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English for Academic

and Professional Purposes
Module 1
English for Academic and Professional Purposes
Module 1- Differentiating language used in academic texts from
various disciplines
First Edition, 2021

Copyright © 2021
La Union Schools
Division Region I

All rights reserved. No part of this module may be reproduced in any form
without written permission from the copyright owners.

Development Team of the Module

Author: Abegail Mae S . Alimpia, MT II

Editor: S D O La Union, Learning Resource Quality Assurance Team

Illustrator: Ernesto F. Ramos J r. , P II

Management Team:

ATTY. Donato D. Balderas, J r.

Schools Division Superintendent

Vivian Luz S . Pagatpatan, Ph. D

Assistant Schools Division Superintendent

German E . Flora, Ph. D, CID Chief

Virgilio C . Boado, Ph. D, EP S in Charge of

LRMS Belen C . Aquino, EP S in Charge of

English Michael J a s o n D . Morales, PDO II

Claire P. Toluyen, Librarian II

Reading is a skill that is put into good use every day. As soon as we got
to the kitchen and open the cupboard to prepare our first meal for the day, we
start reading the labels on the boxes and cans found on the shelves. We pick a
box of cereals and read the instructions written on the package. With proper
understanding of these directions, we can enjoy a hearty breakfast (Laurel,

In the earlier years, you were taught reading strategies. These strategies
can give them a better grasp of the reading texts.

This section aims to enhance your skills in reading academic

texts. After going through this learning material, you are expected


1. Differentiate language used in academic texts from various disciplines


Before going on, check how much you know about this topic.
Answer the pretest on the next page in a separate sheet of


For you to understand the lesson well, do the following activities.

Have fun and good luck!

Activity 1. Legal Matters

Directions: Read the following provisions on language in the Philippine

Constitution then do the activity below.
Section 6. The national language of the Philippines is Filipino. A s it evolves,
it shall be further developed and enriched on the basis of existing Philippine and
other languages. Subject to provisions of law and a s the Congress may deem
appropriate, the Government shall take steps to initiate and sustain the u s e of
Filipino a s a medium of official communication and a s language of instruction in
the education system.
Section 7. For purposes of communication an d instruction, the official
language of the Philippines are Filipino and, until otherwise provided by law,
English. The regional languages are the auxiliary media of instruction therein,
Spanish and Arabic shall be promoted on a voluntary and optional basis.
Section 8. This constitution shall be promulgated in Filipino and English
and shall be translated into major regional languages, Arabic, and Spanish.
Section 9. The Congress shall establish a national language commission
composed of representatives of various regions and disciplines which shall
undertake, coordinate, an d promote researches for the development,
propagation, and preservation of Filipino and other languages.
Direction: Read and understand the following statements. Write
True if the sentence is correct and False if it is not .

1. The text uses formal language.

2. The text focuses on the writer.
3. The point of view used is in first person.
4. The sentences used in the excerpt are simple in structure.
5. Majority of the words in the text are commonly used in every
day conversation.


Academic writing refers to a style of expression that researchers and

professionals use to define the intellectual boundaries of their disciplines and
their specific areas of expertise.
It is characterized by its formal tone, use of third-person, clear focus on
the problem under investigation, and precise word choice (Hartley, 2008).
Academic text in English is linear, which means it has one
central point
or theme with every part contributing to the main line of argument, without
digressions or repetitions. Its objective is to inform rather than to entertain.
There are four main language features used in an academic text.
It is to
some extent: formal, objective, explicit, and accurate (

Four Features of an Academic Text

(1) Formality
Unlike fiction or journalistic writing, the overall structure of
academic writing is formal and logical. It must be cohesive and possess a
logically organized flow of ideas; this means that the various parts are
connected to form a unified whole.
This reflects the dignified stance a writer takes in an
academic text.
In general, this means that in an academic text, the following
are not used:
a. Colloquial, trite and idiomatic expressions: “stuff ”, “a lot of ”, “sort
of ”
b. Abbreviated forms: “can’t”, “doesn’t”, “shouldn’t”
c. Two-word verbs: put off, bring up
d. Subheadings, numbering, and bullet points
e. Asking questions
An academic text, instead makes use of expanded modal forms,
one-word verb forms, and expanded terms.

