QUARTER 1 WEEK 4 ENGLISH 4 - Context Clues Antonym - Sequence

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Week 4
Quarter 1, Week 2

Day 1
1. Talk about one’s wishes and dreams
2. Sequence a series of events in a story listened to
3. Use context clues (antonym) to find the meaning of
unfamiliar words
Unlocking of Difficulties
Identify the word or phrase which has the
same meaning as the underlined word.

a. The teacher gave us the task to clean the

bookshelf. It is a duty we need to do every
b. The officer commands his men to march
forward in a loud voice, he orders them to
move faster.
c. The stubborn boy fell from the tree. His
being hardheaded brought his harm.
Think and Tell
Draw your work
tower. Write your
wishes and dreams in
your tower. Share it
with your classmates.

• What do you wish

for yourself?
• what do you wish
for your family?
Tower to the Moon
Tower to the Moon
Caribbean is a group of islands surrounded by
waters. On one of those islands lived a king, who
was ruthless. If he said he wanted something, he
had to have it. One night, when he was looking
out the window, he saw a moon in the color of
silver and immediately said “I want to reach it.”
A few days went by; he was thinking and
thinking “How can I reach that silver moon?”
Then it occurred to him “I need a tall tower to
reach it.”
Next day, he called a royal carpenter and said
“I want you to build a tower so tall that it will
reach the moon.” The carpenter knew that he
shouldn’t be disagreeing with the king, but he
pleaded “Your majesty, it is impossible. The tower
will crumble before it reaches the moon.” “There is
no such thing as impossible in this kingdom”
shouted the king “I want you to come back
tomorrow morning and give me your plan how you’re going to build
the tower.” The carpenter knew not to say anything else, so he left.
He knew how to make nice furniture,
but he had no idea how to build such
tall tower. He thought and thought
and then looking at his furniture said
“I know I will pile up lots of wooden
chests up to the sky.”

The following day, the carpenter

presented his idea to the king.
“Great idea” said the king. He
ordered his royal staff to search all
the houses in the kingdom for
strong chests. “If somebody
refuses” said the king “Then
remind them that if they don’t like to share the wooden chests, then
they’ll be sharing a royal prison rooms.”
Unfortunately, all the chests in the kingdom were not enough to
reach the sky. So the king ordered the carpenter to make more
chests. The carpenter got busy with making more chests and piling
them up.
Unfortunately, all the wood in the
kingdom was not enough to reach the
sky. So the king ordered the carpenter
to cut all the trees. “Your majesty”
pleaded the carpenter “We can’t cut
all the trees.” “What do you mean we
can’t” yelled the king “There is no
such thing as can’t in this kingdom.”

So the carpenter knew not to say

anything else. He left to cut all the

He got busy with making more

chests and piling them up. It seemed as
the tower was reaching the sky. “It’s
time to reach the moon” said the king
and started climbing the tower made of
He reached the last chest, stood on
his toes, stretched out his both arms
and he almost touched the moon. “We
need one more chest” shouted the
king. “Your majesty we don’t have any
more chests, any more wood or trees”
pleaded the carpenter again.

“Can’t you think of something or do I have

to think for you” yelled the king “Just pull
one chest from the bottom and bring it to
the top.” The carpenter couldn’t believe
what the king was saying. “If I pull a chest
from the bottom, then the whole tower
will crumble. He can’t be serious” thought
the carpenter. “Did you hear me” hollered
the king. “As you wish” answered the
carpenter and he pulled the chest at the
Do you know what happened to the king?
He got lost among all those tumbling down chests and that was
the end of him and his ruthless ruling.

Adventures from the Book of Virtues Tower to the Moon
Group Activity
Group 1
Draw a building plan for the
tower. Describe it.

