Unit 4, Social Media & Digital Marketing

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Relationship Marketing Using

Digital Platforms

• Involves creating strategies & plans for how digital technology

& digital data can support CRM.

• Several digital marketing activities within scope E-CRM such

data mining to improve targeting
5 I’s

• Identification- can the customers be recognised for different

channel contacts?
• Individualisation- can be communications and products be
• Interactions- are communications two way?
• Integration- is there a 360 degree view the customers?
• Integrity- is the relationship built on trust?
Big Data for Marketing
• Data Volume refers to the increase in data that is now available for
online interactions with websites and social media.

• Data Velocity shows how marketers now have access to real-time

data, such as real-time analytics of interactions on web and mobile
sites and also social media interactions.

• Data Variety shows how new types of unstructured data, including,

again, social media interactions, offer potential too. This also
suggests the potential of integrating different sources of data to
gain more customer insight
• Refers to applications to give value from the increasing
volume, velocity, variety of data integrated from different
• Enhances insight to deliver more relevant communications
through technology as marketing automation and social CRM.
Challenge of Customer Engagement

• CE is a psychological state, which results from interactive

experiences between a customer and a focal agent or object.

• Repeated interactions through the customer life cycle

prompted by online & offline communications aimed at
strengthening the long- term emotional, psychological
investment a customer has with a brand.
Customer Life-Cycle Management Strategy
• refers to using metrics, data and customer feedback to drive
your business towards more efficient, more effective customer
relationships as a means of improving the customer lifecycle
• The stages each customer will pass through in a long-term
relationship through acquisition, retention and extension.
• Customer selection means defining the types of customers that a company will
market to. It means identifying different groups of customers for which to
develop offerings and to target during acquisition, retention and extension.
Different ways of segmenting customers by value and by their detailed lifecycle
with the company are reviewed.
• Customer acquisition refers to marketing activities to form relationships with
new customers while minimising acquisition costs and targeting high value
• Customer retention refers to the marketing activities taken by an organisation to
keep its existing customers, i.e. to encourage them to buy again or continue a
contract that renews for a service. Identifying relevant offerings based on their
individual needs and detailed position in the customer lifecycle (e.g. number and
value of purchases) is key.
• Customer Extension refers to techniques to encourage customers to increase their
involvement with an organisation.

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