and
how I can make intentional decisions in my job search and beyond. This worksheet and post has helped me to focus and align with my values
and passions, and has given me a sense of purpose in pursuing a career that allows me to make a meaningful impact.

OGL 482 Kuder Assessments (KA)- Kuder Career Interests Assessment, Kuder Skills Confidence Assessment, Super’s Work
02 Values Inventory-revised

The six interests the Kuder Career Interests Assessment focuses on is Realistic, Artistic, Enterprising,
Investigative, Social, Conventional. This assessment shows my career interests as it relate to my top two or
three interests from the categories stated above. This assessment was comprehensive and asked many
valuable questions. I think Enterprising as the main interest for me is accurate, I relate to some of the
description around being confident in persuasive, leadership, sales, and entrepreneurial skills.
My kuder skills confidence assessments results show that my highest level of confidence is in enterprising
skills. This suggests that I'm interested in activities that involve taking risks, making decisions, and persuading
or leading others. My second-highest confidence level is in social skills, which suggests that I'm interested in
activities that involve helping others, collaborating, and communicating. My third-highest confidence level is in
conventional skills, which suggests that I'm interested in activities that involve following rules and procedures,
organizing information, and using technology.
After taking the Super's Work Values Inventory-revised, I was able to identify my top three work values as co-
workers, lifestyle, and workplace. It was fascinating to learn that these values are the most important to me in
my career. As I reflect on the assessment results, I realize that I am naturally drawn to jobs and workplaces that
offer a positive and supportive work environment. I value having friendly and collaborative co-workers who
share my vision and work ethic.
Data Sources
Below is a list of the resources used, their origin and descriptions

03 3 Additional Assessments- DISC Personality test, Big 5 Personality test, Humanmetric Jung Typology Test (DISC, Big 5, Jung)
The DISC personality test is a behavioral assessment tool that measures an individual's personality traits based
on four categories: Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Compliance. My results show that I have a relatively
equal preference for Dominance and Influence, with a score of 42% and 41%, respectively. However, I have a
low preference for Steadiness and Compliance, with scores of only 9% each. This suggests that I am driven,
assertive, and confident in my approach, but may struggle with patience, consistency, and attention to detail.

The Big Five Factors is a personality assessment that measures an individual's level of openness to experience,
conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and natural reactions. Based on my results, I have a high level of
openness to experience, which means I am imaginative and prefer creative problem-solving. I score in the middle
range for conscientiousness, indicating that I am neither spontaneous nor highly organized but have a moderate
work ethic. I have a very high level of extraversion, meaning I am outgoing, assertive, and enjoy working with
others in direct leadership roles. In terms of agreeableness, I scored low, which suggests I am competitive and
prefer competition over cooperation. Finally, I scored in the middle range for natural reactions, indicating that I
am not easily upset in stressful situations but also not immune to negative emotional reactions and feelings of

The Humanmetrics Jung Typology Test, is a personality assessment based on the work of Carl Jung. The test
evaluates an individual's psychological preferences in four areas: Extraversion vs. Introversion, Sensing vs.
Intuition, Thinking vs. Feeling, and Judging vs. Perceiving. The test results offer insights into one's natural
inclinations, strengths, and potential areas for growth. According to my results, I am an ESFP, which means I am
outgoing, spontaneous, and enjoy being around others. I have a preference for feelings over thinking and a
moderate preference for extraversion over introversion. Additionally, my marginal or no preference for sensing
over intuition and perceiving over judging suggests that I am open-minded and adaptable.
Data Sources
Below is a list of the resources used, their origin and descriptions

04 OGL 482 Unit 2 Inspiration: Book Project (BP)

This assignment was a unique opportunity for me to explore a non-traditional leadership book and
relate it to my own self-assessment and growth. I chose to read "Breakfast at the Victory: The
Mysticism of Ordinary Experience" by James P. Carse, which challenged my understanding of
spirituality and encouraged me to embrace the mysteries of everyday life. The book reminded me
that even mundane experiences can hold great meaning and offer opportunities for growth and
personal development. Through reading this book, I learned valuable lessons about effective
leadership. One key takeaway for me was the importance of thinking outside the box, following
intuition, and finding commonalities between people, cultures, and perspectives. These are all critical
skills for effective leadership, and I was grateful to have gained a deeper understanding of them
through this assignment.

