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Power of Muji

From:Jonis Sokolli
The song Fuqija e Mujit

1 Blessed and blessed for the river, Lord, 18 It is the months that Muja reconciled with me.
2 I don't have them and God has given them to us! 19 I am agreeing with you
3 When Muja had a young son, 20 And he put both cradles to sleep.
4 You had taken my father to your salary, a master. 21 White as light two fairies then came.
5 The lady has a cowherd. 22 - You, as they say, they own Mujo.
6 For all day the hills of the Moon you sought, 23 God, what brought you to this place and left you here!
24 Kqyre Muja then went away and they said:
7 For the whole day among the stones you were refreshed.
25 - I am a cow worker,
8 For the whole day among the frosts I rest: 26 I have been looking for these mountains all day;
9 There is no path or path without notice, 27 Today, danger has come against me,
10 He always takes my cows where they don't have them. 28 The cows have hooted me and I have not found them
11 At night the shepherd's cows bleat anywhere;
12 And your hole has no crooked mouth. 29 Here the night came and I went to sleep,
13 The edge of a cliff stopped me, it was narrow, 30 I didn't close my eyes because of the oil I felt,
14 So the boy sat there to sleep, 31 These two children were with me,
32 They didn't leave me any tea, my child.
15 There are two cradles there,
33 They are sorry for me and I have agreed with them,
16 They took the horn and brought it here. 34 I agreed that I died in my sleep.
17 It's the months you look at me, 35 Yes sir, where are you with all this light?
36 - We are fairies, Mujo, I walk the streets, 58 Badihava is weighed with hands,
37 He brought us people and helped him. 59 Until the end of the dagger, it's not long.
38 What an honor, Mujo, you are begging us, 60 The fairies then said to the other friend:
39 Why did you put our two cradles to sleep? 61 - They also gave Mujo tamales.
40 Do you want strength, Mujo, with cents? 62 Muji took the tamlin and drank it.
41 Do you want war, Mujo, fight me? 63 He has caught the heaviest stone,
42 Do you want longing, Mujo, do you want longing? 64 He took the stone up to his knee;
43 Do you want knowledge, Mujo, do you want language? 65 He put it back on the ground and laid it to rest.
44 Beg as much as you want, Mujos has been told. 66 Look how well the fairies said:
45 Kqyr Muji then said what he had said: 67 - They gave me a little bit of Mujo's milk.
46 - I'm often getting stuck by the shepherds, 68 He gave him back to drink,
47 I am very angry with the way they treat me, 69 How much God has given him strength
48 Paj with force me jau kalue un due. 70 E took the heaviest stone
49 The fairies then said to the other friend: 71 He has carried the stone to the bottom.
50 - They gave Mujit's breast tamale. 72 They have seen it, they have seen it,
51 They gave tamale to the breast with drink, 73 They said to each other:
52 With three points, my son was taken from me 74 - Opet Muji gji begs to be given.
53 And God has given him so much power 75 Muji has taken her breast with drink,
54 The more I play, the bigger the rock. 76 Oh, what God is giving them strength,
55 - Grab the stone, the fairies have said it. 77 Kenka ba si me drangue.
56 They had a mouse and a stone. 78 He took the heaviest stone,
57 A mouse caught 79 In the corner of the wing, Muji has killed him.

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