Group 2
Write a letter of advice to the

Group 3
Give the group a box. On each side
of the box, write a trait that one
must possess to realize one’s dream
Group 1:
1. Was the carpenter able to do the task at once? Why? Why not?
2. How did the carpenter and his helpers find a solution to the
3. What did the king do when the tower was finished?
4. Was the king able to reach the moon? Why?
5. What did he tell the carpenter to do?
6. If you were the king, would you do the same ? Why?

Group 2:
1. What do you think happened to the tower and the king?
2. How else would you end the story?
3. Was the king’s dream possible or impossible?
4. Is it possible to realize your dreams? Give reasons for your answer.
5. How will you able to realize your dream?

Group 3:
1. What does the story tell us about dreams and how to realize
Try and Learn
Arrange the events as they happened in the story
“Tower to the Moon” that your teacher read.

____ The king sent for the best carpenter in the

____ The king climbed higher and higher until he came to
the top of the tower.
____ The king commanded that every box in the kingdom
be brought to the carpenter.
____ The carpenter drew lines on big sheets of paper. He
hammered and measured.
____ The carpenter yelled at the king that there were no
more boxes anywhere.
____ The carpenter walked to the tower and pulled out
the bottom box.
What helped you sequence the events in the

Sequencing the events

as they happened
would help us better
understand a story. It
traces the important
events from the
beginning, then the
middle, to the end of
a story.
Try and Learn
Listen to the short selection then sequence the
events as they happened. Retell the story.

In a Minute
Juana is a little girl. When her
father and mother asked her to do
something, she would say, “In a
minute.” Her mother would say
“Juana, please get a glass of water
for me.” “In a minute, Mother,” she
would say. Then Juana’s brother
would take the glass of water to his
mother. Juana had a parrot in her
room. One day the door of the room
was left open.
“Please, shut the door of your
room,” Mother said. “In a
minute, Mother. I am playing
now.” the cat saw the open
door and the parrot. When
Juana went to her room the
parrot was gone. All she saw
were some feathers on the floor.

Juana cried and cried.

The next time she was asked to
do something, she did not say, “In
a minute.”

Philippine Readers, Book 2

Do and Learn
Write 1-5 to sequence the events as they
happened in the story “In a Minute”

___ Mother told Juana to close the door of the

room. Juana said, “In a minute.”
___ Mother asked Juana to get a glass of water.
She said, “In a minute, Mother.”
___Juana saw the feathers scattered all around the
___ The cat entered the room and saw Juana’s pet
___ Juana cried and cried. She no longer said “In a
Quarter 1, Week 4

Day 2
1. Speak clearly using appropriate pronunciation and
intonation (poems, chants, rhymes, and riddles)
2. Read words, phrases, poems, and stories with the long o
3. Use context clues (antonyms) to find the meaning of
unfamiliar words
Find Out and Learn
Read the paragraph. Pay attention to the
words in boldface. Pronounce them the way
your teacher did when he/she read the story.

The king sits on a high throne. He wants

to go to the moon. So he commends a
carpenter and his men to build a tower for
him. They think of a way to build a tower.
They post a notice to gather all the boxes in
the kingdom. The carpenter and his men know
that the boxes will not be enough to build a
Where does the
king sit?
What does he
want to do?

What do they post

to gather all the

Could they build a

tower with the
boxes? Why?
Why not?
What is the vowel
sound of throne,
go, so, post and

Try and Learn
Read more words with long o

go code bone rope throne

so rode cone stove notice

Read the following phrases.

the dog’s bone
an ice cream cone
use the code
rode to a cove
poke with a pole
Try and Learn
Read the sentences.