05 OGL 482 Unit 2 Inspiration: Leader Identity Narrative (LIN)

This assignment required me to reflect on critical moments throughout my leadership journey and
how they have shaped me as a leader. By gathering evidence, researching and tying each leadership
moment to a leadership style, I was able to create an engaging story that critically connected
leadership experiences and theory with my leader identity today. Through this assignment, I was able
to develop an extensive array of qualitative data for use in my thematic analysis in Unit 2. Overall,
this assignment allowed me to gain a deeper understanding of my journey towards leadership and
how my experiences have influenced my leadership style. I was also able to practice effective
storytelling skills and use history to give form to ideals.
Data Sources
Below is a list of the resources used, their origin and descriptions

OGL 260 Integrated Report (IR)

This assignment asked me to choose a company that publishes information about its financial,
environmental, and social performance and create an integrated report following a specific format.
The report should communicate the company's value creation story and demonstrate its
accountability to stakeholders in a professional, concise, and upbeat tone. I chose Tillamook a Benefit
corporation to look further in a B corp which I am interested in. The report covered several elements,
such as the company's resources, value creation process, and standards and frameworks adhered to.
Additionally, I was asked to identify the company's corporate status, governance, and assurance
provider, among other things. The assignment helped me understand how companies communicate
their performance and accountability to stakeholders and provided me with an opportunity to
develop my research and communication skills.

07 Voted chair of Service Committee (SC)

Being appointed as the chair of a 25-person service committee was a huge honor for me. It was a
challenging role, but also incredibly rewarding. I oversaw a talented team of individuals who worked
tirelessly to plan and execute a 3-day conference for 450 people. It was a huge success, and I was
proud of our team's hard work and dedication. As chair, I learned a lot about leadership,
communication, and collaboration. It taught me alot about the things I love to do in my life and my
enthusiasm for service or social impact in my personal and professional life.Overall, it was an
incredible opportunity that helped me grow both personally and professionally.
Data Sources
Below is a list of the resources used, their origin and descriptions

Certificate: ASU Center for Applied Behavioral Health:

Trained in Motivational Interviewing Basics (MI)
Getting a certificate from The ASU Center for Applied Behavioral Health's training in Motivational
Interviewing Basics has been instrumental in my development as a leader. As a people person and
someone who thrives on the connections and network they have been able to build, the skills and
abilities learned in this certificate enhanced that. It has helped me hone my ability to communicate
with others effectively, understand their perspectives, and motivate them towards their goals. It has
showed me how important empathy and allowed me to hone skills in being there for others either as
a team member or leader.

Theme Statement: I have a strong passion for social impact and responsibility, and I am committed
to making a difference in the world.
Supporting Evidence:

• I have participated in various service trips in Southeast Asia (LIN).

• I chaired a service committee throughout 2022 (SC).

• In the Kuder Assessments, my highest level of confidence is in enterprising skills, which suggests that I'm interested in activities
that involve taking risks, making decisions, and persuading or leading others (KA).

• My top work value is co-workers, which indicates a preference for working with others who share my values and goals, and who
can help me achieve them (KA).

• During the OGL 482 Yellowdig Prompts, I reflected on what the world needs me to do, and I realized that I am passionate about
making a difference in the world through my career (YDP).

Contradictory Evidence:

I personally have experienced ambitions to live “off-grid” and engage in a life that's in more solitude, while this can still reflect social
impact it would be in a different way and perspective.


Social impact and responsibility are important to me because I believe that individuals and organizations can have a positive impact
on the world. I am committed to making a difference through my work, and I enjoy collaborating with others who share my passion
for social impact. This theme is essential to my personal and professional life, as it is a driving force behind my goals and aspirations.

Theme Statement: Leaning into change and the unknown with adaptability and flexibility are keys
to success
Supporting Evidence:
● I have been able to adjust to new environments and cultures after living in 4 different countries. (LIN)
● I am comfortable with ambiguity and change, and enjoy adapting to new situations. (BP)
● I am able to handle unexpected challenges and adjust my plans accordingly. (LIN)
● I have been successful in both team and independent work environments. (LIN)
● I have been in leadership positions that have involved constant change and had no clear path, it had to be created (SC)

Contradictory Evidence:

Just like any human, change can be scary and sometimes hesitation comes before embrace when it
comes to change in certain aspects of my life.. Such as this next chapter of my life which involves
graduation, moving to a new place and finding a new job.


