Usg Transducer - Basic Structure & Function

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What is ultrasound?
Ultrasound is the name given to high frequency

sound waves, over 20k cycles per second(20kHz)

These are inaudible to humans, & can be used to

scan tissues of the body

Sonic waves used in diagnostic imaging is b/w 1MHz

to 20MHz.

Sound beam is similar to x ray beam as both waves

transmit energy except that x rays pass through vacuum but ultrasound waves need medium to transmission.

Velocity of sound depends on nature of medium

The particles in sound beam oscillate back & forth

but over a short distance only a few microns in liquids & even smaller in solids.

- device that converts one form of energy

into another form of energy USG transducer: A part of ultrasound unit which
Converts electrical energy into ultrasonic energy (sound waves/ acoustic energy) during transmission into the tissues & Coverts ultrasonic energy reflected back from tissues into electrical energy during reception. This Conversion is accomplished through the piezoelectric effect

Thus a Transducer is both a transmitter & a receiver. A transducer often called a SCANNER/PROBE & is connected to the ultrasound unit by a flexible cable. Transducers are most expensive & fragile part of ultrasound unit ,and must be handled very carefully. A large variety of sizes & shapes of transducers are available to perform specific functions;but they all have this basic design.

Transducer Types:-

Electronic: Linear Arrays Curved Arrays Phased Arrays Mechanical: Oscillating Rotating

Mechanical scanners
In mechanical scanners, single element transducer or group

of single element transducers are mechanically moved to form image.

There are 3 types, two of these use single transducer that is

caused to oscillate, whereas 3rd uses two, three or four transducers mounted on a rotating wheel.
All produces an image with a sector format.

LINEAR ARRAY: Consists of number of small rectangular transducer

elements arranged in a line, could be 64 to 200 transducers forming an assembly from 4 to 10 cm Elements are arranged in linear fashion
Rectangular image format on monitor.

used for small parts like breast, thyroid , vascular

imaging etc

CURVED ARRAY: Crystals are arranged in concentric rings Large surface field of view

used for general abdominal , obstetric scans

Small ,high frequency curved arrays are used for

TVS, transrectal and pediatric imaging

PHASED/SECTOR ARRAY: The sector scan is obtained by Electronically moving

the US Beam These scans are fan shaped.

Electronic Focusing
Used in Gynaecological &Cardiological examination. Expensive & no Side Resolution

BASIC STRUCTURE: Transducer consists of


Piezoelectric Crystal 2.Backing material 3.Acoustic insulator 4.Electrical connections 5.Tansducer housing

Piezoelectric Crystal element : It is the most important component.

It is thin{approx.0.5mm}located near the face of

transducer The front & back surfaces of crystal are coated with a thin conducting film to ensure good contact with the 2 electrodes that will supply the electric field used to strian the crystal. When the voltage is applied, deformity of crystal occurs-strian. Change in physical dimensions of material when electric field is applied is called PIEZOELECTRIC EFFECT

Crystal surfaces are plated with gold and silver

electrodes. Outside /Ground electrode is grounded to prevent electric shock to patient & its outside surface is coated with a water tight electrical insulator. Inner/live electrode abuts against a thick backing block that absorbs sound waves transmitted back into the transducer.

Natural - QUARTZ
Artificial most used in medical USG are

manmade called as ferroelectrics Barium titanate Lead zirconate(PZT) ADVANTAGE they can be formed into different shapes

Synthetic Crystals

Man-made crystals: less expensive more durable more efficient in converting mechanical energy to electrical energy often combined with non-piezoelectric polymer to create a material called piezo-composites These composites have lower impedance, improved bandwidth, sensitivity & resolution.

Lead Zirconate Titanate (PZT)

- is

the most common piezoelectric material found in diagnostic imaging transducers

Backing block: Dampens the vibrations between voltage spikes, so

that it primes the transducer to generate multiple short pulses of sound, which is to detect returning echoes. Made up of tungsten and rubber powder in epoxy resin It accepts all waves that it receives and completely absorb the energy of the waves. Dynamic damping - electronic means to suppress the ringing by applying a voltage of opposite polarity to the crystal after the excitation pulse

Acoustic insulator: Made up of rubber or cork

It prevents the sound from passing into the housing

INSULATING COVER/Matching Layer (facing material)

Thin layer of aluminum powder in epoxy resin

in front (facing) of the crystal

the impedance difference between the crystal

& the skin

matching layer thickness = of crystals resonating frequency


Carries electrical pulse to the crystal

Transmits voltage from the receiving crystal back

to the US unit Each crystal requires electrical contact

PLASTIC HOUSING/Insulating Case:-

Strong Plastic casing around transducer Protects:

Sonographer & Pt. from electrical shocks Keeps outside interference/electrical noise from entering Protects the transducers components

FUNCTION: Transducer is the most important part of ultrasound

unit& its function is based upon the pulse-echo principle occurring with ultrasound piezoelectric effect of crystals, ultrasound transducers convert: Electricity into sound = pulse Sound into electricity = echo. The function of transducer is to transmit the ultrasound pulses &recieves back the echoes during scanning.

Piezoelectric Effect
piezo in Greek for to press & elektron in Greek for amber. --Change in physical dimensions of material when

electric field is applied and vice versa,this is called


Charecteristics of piezoelectric material: Piezoelectric crystal material in the transducer, is

made up of many dipoles arranged in specific geometric configuration An electric dipole is a distorted molecule that appears to have a positive charge on one end &negative charge on the other. The +ve & -ve ends are arranged so that an electric field will cause them to realign, thus changing the dimensions of crystal. When the voltage is applied, deformity of crystal occurs

Piezoelectric Effect

No current flows through crystals, but the plating

electrodes behave as capacitors & it is the voltage b/w them that produces the electric field This causes the crystal to change in shape. If the voltage is applied in sudden burst or pulse the crystal vibrates & generates sound waves which passes through the tissues.(pulse). As sound pulse passes through the body,echoes reflect back towards the transducer from each tissue interface.

The echoes carry energy & they transmit their energy

to the transducer,causing a physical compression of the crystal element. This compression forces the dipoles to change their orientation,which induces a voltage b/w the electrodes.(REVERSE PIEZOELECTRIC EFFECT) The voltage is amplified in the scanner& serves as the ultrasonic signal for display on a TV monitor.

FUNCTION:-Voltage applied

crystal vibrate ultrasonic waves tissues reflected back ultrasonic waves electrical voltage Stored in SCAN CONVERTER Produces a DIGITAL SIGNAL displayed in TV monitor.

SELECTION OF TRANSDUCER :Superficial vessels and organs within 1to 3 cms depth and intra operative imaging -7.5 to 15 Hz Deeper structures in abdomen and pelvis within 12 to 15cms 2.25 to 3.5Hz

Transducer Frequencies

2.5 MHz
3.5MHz 5.0 MHz 7.5 MHz 10.0 MHz

Deep abdomen,OB/Gyn General abdomen,OB/Gyn

Vascular, Breast, Gyn Breast, Thyroid Breast, Thyroid,Superficial veins, Superficial masses

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