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Name: Mr. Burnett

Class: 6B
First Law of thermodynamics
 This is an application of the conservation of energy principle
and states that:
- the change in internal energy of a system (∆U) is equal to
the heat supplied to or removed from it (Q) and the work done
on or by it
∆Q = heat supplied to or transferred from the
∆W = work done on or by the system
∆U = ∆Q + ∆W ∆U= change in internal energy of the system
Sign Convention
 ∆Q is positive when heat is supplied to the system
and negative when heat is transferred from the
 ∆W is positive if the external work is done ON the
system (gas compressed) and it is negative if the
work is done BY the system (gas expands).
 ∆U increases if work is done on the system and
decreases if work is done by the system.
E.g 1
 2500J of heat is added to a system and 1800J of
work is done on the system. What is the change in
internal energy of the system? b) What would be
the internal energy change if 2500J of heat is added
to the system and 1800J of work is done by the
 Ans: a) ∆U = 4300J; b) 700J
Tips to note
 The internal energy increases by supplying heat to the
system and/or by doing work on the system
 For an isolated system, one that does not transfer
heat (∆Q =0J) and in which no work is done ( ∆W
= 0J) there is no change in internal energy ∆U =0J.
Internal energy is constant.
 Adiabatic processes are those that do not involve any
transfer of heat (∆Q =0J). Thus ∆U= ∆W. So for such
processes the internal energy of the system is equal to
the work done on it
Work done by a gas
 Consider a frictionless piston of surface area, A, as
shown below,

In moving the piston outwards a distance ∆x the gas does some work on
the surroundings. The work done (W) here is equal to:
W = F ∆x;
But the force, F, being exerted by the gas is equal to pressure (P) x Area
(A), W = PA. ∆x;
But A .∆x = ∆ Volume (∆V);
Thus W = p ∆V
E.g 1
 A fixed mass of gas is cooled so that its volume
decreases from 4.0 litres to 2.5 litres at a constant
pressure of 1.0 x 105 Pa. Calculate the external
work done on the gas. (1m3 = 1000 litres)

 Ans: 1.5 x 102 J

E.g. 2
 A sample of gas is enclosed in a cylinder by a
frictionless piston of area 60cm2. The cylinder is
heated so that 400J of heat energy is supplied to the
gas which then expands against atmospheric
pressure and pushes the piston 20cm along the
cylinder. Given that atmospheric pressure is 1.0 x
105Pa, calculate:
 a) the external work done by the gas (120J)
 b) the change in internal energy of the gas (280J)
Molar Heat Capacity
 Oftentimes we don’t know the mass of the gas but we know the number of
moles there are in the gas.
 Definition: The amount of heat energy required to raise the temperature of 1mole
of a substance by one kelvin (1K).
 There are two (2) forms of the heat formula with molar heat capacities:
 For heat transfer at constant pressure: ∆Q = nCp∆T
 For heat transfer at constant volume: ∆Q = nCv∆T
 Where Cp = Molar heat capacity at constant pressure
 Cv = Molar heat capacity at constant volume
 n = number of moles; ∆Q = change in heat energy; ∆T= temp change(K)

 Units: J/mol K or J mol-1 K-1

Cp vs Cv
 The molar heat capacity at constant volume (Cv) is the heat energy
required to produce a unit temperature rise in one mole of a gas
when the volume is kept constant.
 The molar heat capacity at constant pressure (Cp) is the heat energy
needed to produce a unit temperature rise in one mole of a gas
when the pressure is kept constant.
Cp > C v
Constant Pressure, Cp Constant Volume, Cv

Heating a gas at constant Heating a gas at constant

pressure will cause an volume will only cause an
increase in its internal increase in the internal
energy and work done by energy of the gas. No work
the gas itself. will be done by or on the gas.
Relation between Cp and Cv
 Constant volume (Cv)
 Q = ∆U + W; W =p∆V
 but ∆V = 0m3
 Q = ∆U = nCv∆T

 Constant pressure (Cp)

 Q = ∆U + W; W =p∆V
 Q= ∆U + p∆V; Q = nCp∆T
 nCp∆T = nCv∆T + p∆V; p∆V = nR∆T where n = 1mol
 Cp = Cv + R; R= molar gas constant (8.31 J mol-1 K-1)

Tips to Note
 The addition or removal of heat does not have to
change the temperature of a body (recall: latent
heat Q = mL).
 Cp = Cv + R ; Cp > Cv
 The values of Cp and Cv depend on the universal
molar gas constant, R= 8.31 J mol-1 K-1
 ∆U = nCv∆T (always)
P-V graphs

