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Alexmar Suite

(Features Manual)

Welcome to Alexmar Content Management System (CMS). This document is prepared to demonstrate major features of all the modules in Alexmar CMS. It is an ERP specially designed and developed to manage and track different activities in telecom sector. It is powerful and user attractive product that enables you to maintain all HR related activities, GSM Sites management, Corrective & Preventive maintenance records, GSM Tanks Fueling history, Vehicles real time tracking, Spareparts management and many other features.

Fig: Home Page of Alexmar CMS

Diminishing Excel work. Documentary issues resolved. Centralized and synchronized contents. Data security and confidentiality. Accurate and precise data. Workload minimized. Team distribution, department hierarchy, team relocation, team assigning to their concerned Sites. HR & accounts related managed activities. Maintaining activities history. Complete black box to store complete profiles of modules. Tracking of different activities by GSM as well as GPS technology. Assets management space. Minimizing risk of fueling fraud. Customized reports. Auto notification reports. Comprehensive search engines.








GSM Site
Handover Deployment Deactivate

On Air


Emergency TT/CM

Monthly Scheduled PM




Auditing Technical Reports



As every application needs security to avoid unwanted access to their portals, our product is also secured at two levels.
Login Level Security
Valid Username and Password is required to enter into application.

Module Level Security

After successful login into Alexmar CMS, application access is further divided into Module management, Admin management and Viewing different Reports. As module level security is further divided into three levels, we can say, Alexmar CMS have three levels security!!

Fig: CMS Login

In module level security, separate access rights are defined for each module. Specific access rights can be assigned to different application users.

Module Levels Security

Module Management Admin Management

View Reports

Addition/Editing & Updates of contents

Management of all contents in module

Fig: Module levels security

Module Levels Security Chart


Modification and Editing

Admin Rights

Viewable Content

Login with credentials

Add, Remove and Edit reports.

Add and Remove Employee and Users

Viewers only for Visitors

Employment Access

Activity Tracking and Monitoring

Granting Access and Permissions

Export and view the reports only

Visitor Access

Not all the reports are Editable

Edit Modules and Its Architecture

Not all reports are Viewable

Alexmar CMS is divided into different modules depending on their specific area. Modules represent major sections and they further divided into following three subsections called as sub modules. Addition In Add/Addition, new data or records are stored in database. Management In this section, different further Core operations are performed Modules until the task is completed. Reports Different types of customized reports using advance filters are generated in this part of CMS.
Employees Admin Sites Bugs Tracker Messages Documents Invoicing Batteries Vehicles

CM Tickets

PM Tickets


Fig: Alexmar CMS Modules

Visitors and guests are assigned special space in Alexmar CMS. Viewers can generate and view reports. Different reports in Viewers space are accessible by access rights. Access rights also divided region wise. Visitors accounts are handled separately.

Site Database Site Search Site Reports CM & PM Tickets

CM Ticket Search PM Tickets Search CM Outages Reports Fueling Search

PM Checklist CM Pending Tickets PMR Views & Reports Docs

Fig: Viewers Space Modules

Employee module is complete HRMS to add new employees, manage their benefits, renewals, bonuses, rewards, alerts etc.

Fig: Employees Module Home Page

Employee complete profile. Documents renewals management. Employee benefits management. Employee movement management. Employee sponsorship management. Employee awards and bonuses management. Advance employee search engine. Employee live tracking with Google earth. Automatic documents expiry alerts. Salary & balance transfer notifications. Daily reports. Monthly reports. Customized reports


New Emp.

Alerts & Reports




Department wise




New Arrived

Salary wise




New Employees with detailed information like Name, Mobile, Email, Contract Type, ID No., Visa information, Department, Direct Manager, Education background, Bank Accounts etc are added using this section.

Fig: Employees Module Adding New Employee

Employees related all major sections like Renewals, Benefits, Documents, Profile editing, Application access rights are accessible through centralized section called Employee Management.

Fig: Employees Module Employees Management

All types of employee benefits are managed from following section.

Fig: Employees Module Emp. Benefits

Complete information including longitude, latitude, hub sites, & power config. etc of GSM sites is entered and managed using Sites module.

Fig: Sites Module Home Page

Addition of new GSM Sites with complete related information. Management of site renewals. Management of site equipments. Management of site employees movements. Tracking of sites visits. Live tracking of employees on site. Updates management of sites information. Activation & deactivation of sites. Tracking of Sites auditing. Management of Spareparts replacement. Management of Generators overhauling. Advance search engine for sites. Auto Email of daily reports. Monthly reports. Customized and graphical reports

Different types of standard and customized graphical reports can be generated.

Fig: Sites Graphical Summary

Opening new Tickets in case of Alarms on Site. Tracking troubleshooting on site. Categorization of tickets in different levels. Recording dispatchers & operators feedbacks. Attachments of different reports. Cancellation of tickets. Daily tickets Log. Auto SMS/Email on any action like outage, close. Emailing daily outage summary. Advance tickets search engine. Pending tickets reports. Region efficiency reports. Emailing daily, weekly and monthly reports. Monthly reports. Customized and graphical reports

Comprehensive module for managing all activities related to CM on Sites. Handle each & every bustle from start to ending of maintenance. Every type of report is accessible on single click. Search & Reports

Tickets Management

Opening New Tickets Critical & In Progress Tickets

Outage Summary SIR Search

Tickets Search Engine Monthly Analysis Reports

Waiting for Status & Closed Tickets

Pending Tickets

KPI Reports
Region Efficiency Reports

Pending Tickets Search

Daily & Monthly Reports

Opening new Tickets in case of Alarms on Site. Tracking troubleshooting on site. Categorization of tickets in different levels. Recording dispatchers & operators feedbacks. Attachments of different reports. Cancellation of tickets. Daily tickets Log. Auto SMS/Email on any action like outage, close. Emailing daily outage summary. Advance tickets search engine. Pending tickets reports. Region efficiency reports. Emailing daily, weekly and monthly reports. Monthly reports. Customized and graphical reports

Most important section for CM Tickets management. Basic summary and Alerts of Tickets. Operator & Dispatcher feedbacks management. Tickets categorization by Ticket type. Tickets color management by time. Handling Tickets SLA according to Site priorities.

Critical Tickets In Progress Tickets Waiting for Status Tickets Closed Tickets

Fig: CM monthly analysis reports

Monthly analysis reports for Corrective maintenance activities.

Fig: CM monthly analysis reports

Uploading monthly PM schedule. Opening tickets for PM activities. Tracking preventive maintenance on site. Recording different readings & feedbacks. Attachments of different reports. Daily PM tickets Log. Generating PM checklist. Auto daily email of PM activities. Advance PM tickets search engine. Region efficiency reports. City, Site and Engineer wise efficiency reports. Emailing daily, weekly and monthly reports. Customized reports Cancellation of PM activities and schedule.

Tracking fuel fill in GSM tanks. Opening tickets for sites need fueling. Scheduling next expected fueling dates. Attachments of different reports. Management of SLAs. Daily fueling tickets Log. Generating daily, weekly and monthly budget . Creating daily, weekly and monthly cost reports. Advance fueling search engine. Fueling fraud detection reports. Driver wise fueling reports. Emailing daily, weekly and monthly reports. Customized reports Cancellation of fueling activities.

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