(2) Objectivity
This means that the main emphasis is given on the information and
arguments that the author wants to convey rather than on personal
opinion. Therefore, it has fewer words that refer to the writer or the
reader s uc h us personal pronouns “I,” “you,” and “we” . For this reason,
an academic text tends to use nouns (and adjectives), rather than verbs
(and adverbs).
5 questions which marks “closeness”
In addition, giving rhetorical
with the reader is avoided. Likewise, the use of emotive language which
shows biases and lessens objectivity is also discouraged.
(3) Explicitness
An academic text is explicit about the relationships in the text.
Furthermore, it is the responsibility of the writer in English to make it
clear to the reader how the various parts of the text are related. These
connections can be made explicit by the use of different signaling words
or signposts that allow the readers to trace the relationships in the parts
of a study.
Examples of Signal Words:

Description For example, characteristics, for instance, suc h

as, is like, including, to illustrate
Sequence First, second, third, etc., later, next, before,
then, finally, after, when, since, now, previously
Problem/Solution Problem is, dilemma is, if-then, because, so that,
question/answer, puzzle is solved
Compare/ However, nevertheless, on the other hand, but,
Contrast similarly, although, also, in contrast, different,
alike, same as, either/or, in the same way, just
like, just as, likewise, in comparison, whereas, yet
Cause/Effect If-then, reasons why, as a result,
because, consequently, since, so that, for, hence,
due to, thus, this led to
(4) Accuracy
Academic writing uses vocabulary accurately. Most subjects have
words with narrow, specific meanings. Words are clear and concise and
not ambiguous. Awareness of the words used is important because
words that have almost the same denotation (dictionary meaning) can
have very different connotations (implied meanings). Likewise, grammar
rules are also followed to avoid confusion among readers.
The use of jargons or language specific to a particular sub-group of
people represents the specific language and meaning assigned to words
and phrases specific to a discipline or area of study.
It is important that specialist terminology must be used accurately
and applied under the appropriate conditions.


Here are some enrichment activities for you to work on to master

an d strengthen the basic concepts you have learned from this

Enrichment Activity 1. The Doctor is In

Direction: Read and try to understand the following information about the
medicine called aspirin.


C : Acetylsalicylic acid
I: Prophylaxis of thromboembolic disorders,
MI, transient ischemic attacks & stroke
D: 1 tab daily.
CI: Gastric & duodenal ulcers. Haemorrhagic
Children <16 yr.
SP: Renal disorders, G 6 P D deficiency.
Pregnant women close to delivery,
patients w/ flu, chicken-pox or haemorrhagic fever, GI
ulceration or asthma.
Onset of persistent vomiting may be a sign of Reye’s
syndrome (immediate treatment).
AR: Gastric haemorrhage, hypersensitivity,
DI: Anticoagulants, corticosteroids,
antirheumatics, sulfonylureas, methotrexate,
spironolactone, furosemide, antigout agents.
P/P: Tab 100 mg x 300’s (P393.50)
FDA Preg Cat ,: C ; D if full-dose used in 3 r d trimester.

Assessment 1

Direction: With the help of the given code below, interpret the prescription by
answering the following questions. Use a separate sheet.

C content
D dosage
I indications
CI contra indications
SP special precautions
AR adverse reactions
DI drug interactions
P/P presentation and packing

1. How many tablets of aspirin should a patient take in a

day? A. 1 C . 16
B. 6 D . 36
2. The medicine SHOULD NOT be administered in which of
the ff. conditions?
B. stroke
C. gastric ulcer
D. transient ischemetic attacks
3. In which form is the medicine available?
A. capsule
B. powder
C. syrup
D. tablet
4. To whom is the medicine recommended for?
A. pregnant women close to delivery
B. children 15 years old and below
C. an adult suffering from stroke
D. patients with flu
5. Which of the following is a possible side effect of taking the
A. stroke
B. renal disorder
C. hypersensitivity
D. haemorrhagic diathesis

Enrichment Activity 2. World of Whales

Direction: Read the passage below and take note of the four sentences with a
cause and effect relationship as indicated by the signal words.

O n Whales

Whales are mammals, so they breathe air. Since they have a layer of fat
under their skins called blubber, they stay warm in the cold ocean water. They
breathe through their blowholes by shooting air out of the blowholes. New air
goes in through the blowholes, too.
Whales do not sleep the same way human s do because they have to think
about breathing. If they slept like human s do, then they would drown.
Moreover, whales talk to each other. Their calls are the loudest ones of
any creature on the planet and as a result, travel a very far distance through

Assessment 2. Complete the graphic organizer below by providing the

information needed. Use a separate sheet.
Ca use Signal Word Effect

Enrichment Activity 3. Scrutiny

Direction: Read the passage below and try to spot the informal words used.

Panic Attacks

Anxiety is experienced by a lot of people under stressful conditions.

When left untreated, it could escalate into panic attacks that presents with a
variety of symptoms s uch as a bit of palpitations, shortness of breath, dizziness
and nausea. When experiencing s uch signals, one shouldn’t hesitate to call for
help immediately. Putting off asking for assistance might result to more serious
conditions. Anyone suffering from panic attacks must not put off seeking for

Assessment 3. Rewrite three sentences, replacing the informal expressions

with a more formal equivalent.