1. I gave my dog a bone.

2. Don’t drop the ice cream cone.
3. Use the code to open the door.
4. We rode to the cove. It was fun!
5. Poke him with a pole, so he can
Try and Learn
Read the rhyme.
Who’s Afraid
Grace U. Robelas

One day I heard a different tonne

It woke me up
It chilled me to the bone
“What could it be?” I spoke alone.
Will I open
Or close tightly my door?
After a while I heard it no more
Well, I hope it’s just Rome
With a brand new joke
Every time he comes home.
Do and Learn
Fill in each blank with the correct word to complete
the ryhmes.

joke open code rope

Tie a ___________.
To ________ the door.
Or try the __________
It’s not a ___________

alone bone cone home

Give the dog a __________

Eat the ice cream __________
Clean your room __________
And be happy to be ___________
Unlocking of Difficulties
a. measure
To know how tall we are, we
measure our height. To know how
heavy we are, we measure our
weight. What things do we use
for measuring? Can we use a ruler
to measure? What can we
measure with it?

b. sift
The baker sifts the flour to
separate the fine from not so
fine flour. What other things
can be sifted?
Unlocking of Difficulties
c. recipe
I use this recipe to
cook my favorite
dish. What can
we read in a
recipe? What
should I do to
prepare the
recipe correctly?
Unlocking of Difficulties

d. grown-up
I am a grown-up.
Your father and
mother are grown-
ups. The school
nurse is a grown-
up. Who are the
other grown-ups
you know? Are you
a grown-up?
What chores at home
do you like to learn?
Cooking in the Kitchen

When you’re cooking in the kitchen,

You’re learning all the while –
To pour and measure, mix and stir
And shift flour into a pile.

Wash your hands before you start

Then gather up the gear –
Like pots and pans and measuring
That you use throughout the year.
Cooking in the Kitchen

Go over the recipe, step-by-step,

So you’ll know just what to do
By carefully following the
It won’t be hard for you.

Have a lot pad handy

And a grown-up standing by-
So you won’t hurt yourself
When using the stove or baking a pie
Cooking in the Kitchen

Besides the fun and learning

There’s always cleaning up to do,
And even though it’s quite a chore,
It’s part of cooking, too.

But after all the work is done,

It will soon be time for dinner.
And when someone asks for
You’ll know you’ve cooked a
Think and Tell
• What chore did the child learn?
• What did she do I the kitchen?
• Say something about the picture.
Quarter 1, Week 4

Day 3
1. Realize that doing small tasks for loved
ones is an expression of love
2. Sequence events in literary texts
Read the following phrases.

the dog’s bone

an ice cream cone
use the code
rode to a cove
poke with a pole
Group Activity
Group Activity
Group 1
Using a newsprint/manila paper, make
a paper apron. Draw on it the
things you need to prepare before

Group 2
Design a poster for safety in
the kitchen.

Group 3
Make a list or menu of food that
you wish to cook. Say something
about the menu.
Group 1
Group 1 will wear/present their paper
1. How can he/she make cooking easy?
2. What should be done to keep you safe
while cooking?
Group 2
1. Aside from cooking, what other
tasks does he/she need to do?
2. What makes him/her happy after
3. Have you ever cooked something
or helped in cooking ? Tell us
something about it.
Group 3
Group 3 will present their
menu and tell something
about it.

1. Were you happy to do

it? Why?
2. What other things do
you like to do for your
3. Is it difficult to do
these for them? Why?
Try and Learn
Arrange the set of activities mentioned in the

Go over
Clean up. the
the recipe
step-by- dinner.

Prepare the
Wash pots, pans,
your and other
Which task is done
first? Second? Last?

How do we arrange
the steps in a

We follow the steps in a process in the

order or sequence they are done.
Do and Learn

A. Arrange the steps in baking a cake.

Number the sentence from 1-4.

____ Put the mixture in the oven.

____ Mix all the ingredients.
____ Let the cake cool down.
____ Put some icing or frosting on the cake.
Do and Learn
B. Number the sentences in the order a
sandwich is made. Susan made a peanut
butter and jelly sandwich.

