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These elements are:

What is fire? 1. Fuel - the material to burn

Fire is a chemical reaction 2. Air - which is a source of

with three essential elements oxygen.
which are well presented as a
triangle. 3. Heat - which is a source of
Fire is a useful element and a force of nature because it
produces light and heat.

However, fire can reduce to ashes an entire house and

building, and even people in a few hours. It can also
destroy an entire plantation due for harvest and hectares
of forest.
What is Fire?
As defined by the National Fire
Protection Association , fire is " a
rapid oxidation process, which is a
chemical reaction resulting in the
evolution of light and heat in varying
In addition, it is also a corrosion process that occurs very quickly.
The "light, heat, and sound are released swiftly which cause the
temperatures to rise.

The three components are necessary to create fire: the fuel

(something that will burn), heat (enough to make the fuel burn),
and air (oxygen). This is also called the fire triangle.

Elimination fire requires removal of one or more of its

Common Causes of The South Australian Country
Fire Service identified ten

Fire and Tips for common causes of fire and

provided tips for prevening

Prevention fire.
Causes of Fire Tips to prevent fire
• Never leave the stove unattented

• Check if electric cords, curtains, tea towels, and oven clothes are at a safe
Kitchen Stoves distance from the stove top.

• Be careful of long flowing sleeves containing gas flames.

• Do not sleep with electric blankes on or leave the house without

switching them off.

Electric • Never leave wighty objects on the bed when electric blanket is on.

Blankets • Have your blanket checked by an authorized repairer if you suspect

Causes of Fire Tips to prevent fire
• Always hire a qualified electrician
Faulty • Double adaptors and powerboards can overload power points.
• Install safety switches and correct fuses.

Smoking in • Smocking in bed can be fatal- tiny embers can smoulder

Bed unnoticed and burst into flame much later.

• Check light fittings for heat to build-up.

Lighting • Discard lampshades that are close to light globes and lamp bases that
can be knocked over easily.
• Ensure recessed downlights are properly insulated from wood
panelling or ceiling timbers
Causes of Fire Tips to prevent fire
• Store all flammable liquids such as petrol, kerosene, and methylated
Flammable Liquids spirits away from heat.
• Always check the label use and storage.
• Use extreme care when pouring.

Clothes • Always clean lint filters after each load.

• Avoid drying bras in your dryers as the underwire can get
Dryers caught and start a fire.
• Never leave burning candles unattented. Do not sleep with a
Candles burning candle.
• Make sure curtains and ither flammable items are well away from
burning candles.
Causes of Fire Tips to prevent fire
• Make sure all appliances are professionally installed.

• Check that walls and floors are insulated from heat sources.

• Be careful where you place portable appliances.

Home • Never leave an open fire alight when you leave the house or go to bed.

Heating • Place a mesh guard in front of open fires.

• Have your chimney and flue cleaned annually.

• Never leave children unattended near fires and heaters.

• Clothing should not be dried close to heaters or fires.

Causes of Fire Tips to prevent fire
• Warn all children about playing with fire.

• Keep all matches, lighters, and candles out of reach of small children.

• Teach young children to bring matches or lighters they find to an adult

• Teach older children that matches are tool to be used only in presence
of adults.

• Brief your babysitter on your fire plan. Make sure they know all exists
and emergency telephone numbers. Make sure that the babysitter
understands the fire survival techniques.
What to do when
there is a fire?
• Observe fire prevention guidelines in your
community or school premises.
• Fire produces a thick heavy smoke which will
prevent you from seeing your surroundings
clearly. Thereby at the preparatory period or
before a fire, it would help if you prepare an
exit plan.
• Know the post-evacuation plans of your
• Ensure a fire extinguisher.
• Look for fire exits and memorized floor plans.
• Don't panic.
• Don't run.
• Don't use elevators.
• Find the emergency alarm button if you are
inside an establishment or school and press it to
• Protect yourself from the fire.
• Call the fire department.
• Cover your nose and drop. Crawl to the nearest
fire exit accessible from your location.
• If you tried to extingguish the fire and it can't be
handled, put the extiguisher down and leave the
9. Feel the door knobs and cracks with the back of your hand before opening any door.

10. Don't forget to close the doors and windows that you used to pass through as you
escape from the fire. This will delay the spread of fire.

11. Get out as quickly as you can and stay away from smoke and falling objects
• Call the fire department if they are not yet
• Once you are out the burning premises or
building, never attempt to go back to save
things or lives. Let the authorized presonnel do
it for you.
• Once you are already outside, go to a safe
place, check yourself for injuries, and stay alert.
• Stay away from the building that has been
damaged by fire unless the authorities already
allowed people to enter the area.

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