Local Conflict: International Relations

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Local Conflict

Conflicts are increasingly localized

Civil wars
Other types of aggressive interactions
Large scale warfare is a now a rare thing
Localized conflict is important for us because
1. International powers are included thtough PROXY WARS
2. Most wars today take place locally only
Realist Explanation for local conflict
1. For realists, ethnicity and nation are basic elements of society that
are to some degree hardwired into people. 1. 对于现实主义者来
2. Localized conflicts are the result of ‘Ancient hatreds’
generated by the struggle between groups for power.
2. 局部冲突是各团体之间争夺权力斗争产生的 " 古代仇
恨 " 的结果。
Groups will be competing against each
other for power
To control the state(Which generates power and resources/money)
or to break away and form their own state

I.E. communism vs capitalism in China

North and South Korea
3. Changes to the relative power between local groups
can revive these ancient hatreds and lead to conflict. 地
“ Everybody has ancient hatred

• E.g. racism
BUT we need a catalyst to start
New tech/ discovery revive ancient hatred
Liberals’ explanation to local
Liberal Explanations to Localized Conflicts

- For Liberals, ethnicity and nation are not ‘hard-wired’ but symbols
manipulated by elites (instrumentalism).
- Strong states prevent ethnic and national groups from becoming
locked in a localized security dilemma.
- Weak or failed states provide opportunities for groups to exploit ethnic
and national conflict for relative gains.
英操纵的符号(工具主义)。 For Liberals, ethnicity and nation
are not ‘hard-wired’ but symbols manipulated by elites
• Elite’s will use this to gain power
Strong states can prevent ethnic and national groups from
becoming locked in a localized security dilemma.

• Equal access to resources

• Equal representation
• Ensure the rule of law
Weak or failed states provide opportunities for groups to exploit ethnic and
national conflict for relative gains.

• Opportunity for those groups to exploit the lack of authority

• Anarchy – past and present (E.g. Somali or Pakistan)
Identity Explanations - Ethnicity is one of many identities
individuals construct over time along
to Localized Conflicts with their national identity.
- Localized conflict happens when
relative and shared identities of local
groups become exclusive for each
- Nationalisms that emphasize ethnic
or cultural values will isolate non-
conforming groups leading to

Where is his face?

Ethnicity is one of many identities individuals construct over time along
with their national identity.

• It becomes
important if it
is important
to the people
around you
• Constructed
over time
Localized conflict happens when relative and shared identities of
local groups become exclusive for each other.
What kind of nationalism
Cultural or civic?

Nationalisms that emphasize ethnic or cultural values will isolate 立无端的群体导致
non-conforming groups leading to conflict. 冲突。
Summary of the Causes of Localized
Conflict by Perspective
Realism Ancient hatreds awakened by changes
to relative power of groups

Liberalism Weak or failed states: Relative

Identity Construction of national identities that
emphasize cultural over civic values.
Territorial partitions accommodates political reality of
different groups to manage own affairs
There are significant problems with partition like rewarding separatism and creating
incentive for ethnic cleansing.
All realist solutions require balance of power between
competing ethnic or national groups.
Liberal solutions
International institutions can intervene and help to rebuild
weak or failed domestic institutions.
Reconciliation between competing groups is facilitated by power-sharing
(e.g. federalism and similar solutions).
Post-conflict reconstruction that addresses relative deprivation
between groups should address root causes.
Identity Solutions
The only long term solution is constructing new relative and shared
national identities.
Efforts at nation-building help competing groups to develop common
nationhood based on civic identity.
Democracy may help the process by giving individuals ownership
in the outcome and voice in the process.
Summary of the Solutions to Localized
Conflict by Perspective
Realism Partition and balance of power.

Liberalism Power sharing and reductions in

relative deprivation between groups.
Identity Nation building, or the construction of
an inclusive national identity.

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