Media Literacy

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The Value Of Being A Media

and Information Literate

Acapulco, Jamaica L.
Romanillos, Christine Kay M.
Lessons Responsible Use
Of Media And Information
to be CoveredInformation Disorder

My My
Responsibility Responsibility
as a Media as a Media
Consumer Producer
Responsible Use of
Media and
Media Literate

– it is when an individual can completely assess, evaluate,

comprehend and analyze various media forms.

Information Literate

– it is when an individual is able to analyze and recognize

when information is needed as is knowledgeable on how to
locate, evaluate, use and share it in different forms
The Information
The Information Disorder

- refers to the many ways our

information environment is polluted- content is
fake, used out of context, weaponized to attack
certain individuals or groups of people
Three Categories of Information Disorder


- refers to an information that is FALSE,

but the person sharing or disseminating it unknowingly
perceives it as something true.
- refers to an information that is FALSE, but the person sharing or
disseminating it unknowingly perceives it as something true.

A. False Connection – when headlines or

visuals do not support the content

B. Misleading Content – by cropping photos or

choosing quotes or statistics selectivity
A. False Connection
B. Misleading Content
- refers to content that contains false
information with the deliberate intention to mislead
or deceive the audience
- refers to content that contains false information with the
deliberate intention to mislead or deceive the audience

A. False Context - when genuine content is re-circulated

out of its original context
B. Impostor Content- persons bylines used alongside
articles they did not write, organizations’ logos used in
videos or images they did not create
C. Manipulated Content – when genuine content is manipulated to
D. Fabricated Content – fabricated “new sites” or
fabricated visual
A. False Context
C. Manipulated Content
D. Fabricated Content

- refers to information that is

based on reality but is used to inflict harm
- refers to information that is based on reality but is used to inflict harm


A. Leaks to the press of private information for personal or

corporate interest

B. Using a picture (e.g. of a dead child, with no context or false

context) in an effort to ignite hatred of a particular ethnic group

All media messages are constructed

Media messages are constructed using a creative language

with its own rules
Different people experience the same media message

Media have embedded values and points of view

Most media messages are organized to gain profit or power

Seven Media Literacy Skills
1. The ability and willingness to make an effort to understand
the content, to pay attention, and to filter out noise

2.An understanding of and respect for the power of media


3. The ability to distinguish emotional from reasoned reactions

when responding to content and to act accordingly

4. Development of heightened expectations of media

Seven Media Literacy Skills
5. A knowledge of genre conventions and the ability to
recognize when they are being mixed

6. The ability to think critically about media messages,

no matter how credible their sources

7. A knowledge and appreciation of the internal language of

various media and the ability to understand its effects, no
matter how complex
• to information
ACCESS • to communication tools

ANALYSIS • of how media is constructed

• of a content’s meaning, value, purpose and point


• of a media content or message

My Responsibility
as a Media
1. Who created this message? (AUTHOR)

2. What creative techniques are used to attract my attention? (FORMAT)

3. How might other people understand this message differently than me?


4. What values, lifestyles, and points of view are represented in, or omitted

from this message? (CONTENT)

5. Why is this message being sent? (PURPOSE)

My Responsibility
as a Media Producer
1.Give credits where credit is due.
2. Avoid sharing raw and unverified information.
3.Think about who can see what you have shared.
4. Be open to learning and constructive criticisms.
5. Share expert knowledge.
6.Respect other people’s privacy.
7.Always be respectful.
ACTIVITY 3.1 : Media Interaction
Direction: Try to think of your media consumption
during the past week. Use the table below.
Media or Information Number of hours in a week
Example: RADIO 3 hours

ACTIVITY 3.1 : Media
Interaction Log
1.How many hours did you spend consuming
media today?
2.Based on your table,in which media
provider did you spend the most time?
3.What roles does the media play in your
life? Explain. (Leisure, Learning,
Communication, etc.)
Write “Y” for YES if you think the statement shows
the responsible use of media and information. Write
“N” if NO
1.Kim checks the truthfulness of the news she sees online by
looking into other news outlets for the same content

2.Kristoffers’s Facebook friends sent him through FB messenger a

forwarded message about an upcoming 7.8 earthquake in their
locality. Rattled, he also forwarded the unverifies message to his

3.Rezza and her research groupmates utilize Google Drive to work

on their study.

4.Isa helps her local barangay in their campaign against COVID 19

by designing posters of local emergency hotlines and fast facts
about the novel coronavirus.
Write “Y” for YES if you think the statement shows
the responsible use of media and information. Write
“N” if NO
5. A friend sent me a video of a scandal from Facebook.
Curious as to who the people in the video were, I also sent
it to several of my friends

6. Rebecca validates the source of a facebook post before

she shares it

7. Deanne uses YouTube crash courses to complement her

learnings in school
Write “Y” for YES if you think the statement shows
the responsible use of media and information. Write
“N” if NO

9. Mark cities Wikipedia in his research study

because he considers anything on the Internet true
and credible

10. Andrew Photoshopped a false quotation beside a

celebrity, published it on social media and claimed it
to be true.
Write the letter and answer of your choice . .

1. When media content is fake, used out of context, or

weaponized to attack certain individuals, its information is
deemed ____________.

a). Clear b.) Reliable

c.) Polluted d.) Funny

2. This refers to content that contains false information with

deliberate intention to mislead or deceive the audience.

a.) Misinformation b.) Disinformation

c.) Mal-information d.) Raw information
3. It refers to information that is false, but the person
sharing or disseminating it unknowingly perceives it as something
a.) Misinformation b.) Disinformation
c.) Mal-information d.) Raw information

4. This refers to information that is based on reality but

is used to inflict harm.

a.) Misinformation b.) Disinformation

c.) Mal-information d.) Raw information
5. One of the core concepts of Media Literacy considers the
_________ of all media messages.

a.) Truthfulness b.) Marketability

c.) Beauty d.) Contractedness

6. How should we set our expectations for media if we want

a better quality of information?

a.) Very Low b.) Low

c.) Average d.) High
7. Which among the choices are the four components of MIL Skills?

a.) Access, Analysis, Evaluation, Creation

b.) Access, Appreciation, Evaluation, Creation
c.) Access, Appreciation, Extraction, Creation
d.) Access, Analysis, Examination, Creation

8. The creative components of a media message- words, music, color,

movement- all constitute what element of a media message?

a.) Author b.) Content

c.) Format d.) Purpose
9. Avoiding throwing personal attacks is one of our responsibility as a
media _______.

a.) Consumers b.) Producer

c.) Users d.) People

10. These are information that has yet to be examined or


a.) Misinformation b.) Disinformation

c.) Mal-information d.) Raw information

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