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Problem Solving

Clarissa Mae M. Rodriguez

Create a Table
is a problem-solving strategy
that students can use to solve Click icon to add picture
mathematical word problems
by writing the information in a
more organized format.

Example 1:
Josie takes up jogging. On the first week she
jogs for 10 minutes per day, on the second
week she jogs for 12 minutes per day. Each
week, she wants to increase her jogging time
by 2 minutes per day. If she jogs six days
each week, what will be her total jogging
time on the sixth week?

4 Create A Table 20XX

 Solution

1. Understand
We know in the first week Josie jogs 10 minutes per day for six
We know in the second week Josie jogs 12 minutes per day for
six days.
Each week, she increases her jogging time by 2 minutes per
day and she jogs 6 days per week.
We want to find her total jogging time in week six.

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2. Strategy
A good strategy is to list the data we have been given in a table and use the
information we have been given to find new information.

We are told that Josie jogs 10 minutes per day for six days in the first week
and 12 minutes per day for six days in the second week. We can enter this
information in a table:

Week Minutes per Day Minutes per Week

1 10 60
2 12 72

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Week Minutes per Day Minutes per Week

1 10 60

2 12 72

3 14 84

4 16 96

5 18 108

6 20 120

7 Create A Table 20XX

Minutes Minutes
3. Apply strategy/solve Week
per Day per Week
To get the answer we read the 1 10 60
entry for week six. 2 12 72

3 14 84
Answer: In week six Josie jogs a
total of 120 minutes. 4 16 96

5 18 108

6 20 120

8 Create A Table 20XX


Josie increases her jogging time by two minutes per day. She jogs
six days per week. This means that she increases her jogging time
by 12 minutes per week.

Josie starts at 60 minutes per week and she increases by 12

minutes per week for five weeks.

That means the total jogging time is 60+12×5=120 minutes.

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Example 2
Andrew cashes a $180 check and wants the money in $10 and $20
bills. The bank teller gives him 12 bills. How many of each kind of
bill does he receive?

Create A Table
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Andrew gives the bank teller a $180 check.
The bank teller gives Andrew 12 bills. These bills are a mix of $10
bills and $20 bills.
We want to know how many of each kind of bill Andrew receives.

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Strategy- Make a Table
Let’s start by making a table of the different ways Andrew can
have twelve bills in tens and twenties.
Andrew could have twelve $10 bills and zero $20 bills, or eleven
$10 bills and one $20 bill, and so on.
We can calculate the total amount of money for each case.

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Apply strategy/solve
$10 bills $ 20 bills Total amount
12 0 $10(12)+$20(0)=$120
11 1 $10(11)+$20(1)=$130
10 2 $10(10)+$20(2)=$140
9 3 $10(9)+$20(3)=$150
8 4 $10(8)+$20(4)=$160
7 5 $10(7)+$20(5)=$170
6 6 $10(6)+$20(6)=$180
5 7 $10(5)+$20(7)=$190
4 8 $10(4)+$20(8)=$200
3 9 $10(3)+$20(9)=$210
2 10 $10(2)+$20(10)=$220
1 11 $10(1)+$20(11)=$230
0 12 $10(0)+$20(12)=$240

Answer: Andrew gets six $10 bills and six $20 bills.

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Six $10 bills and six $20 bills →6($10)+6($20)=$60+$120=$180

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There are six swimmers on each relay-race team. The first team member
300 meters. Each team member swims 50 meters less than the swimmer
How many meters did the last team member swim in the relay race?
1. Make a table to solve.

2. How many meters does each team swim in the relay race in all? Explain
you used your table to solve the problem.

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Swimmer Distance

1 300 meters

2 250 meters

1. Make a Table 3 200meters

How many meters did the last team
member swim? 4 150 meters
50 meters.
5 100 meters

6 50 meters

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2. How many meters does each team swim in the relay race in all? Explain how you
used your table to solve the problem.

1,050 meters; Explanations will vary.

Sample answer: The table shows how many meters each member of the team
swims. So, to find the total distance the team swims, I found the sum of all
the distances each team member swims.

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Thank you!

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