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Let’s find the meanings of words in the

The first person to find the word should

read the definition out loud


Let’s find the meanings of words in the

How was theThe
presenter reading
first person to find the news.
the word should
read the definition out loud

Reading with expression


• How do I read different recounts with

Objectives: I will be able to
K- Read aloud with expression
U- Identify the pace and volume
appropriate to a given recount.
D- Use the strategies taught to
read with expression.
Read aloud,

• Express emotions when there is an

exclamation mark(!).
• Read as if you are asking a question
when you see a question mark(?).
• Pause for a moment when there is a
comma (,).
K- Read aloud with expression

Expression in reading is the ability to read

in a way that sounds like spoken language.
This means that the one reading uses
appropriate emotion to read aloud, pauses
for periods with commas and emphasizes
important words.
K- Read aloud with expression

Using appropriate vocal inflection

allows learners to read faster and
smoother, which helps prevent
tripping on words or losing their place.
All in all, expressive reading makes
learners better readers.
What are facts?

llo and good evening everyone. What a moment where everyone is on their feet and holding a flag and
pporting their team.

ke a look at the table right now and it is Barcelona 76 points Atletico winning pocket at 70 Real Madrid
66 now again on paper it seems even with the defeat here today Barcelona should be able to coast
me but stranger things have happened.
w let’s get ready to rock and roll these two footballing teams exemplify in the spirit of the football that
ace displayed in different ways perhaps but world-class footballers again.
ere is history to be made or added to 170-second league match between these two and Ray 200 in 31st
wins for Real Madrid 90 for Barcelona, it is hard to separate these two in a rivalry that dates back to the
n of the last century allied on the far side Neymar checking back.
What are facts?
What are facts?
What are facts?
Objective 2:Identify facts and opinions in persuasive text and discuss their roles in persuasive
Objective 3: Write a persuasive paragraph using facts and opinions.

Success criteria
1. Start with an opinion which must be a feeling or belief
about the product or event.
2. The opinion must have powerful descriptive
adjectives modifying the product. For example: best,
most beautiful, most powerful, most delicious etc.
3. Support the opinion with a fact which can be proven
to be true.
4. The fact can have a date, number, percentage etc. to
make it more believable. For example: 80%, 200
students, 21st June, 2022 etc.
Objective 3: Write a persuasive paragraph using facts and opinions.

Model work
International community school is the
best school in Ghana. According to a
survey published by the Ghana
education service in 2022, I.C.S was
chosen by more than 80% of the
students interviewed as the school with
the highest quality of education.
Objective 3: Write a persuasive paragraph using facts and opinions.

Whole class discussion

Can you help me come up with
another persuasive paragraph
about the school?
Objective 3: Write a persuasive paragraph using facts and opinions.

Paired work
Work together to come up
with a paragraph persuading
people to buy this pizza.
Objective 3: Write a persuasive paragraph using facts and opinions.

Independent work
Write a paragraph
convincing people to buy this



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