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Prof. (Dr.) Subhasis Sen E.I.I.L.M. Kolkata

Concept of Leadership
Leadership is the lifting of mans visions to higher sights, the raising of mans performance to a higher standard, the building of mans personality beyond its normal limitations (Peter Drucker) Leadership is the behaviour of an individual when he is directing the activities of a group (Hemphill) Leadership is the influential increment over and above mechanical compliance with the routine directives of the organization (Katz & Kahn) Leadership is the interpersonal influence, exercised in situations and directed, through the communication process, towards the attainment of goals (Tannenbaum) Thus, Leadership is an interpersonal process of directing and influencing the behaviour of others towards the attainment of particular goals

A Short Course on Leadership

The 6 most important words I ADMIT I MADE A MISTAKE The 5 most important words I AM PROUD OF YOU The 4 most important words WHAT IS YOUR OPINION? The 3 most important words IF YOU PLEASE The 2 most important words THANK YOU The 1 most important word.. WE


Characteristics of Leadership
Personal Ability-Knowledge, Expertise, Personality Followership Influencing Behaviour Interpersonal Relationship Group Behaviour Mutual Goals Its essence is Performance Exemplary Conduct Leadership is situational Assumption of Responsibility Importance of Communication All Managers are not Leaders Formal or Informal Four-faceted Concept Leader, Followers, Organization, Environment Process

Need & Importance of Leadership

Ingredient of Management Survival & Success of Business Facing Challenges Sets Goals & Policies Provides Motivation Builds Employee Morale Promotes sound use of Human Resources Creates Human Energies & Trust Helps in Coordination Develops Team Spirit Creates Loyalty Transforming Dreams into Reality Influencial Increment Creates Change High Achievers Inspiration Developing Talents Shaping Corporate Culture & Values Organizational Performance Institution-Building Force

Leadership Styles
I. Based on Motivation 1. Positive Leadership 2. Negative Leadership II. Based on Use of Authority 1. Pure Autocratic 2. Benevolent Autocrat 3. Paternalistic Autocrat 4. Incompetent Autocrat 5. Democratic/Participative 6. Free-Rein III. Based on Leader Behaviour 1. Job-Centered 2. Employee-Centered
IV. Two Dimensional Styles Ohio State University(1945) Initiating Structure Consideration V. Based on Management Systems Exploitative -Authoritative Benevolent -Authoritative Consultative -Democratic Participative -Democratic


POWER Reward Coercive (Illegitimate) Legitimate (Positional) Expert Referent (Secretary to the G.M. has got this power)

Key Difference between a Manager & a Leader

Leadership is a broader term whereas Management is thought of as a special kind of leadership in which the achievement of organizational goal is paramount

A Manager is nominated and empowered from the top, whereas a Leader is generally elected by the followers and empowered by them

Leadership Qualities
Ability to inspire Good Decisions & Judgement Intelligence Initiative Self-Confidence Integrity Supervisory Ability Achievement Drives Social Maturity Human Relations Attitudes Courage Mental Flexibility Ability to Communicate Tolerance Empathy

Assignment: Case Study Development

Hints: Case Study is a type of Traditional Research Strategy Development of detailed, intensive knowledge about a single case or a small no. of related cases Exploring Data or simulating the experiences of businesses or customers in a real-life situation Data collected by Observation or Personal Interview

Case Study Analysis 1. Problem Definition with sources of causes 2. Formulation of alternatives 3. Analysis of alternatives 4. Selection of a solution to the problem 5. Specify a Plan of Action & includes Contingency Plans to deal with the key changes in the business environment

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