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English 4

Analyze a story in terms
of its elements. EN4RC-
Elements of a Story
Can you give me an example of
speaker’s tone? mood? purpose?

Ask: Who among you have a pet?

What is your pet?
A story has three basic elements. These are the
characters, the setting, and the plot which
includes the conflict and the resolution.
A character is a person or animal who takes part
in the action in a story. The setting is the time
and place wherein the story happens. A plot is a
series of events and character actions that relate
to the central topic.
Read the story below and analyze it in terms of its story elements.
Given in the following numbers are the elements of the story, identify
them as to Setting, Character or Plot. Do this in your notebook.
One Saturday morning, Peter woke up early to prepare breakfast for
her mother. It was his mother’s birthday and he wanted to surprise
her. He cooked fried rice, fried egg and hotdog for her. He set the table
and put the cake that he bought yesterday. When his mother came out
of her room, she was very surprised.
1. Peter’s mother
2. One Saturday morning
3. Peter cooks breakfast to surprise his mother on her birthday.
4. Peter
5. Peter’s mother was surprised to see her breakfast and birthday
Read the story below and complete the table by analyzing the
underlined story elements.
It was summer . The Solomon family wanted to go on a journey.
Dad wanted to go to Cebu. Mom wanted to go to Bohol. Mark and
Benedict wanted to go to Boracay. They love going to the ocean.
In the end, the family decided to go to Boracay. They went to the
seashore right away. The sand on the beach was fine and white.
There were boats with white sails on the blue sea. Mark built a
sand castle. Benedict decided to ride a bike but he bumped into a
rock and fell. He got all bruised and blooded. Benedict was sad.
He could not swim that day.
Read the paragraph below and analyze the story by
completing the diagram below.
Every Friday afternoon, the parents of Salinas Elementary
School go to their children’s learning center. They submit the
answer sheets to the teachers and at the same time get the
new one for the following week. They are making sure that
they are observing health protocols by wearing face mask
and face shield. They are also spraying alcohol and
following physical distancing. The situation is challenging
parents, teachers, and especially the pupils, but they are
working hand in hand to continue learning in this time of
Read the story ”Pablo and the Eggs”. Analyze the story and complete the graphic organizer
below by supplying its elements.
Pablo and the Eggs
Pete, the grasshopper, and his friend Pablo, the praying mantis, were playing in the garden.
One day, they found some small round objects in the grass. Pablo wanted to play with them
because they looked like small balls.
He was about to pick them up when Pete stopped him.

“Those are not playthings.”

“They looked look like small eggs,” Pete said
“No, they are not eggs. I am going to play with these balls.” Pablo
insisted. He got two and prepared to throw them. Suddenly the eggs broke and out came
little bugs.
Pablo was surprised. “Oh! They’re alive!” he said as each ran in different directions.
Pete laughed at the frightened Pablo. “See, I told you.”

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