____ Finally, she ate it.

____ Next, she spread jelly on another
slice of bread.
____ After spreading the jelly, she put
the two slices of bread together.
____ First, she spread peanut butter on
one slice of bread.
Learn Some More
What are the steps in cooking scrambled eggs?
Complete the process by supplying the missing

1. Break one or two eggs in a bowl and add

a pinch of salt.
2. _________________________________
3. Heat a little oil in the pan.
4. _________________________________
Quarter 1, Week 4

Day 4
1. Use count and mass nouns
2. Arrange words with the same first letter
but with a different second letter in
alphabetical order I
Find Out and Learn
Read the paragraph.

Gabbie helped her mother

bake their favorite cake.
First, they prepared the
baking tin, spoon, bowl, and
other utensils. Then, they
gathered all the ingredients
for the cake like flour,
sugar, butter, milk,
chocolate and some eggs.
After everything was
ready, they mixed all the
ingredients in the bowl.
Next, Mother poured the
mixture in the baking tin.
Then, she placed it inside
the oven. After an hour,
the cake was ready.
Gabbie added some icing
and fruits on top of the
cake. Everybody enjoyed
Gabbie’s special chocolate
What did Gabbie and What did they prepare
her mother bake? before baking the cake?

What ingredients were used

to bake the cake?

What Gabbie add on the


Why do you think everybody

enjoyed the cake?

Which nouns can be

counted? Which nouns
cannot be counted?
This group of nouns in Set A are called count nouns,
while the words in Set B are called mass nouns.
• What are count nouns?
• What are mass nouns?

cake flour
bowl milk
spoon chocolate
oven butter
eggs icing
fruits sugar
baking tin
Guided Practice

Classify the nouns as count nouns and mass

nouns. Place the count nouns on the table
and the mass nouns in the jar.

books chairs sauce vapor

water lotion cement pants
candies paper nails soup
shirts hair computer boxes
powder tomatoes rice wire
Guided Practice

Group the participants into 4. ask each group

to make a list of mass and count nouns
beginning with a particular letter.

Group 1 – Count nouns beginning with letter B

Group 2 – Count nouns beginning with letter R
Group 3 - Mass nouns beginning with letter S
Group 4 – Mass nouns beginning with letter M
Try and Learn
Read the poem. Identify the count nouns and mass
I Love the Market
Grace U. Rabelas

Today I will visit the old market

Buy some goods and fill my basket
Tomatoes, potatoes, and a kilo of meat
For the soup and stew that I love to eat.
I would care for some apples and bananas, too,
Peanuts, rice and corn, a kilo of them will do
Then a bottle of vinegar and a jar of spices.
Cabbage, lettuce, vegetables of all sorts and sizes.

If there will be coins left in my pocket,

I will buy my favorite box of chocolate
Going to the market I simply love to do
I think you’ll love doing it, too.
Learn Some More
Your mother sent you to the market/grocery store.
With a partner, prepare a list of things you are going
to buy.

Market List
____________ ____________
____________ ____________
____________ ____________
____________ ____________
____________ ____________
____________ ____________
Bring the following materials:
1. Spoon
3.Milk or cream
5.Fruits (banana, apple, papaya,
avocado, etc.)
Quarter 1, Week 4

Day 5
1. Use mass and count nouns
2. Write two to three-step-directions using
signal words I
What fruits did you bring? Have
you brought some milk? Have
you brought some ice cream?

• Which of these ingredients are

count nouns?
• Which of these ingredients are
mass nouns?
How to Prepare Salad

• First, wash the fruits.

• Next, peel the fruits.
• Then, slice the fruits into small cubes
or pieces.
• And then, mix the fruits together
with the milk or cream.
• Lastly, share the salad with
What did we do first? What do we do next? What do
we do after that? What do we do last?

What words did we use to

show the steps in preparing
the salad?

The words first,

next, then and lastly
are called signal
words. Signal words
introduce the steps
in a process or a
sequence of events.
Write about it
Here are three tasks for you. Write the
directions for each tasks.

A. Write directions for crossing the street.

B. Write directions for brushing one’s teeth.
C. Write directions for cooking rice.

First, _________________________________
Next, _________________________________
Then, _________________________________
Finally, _______________________________

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