This theme is important in both personal and professional settings. It reminds me to stay open-minded and willing to learn and grow,
and to embrace change as an opportunity for growth rather than something to fear.

Theme Statement: Creativity and innovation are valuable assets to be sought in all aspects of life

Supporting Evidence:

● I enjoy exploring new ideas and approaches to problem-solving. (IR)

● I enjoy seeing things from different perspectives and finding many solutions to one thing (BP)
● I have been involved in planning events and projects that require creative thinking. (LIN)
● I am interested in social entrepreneurship and using innovation to make a positive impact in the world. (YDP)
● I am always seeking new and innovative ways to improve processes and achieve goals. (LIN)

Contradictory Evidence:

There have been times when my ideas have not been well-received by others or have not worked out as planned.


This theme reminds me to embrace my creativity and use it as a tool for problem-solving and innovation. It also
reminds me to stay open to new ideas and perspectives and to be willing to take risks in pursuit of new solutions.
Theme 4: Work-Life Balance

Theme Statement: Work-Life balance is important, never settle in any area of life

Supporting Evidence:
● I prioritize self-care and maintaining a healthy work-life balance. (KA)
● I have experience juggling multiple responsibilities and making time for both work and personal pursuits. (SC)
● I value spending time with loved ones and pursuing hobbies outside of work. (LIN)
● I have made intentional decisions in my career to prioritize work-life balance, such as choosing jobs with flexible
schedules or remote work options. (LIN)
● I recognize the importance of rest and recovery in maintaining long-term productivity and success. (LIN)

Contradictory Evidence:

There have been times when I have struggled to find a balance between work and personal life.


This theme is important to me as it reminds me to prioritize self-care and maintain balance in all areas of my life. It also
reminds me to be intentional in my career choices and to prioritize jobs and organizations that align with my values
around work-life balance.
Theme 5: Communication and Connection

Theme Statement: Interpersonal skills are essential and communication and connection keep
those important around both personally and professionally
Supporting Evidence:

● I enjoy working with others and building strong relationships. (SC)

● I am able to communicate effectively and listen actively. (MI)
● I am skilled at resolving conflicts and working through difficult situations with others. SC)
● I have experience working in teams and have developed strong collaboration and leadership skills. (SC)
● I am empathetic and able to understand and navigate different perspectives. (LIN)

Contradictory Evidence:

I also have another side to me where I judge people and am not able be empathetic.


This theme highlights the importance of building and maintaining strong relationships in both personal and
professional settings. It reminds me to continually work on my communication and conflict resolution skills, as well as
to prioritize empathy and understanding when working with others.
Theme 6: Purpose Driven Life

Theme Statement: Living a purpose-driven life is essential for personal fulfillment and satisfaction.

Supporting Evidence:
● I want to create something that I can be proud of and that can help others in some way (YDP)
● I'm driven to make a difference in the world through my career (LIN)
● I’m always eager to expand my horizons, seek new perspectives, experiences and grow (BP)
● I believe that by living a purposeful life, I can make a positive impact on the world around me (YDP)
● I want to feel like I am making a difference in the world and in people's lives (KA)
● I would like to work for an organization where I feel like I am contributing to something greater than myself (KA)
● I enjoy working with people towards a common goal (SC)

Contradictory Evidence:



This theme is significant to me because it reminds me of why I am pursuing a career in social impact. It is important for
me to feel like I am making a difference and contributing to a greater cause. By living a purposeful life, I am able to
channel my passions and values into something meaningful and fulfilling.
Theme 7: Resilience and perseverance

Theme Statement: Never stop trudging the road of happy destiny

Supporting Evidence:
● I have faced many challenges and setbacks in my life, but I have always been able to grow (LIN)
● I am able to remain focused and committed to my goals, even in the face of adversity (KA)
● I am confident in my ability to overcome challenges and obstacles (KA)
● I have learned the importance of persistence and determination in achieving success (LIN)
● I am able to adapt to changing circumstances and remain optimistic in the face of uncertainty (BP)

Contradictory Evidence:

I have not always had this perspective and its one that i need to constantly remind myself as life is unpredictable.


