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What images spring to mind when
you hear the word "phobia"?
• When I hear the word phobia, I just think about what I am afraid of,what other people are a afraid of.

• I like to know what kind of phobias there are in life.

Do you have any phobias?

• Algophobia: Fear of pain

• Aichmophobia: Fear of needles or pointed objects

• Claustrophobia: Fear of confined spaces

• Dentophobia: Fear of dentists

• Glossophobia: Fear of speaking in public

How can someone overcome a
• In addition to techniques to overcome phobias, they can be treated with the help of a healthcare professional
such as a psychologist or psychiatrist. Psychotherapy, or talk therapy, is the primary treatment option for

• Or you can start by researching something that you are afraid of , if you are afraid of animals you could
watch them from a distance in a park.
How do phobias develop?
• Specific or simple phobias, such as a fear of heights (acrophobia), usually develop during
childhood. Simple phobias can often be linked to an early negative childhood experience.
• Specific phobias can sometimes begin following a traumatic experience in the feared situation.
For example, a child who is bitten by a dog might develop a fear of dogs, or someone who has a
car accident might develop a fear of driving.  When it comes to flying, if you experience severe
turbulence, during which you experience the thought that you will die from the plane shaking
apart and/or crashing, it is very possible that you will experience a feeling of impending doom if
you experience turbulence on your next flight. 
Do you know any crazy phobias?

• Arachibutyrophobia (Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth)  

• Nomophobia (Fear of being without your mobile phone) 

• Arithmophobia (Fear of numbers) Many people grow up dreading math class.

• Plutophobia (Fear of money) Many people probably wish they had more money.
Do you think people are
developing new phobias?
• I think a lot of people have different phobias, and are developing them everyday, maybe they don't know
they even had this type of phobia.

• Everday knew phobias are being developed.

What do you think is the worst
phobia to suffer from?
• Haphephobia is the fear of being touched. This sounds like something from Comedy Central, but it’s a
phobia people suffer from.

•  Ergophobia is the fear of work. It is downright creepy that people suffer from this type of phobia.

• Neophobic people usually have problems with trying new food.

Do you, know anyone who suffers
from "Anglophobia"?
• I don't know anyone who has a fear of English or English people, it's weird to think about such a fear ,
maybe in the world people have a fear of Lithuania or Lithuanian people.

• If Lithuanians had a fear of English I don't think we would be learning it in school.

Do you think hypnotherapy can
cure phobias?
I think hypnotherapy can cure your phobias, and help you to lead much more fulfilling lives. It’s important
though to make sure that your hypnotherapist  has experience and success specifically in dealing with phobias. 

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