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Basic of Standardization

GROUP: 662.19E
INSTRUCTOR: Damirova Gunay
What is a standard?

◍ A standard is a normative document

prepared with the consent of interested
parties and approved by the relevant
competent authority or body, which
defines the requirements for the
quality and safety of products (works,
services) intended for public use.
◍ Standard in a word means - norm,

A brief history of the development of

Elements of standardization appeared at a time when there was no

term for it. Examples include the use of 410x200x130 bricks in
the construction of Pharaoh's palaces in Egypt, the application
of the proportional number method in the construction of water
wheels and catapults in ancient Rome, the use of pipes of
certain diameters by the Romans in the construction of the
city's aqueduct, and and so on. There is no area of human
activity that is not affected by standardization.
Standardization has always helped people live and work. In the
field of standardized engineering, historians usually mention
the construction of pyramids in ancient Egypt. The stones used
had precise dimensions, without which it would not be possible
to ensure the correct geometric shape of the pyramids and their
long-term preservation. All the stones were worked with great
precision and were well placed even when there was no connector
between them.

In 1946, the International Organization for
Standardization (ISO) was established in London,
which included 33 countries. At present, ISO is one
of the largest international technical organizations.


The largest international organization dealing with standardization is
called ISO. This organization has developed and adopted key terms in
the field of standardization. ISO was established in 1926 in Prague.
This international association at that time included 20 countries on
standardization. During World War II, ISO ceased operations. At that
time, this organization was called ISA. After the war, on October 14,
1946, a de facto new ISO was formed in London. This day is called
"International Standardization Day".


Recently, the ISO 9000 series of quality systems of
enterprises great importance is attached to voluntary
certification of compliance with the requirements of
international standards.

 International standards- are standards, norms, rules and
recommendations adopted and used by most countries in the world.
 Regional (basin) standards- are standards, norms, rules and
recommendations adopted and used by a group of technical
(economic) cooperating regional (basin) states.
 Interstate standards -are standards, norms, rules and
recommendations adopted by two or more States by mutual
consent and used in their respective relations.
 National standards - in the territory of a separate independent
state standards, norms, rules and recommendations developed and

Categories of standards:

According to the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Standardization” adopted on

April 16, 1996 and entered into force on October 8, 1996 by the decree of the
President of the Republic, the following categories of normative documents on
standardization are prepared and applied in the Republic:
◍ 1. State standards of the Republic of Azerbaijan (AZS).
◍ 2. Technical-economic and social information classifications (TISIT).
◍ 3. Field standards (SSAZ).
◍ 4. Interstate standards (GOST).
◍ 5. Technical conditions (TSAZ).
◍ 6. Enterprise Standards (MS).
◍ 7. Scientific-technical and engineering societies and other public associations
standards (ETMCS).
Methods of standardization
Standardization is carried out by the following methods:
unification; typing; systematization; simplification;

1.Unification - is a rational reduction of the number of types, types, sizes and brands of products
for their mutual replacement during the operation of products with the same functional purpose.
2.Typing - is a type of standardization in which a number of products, components, and typical
structural or technological solutions for a process with common design or technological
characteristics are developed and defined.
3. Systematization - a certain sequence of objects, events and concepts
is the alignment. When systematizing, it is necessary to take into account the interrelationships
of objects. The simplest systematization is the alphabetical arrangement of objects.
4.Simplification - is a form of standardization in which the goal is to reduce the number of types
or other types of products to the extent necessary to meet the current demand for them.
This definition of simplification is given by STAKO.
5.Aggregation - machinery, equipment, devices and other products using unified standard
aggregates is the principle of creation.


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