This theme reminds me that setbacks and challenges are a normal part of life, and that it is important to cultivate
resilience and perseverance in order to overcome them. By remaining focused, determined, and adaptable, I can
continue to make progress towards my goals even in the face of adversity.
Theme 8: Take Risks

Theme Statement: Do not let fear interrupt a path and always take risks and live with no regret

Supporting Evidence:
● I am always seeking new experiences and challenges. (BP)
● I am not afraid to take risks and try new things, even if they are outside my comfort zone. (LIN)
● I have a history of taking calculated risks, such as taking over a business on a whim and traveling to new countries. (LIN)
● I am motivated by the potential rewards that come with taking risks, such as financial gain, personal growth, and the
satisfaction of achieving a difficult goal. (KA)
● I have learned from my past failures and have developed resilience and adaptability, which allows me to take on new risks with
confidence. (LIN)

Contradictory Evidence:

Sometimes taking risks can be scary and sometimes I air on the side of caution.


This theme has been an important part of my life and has had a significant impact on my personal and professional growth. I
believe that taking calculated risks is essential for achieving success and personal fulfillment, and I am always looking for new
opportunities to challenge myself and grow. However, I also recognize the importance of being mindful of the potential
consequences of my actions and taking steps to minimize risk when possible. Overall, I believe that embracing risk-taking has
allowed me to achieve many of my goals and has given me a sense of excitement and purpose in life.
Theme 9: Empathy and Compassion

Theme Statement: Empathy and compassion are essential qualities for building strong relationships,
fostering understanding, and important principles to build life foundation on
Supporting Evidence:
● I strive to understand others' perspectives and experiences, and I find that it helps me connect with people on a deeper level (BP)
● I believe that showing compassion and understanding towards others can make a huge difference in their lives, and I try to
practice it whenever I can (MI)
● "I have seen firsthand how empathy can bring people together and bridge divides, and I think it's important to cultivate this
quality in ourselves and others." (SC)
● "I believe that empathy is the key to effective leadership, as it allows us to truly understand the needs and concerns of those we
are leading." (SC)
● "I have learned that showing empathy and compassion towards myself is just as important as showing it towards others, and it
has helped me overcome many challenges (LIN)

Contradictory Evidence:

There have been times when empathy and compassion are difficult to practice, such as in situations where someone has caused
harm or when there is a lot of conflict


This theme reminds us of the importance of understanding and supporting others, both in our personal and professional lives. It
can help us to build stronger relationships and make a positive impact in the world.
Theme 10: The Importance of Self-Reflection

Theme Statement: Self-reflection is essential for personal growth, learning from past experiences, and
achieving success

Supporting Evidence:

● I take time to reflect on my actions and decisions, and I think it has helped me grow and improve as a person (BP)
● I find that self-reflection helps me to identify areas for improvement and make necessary changes in my life (LIN)
● I believe that self-reflection is key to developing emotional intelligence, which is an important skill in both personal
and professional relationships (MI)
● I have learned that reflecting on my past experiences can help me make better decisions in the future (LIN)
● I believe that taking time for self-reflection and seeking new perspectives can help us stay true to our values and
goals, even when facing challenges or distractions (BP)

Contradictory Evidence:

It can be difficult to be completely honest with myself when reflecting on our actions and decisions.


This theme highlights the importance of taking time to reflect on our actions and decisions, and how it can help us grow
and improve as individuals. It can help us learn from our past experiences and make better decisions in the future,
ultimately leading to personal and professional success.
My Personal Vision Statement
A Vision For Me

As someone who values adaptability, interpersonal skills, and

resilience, I strive to live a life that is defined by growth,
connection, and purpose. My vision is to be someone who is
constantly learning and evolving, and who uses my skills and
experiences to make a positive impact on the world around me.
I am committed to pursuing my passions with passion and
determination, while also remaining open to new opportunities
and experiences that challenge and inspire me.
My Personal Mission Statement

To use my skills and passion for learning to make a positive

impact on the world. I will approach every challenge with
determination, adaptability, and a willingness to learn. Through
hard work and perseverance, I will strive to achieve my goals
and create a life of meaning and purpose. I will always act with
integrity and kindness, and seek to build strong relationships
based on mutual respect and trust. My ultimate aim is to be
inspired and inspire and empower others.
In conclusion, this Thematic Self-Analysis Presentation has been a valuable exercise in self-
reflection and self-discovery. Through the process of analyzing and synthesizing data about
myself, I have been able to identify key themes that have guided my personal and professional
growth. The themes of adaptability and flexibility, the importance of interpersonal skills, the
value of taking risks, and the significance of resilience and perseverance have all played a
crucial role in shaping my experiences and guiding my future decisions.

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