Identify the lines drawn in p-V graphs above

a) Isotherm ( represents an isothermal process-
constant temperature)
b) Isobar (represents an isobaric process – constant
c) Isochore ( represents an isochoric process –
constant volume)
Work done from p-V graphs

For isochoric or isovolumetric processes, there

is no change in volume (∆V =0m3) so there is no
work done, W= 0J.
Work done during a cycle
The shaded area on the graph
represents the net work that
is done on or by a gas during
a- b: gas heated up no work
done, W= 0J (constant
b-c: work done by the gas at
constant pressure (W = p2
c-d: gas cools down at
constant volume (W=0J)
d-a: work done on gas at
Net work done = Area shaded region constant pressure. (W=p1∆V)
= Area bcfe – Area adfe
Net work done = (p2 – p1) x (V2 – V1)

In which steps shown on the curve is work being done on the gas?
a)A& B
c) A&C Ans: b
Tips to note
 You should be familiar with the areas of other figures such as the triangles
and trapeziums in order to be competent on these questions.
 1m3 = 1000Litres (L); always convert to S.I units unless told otherwise

Work done in an isothermal process = W = nRT ln (nat log) (V2)

( V1 )
“ “ isobaric process = W = p Δ V = p (V2 - V1)

“ “ isovolumetric/ isochoric process = W = 0J

E.g.- Work done in a cycle
Five moles of an ideal gas undergo a cycle consisting
of two isobaric processes, ab and cd, and two
isochoric processes, bc and da. Determine:
a) The work done during the process ab
b) The net work done during the entire cycle
c) The temperature at a and b of the gas during the
d) The heat removed from the gas during the process
c to d (hint: isobaric process) (take Cv for gas is =
(5/2)R). (take 1atm = 1.01 x 105Pa or N/m2
R = 8.31 J mol-1K-1).

f e
a) Given # of moles, n = 5. Now from a to b is an isobaric process (constant pressure),
So the work done from a to b is: W = PΔV
W = ( 5.0 x 1.01 x 105 )Pa x (6 – 2) x 10-3 m3
W = (5.05 X 105 )Pa x (4 x 10-3) m3
W = 2020J or 20.2 x 102 J = Work done over area abfe

b) The net work during the entire cycle: W = (P2 - P1 ) x (V2 - V1)
W = ( 5.05 – 1.01) x 105 x ( 4 x 10-3 m3)
W = 16.16 x 102 J

Net work done in a cycle = Work done for area abfe - Work done for area dcfe
= 20.2 x 102 – (1.01 x 105 )Pa x (4 x 10-3m3 )
= 16.16 x 102J

c) For an ideal gas: pV = nRT; thus the temperatures at points a and b can be
Ta= paVa / nR = (5.05 x 105 Pa) x ( 2 x 10-3 m3) / 5 x (8.31)
T = 24.3K
Solution cont…
Tb = PbVb /nR
Tb = (5.05 x 105Pa) x (6 x 10-3 m3) / 5 x (8.31)
Tb = 72.9K

d) Cv = 5 R

Cp = 5 R + R = 7 R
2 2

the heat removed from the isobaric process c - d:

Q = nCp ∆T
Q = 5 x (7 R) x ( 4.9-14.6)
Q = 5 x (7 x 8.31) x (-9.7)

Q = -1,410.6J~ -1411J
Work done in a cycle
Try these. Practice makes perfect ;) (y).
 The indicator diagram shows an energy cycle for 1mole of an ideal gas. The gas is
cooled constant pressure (a to b), heated at constant volume (b to c) and then
returned to its original state (c to a). Calculate:
 a) the gas temperature at a, b and c
 b) the heat removed from the gas during the process a to b.
 c) the heat supplied to the gas during the process b to c, and
 d) the net work done in the cycle
 (R = 8.31 J mol-1 K-1 ; Cv = (5/2)R

PQ- Net work done in a cycle
 A fixed mass of gas is taken through the closed
cycle ABCD as shown in the diagram. Calculate
the work done by the gas during this cycle of
PQ2- Net work done in a cycle
 The accompanying pressure-volume graph shows an engine cycle with
one isothermal process, B-C. The working substance is an ideal gas. At
point B, the pressure is 3.20x105 Pa and the volume is 0.0480 m3. At point
C, the pressure is 2.10x105Pa and the volume is 0.0730 m3. At point A the
volume is 0.0230 m3. What is,
 a) The gas temperature at A, B, C and D?
 b) The net work done by the gas during one cycle?
 c) The heat energy removed or supplied during the processes a to b, b to c
and c to d? (R = 8.31 J/mol/K; Cp = 29 J mol-1 K-1 ).

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