Great job! You have understood the lesson.

Are you now ready to summarize?


Using the concepts learned from the activities, try to critique

an academic text.


news article, short bond paper, glue, activity sheet


1. C u t out and glue or print a recent news article on a short bond


2. Read and understand the text giving attention to the way it is


3. Comment on the formality, objectivity, explicitness and accuracy of the

text by pointing out: use of formal or informal expressions; use of 1 s t , 2 n d
or 3 r d person point of view; use of signal words; and vocabulary.

4. Use the graphic organizer illustrated.

Copy for the Learner:

Nam e: Grade & Section:

_ Output #: Date:

Topic and Purpose Formality

Objectivity Explicitness



Directions: Read each item carefully then choose the letter of the correct
answer. Use a separate sheet for your answers.
1. Which of the following is a kind of text that is commonly characterized
with being formal, objective, exact, direct and has the ability to influence
its readers?
A. Text C . Fictional Work
B. Academic text D . Non-academic Text
2. Which of the following refers to the use of signposts that allow readers to
trace the relationships in the parts of a study?
A. Accuracy C . Formality
B. Explicitness D . Objectivity
3. Which of the following characterizes an academic text as impersonal,
maintaining a certain level of social distance?
A. Accuracy C . Formality
B. Explicitness D . Objectivity
4. What feature of an academic text reflects the dignified stance in writing?
A. Accuracy C . Formality
B. Explicitness D . Objectivity
5. Which feature of an academic text indicates the use of exact descriptions,
and unambiguous vocabulary?
A. Accuracy C . Formality
B. Explicitness D . Objectivity
6. Which of the following point-of-views is appropriate in academic writing?
A. First B . Second C . Third D . Fourth
7. A statement which is based on a person’s personal perception and
judgment is considered .
A. Formal C . Subjective
B. O bjective D . Technical
8. Which of the following sentences is most formal in style?
A. We regret to inform you that . . . . .
B. We are sorry to tell you that...
C. We are sorry to say that...
D. Sorry b ut ..

9. Which of the following sentences is most formal in style?
A. I have a ton of experience in this area.
B. I have a considerable amount of experience in this area.
C. I have a lot of experience in this area.
D. I have many experiences in this area.
10 . “The modern woman maintains a challenging career
taking care of her family”. Which signal word best completes the
A. although B . because C . so D . while
11. “The officers agreed on the prevalence of the problem;

A. disagreed
h owever on the problem’s cause.”
C . therefore
B. that D . unless
12. “This w a s before he had read the guidelines on how to carry out the
experiment.” Which verb is more appropriate to substitute the
underlined expression?
A. achieve C . follow through
B. bring off D . perform
13. “These aren’t at all original or exotic but are b as ed on the ordinary things
1 2 3
that most people tend to eat.”
Which word makes the statement informal?
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3
D 4
14. Which of the following sentences is grammatically correct?
A. Waiting for the weather to clear up; they played chess indoors for
B. Under the light of the moon we sat and watched a movie at the
in theater.
C. We planted the following vegetables in our garden: carrot, corn,
pumpkin, and zucchini.
D. Having purchases noodles, and sprouts at the grocery store;
Lin was
ready to prepare dinner.
15. Which organizing technique is used in the following text?
“The dodo bird used to roam in large flocks across America.
Interestingly, the dodo was not startled
A. Cause/Effect by gun shot. Because of this,
C . Problem/Solution
frontiersmen would kill
B. Comparison and Contrast entire flocks in one sitting. Unable to sustain
D . Sequence
these attacks, the dodo was hunted to extinction.”
Congratulations! You are done with the first module.

Printed Materials:
Hartley, J . (2008). Academic Writing and Publishing: A Practical Guide. New
York: Routledge.
Laurel, M a . Milagros C . , English for Academic and professional Purposes
Reader. Pasig City: Philippines.

Laurel, M a . Milagros C . , English for Academic and professional Purposes

Teacher’s Guide. Pasig City: Philippines.

Saqueton, Grace M . (2016) English for Academic and professional Purposes.

Sampaloc, Manila: Philippines.

Sword, H . (2012). Stylish Academic Writing. Cambridge, MA: Harvard

University Press.


Academic Writing: Features of Academic Writing. (n.d.) retrieved J u ly 25, 2020


De jesus, Georvin. (n.d.) Lesson 1: Fundamentals of Reading Academic Texts.

Retrieved J u ly 24, 2020 from

Romano, G ia n. (n.d.) The Language of Academic Writing. Retrieved J u ly 24,

2020 from -language-of-


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