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Group 2

Astillo, Shereelyn A.
Calzado, Lorie Faye
Vargas, Corine B.
Advincula, Kurt Robert F.
Asuncion, Shann Michael

Group 2
Today is sunny with a
Slight chance of showers

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Vol. 1 No. 1 P R E S E N TAT I O N F O R T O D AY ! Early Edition

Group 2, Luzon Literature (Pre-Colonial)

Vol. 1 No. 1
Ice Breaker Wednesday, November 23, 2022

1 4

2 5

Vol. 1 No. 1 Wednesday, November 23, 2022

About Luzon
Luzon is the largest and the most populous
island in the Philippines. Located in the
northern region of the archipelago, it is the
economic and political center of the nation.

The 8 (Eight)
Region 1: Ilocos Region
R e g i o n 2 : C a g a y a n Va l l e y
Region 3: Central Luzon
R e g i o n 4 b : M I M A R O PA
Region 5: Bicol Region * Source image : Photo by Tingey Injury Law Firm on Unsplash
Region 16: CAR
Region 17: NCR
Vol. 1 No. 1
Characteristics of Luzon Literature Wednesday, November 23, 2022

It Practices The Art of Oral Tradition

Plots that are
1 Oral Tradition is the passing of stories or tales
from one generation to another through the
4 generally shorter
word of mouth.

Common Themes
2 • Nature 5 Language is full of

Supernatural Events
Bravery of Heroes
melody and rhythm
• Customs and Ideologies

Pre-Colonial Literature
3 was considered their
Luzon Pre-Colonial GROUP REPORTING
Literature ABM-12

Wednesday, November 23, 2022
Vol. 1 No. 1 P R E S E N TAT I O N F O R T O D AY ! Early Edition
Vol. 1 No. 1 Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Dr. Jose Rizal

José Protasio Rizal Mercado y Alonso Realonda or
Jose Rizal was born on June 19, 1861 at Calamba
Laguna Philippines he is known as patriot, physician,
and author who served as an example for the
nationalist movement in the Philippines.

Notable Work: The Legend of Maria Makiling

The legend of maria makilig was revered as a deity in

pre-colonial Philippines. And as a result, it gained
notoriety, particularly in the Laguna region, where the
legend's author is also from.
Vol. 1 No. 1 Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Pedro Bucaneg
Pedro Bukaneg (March 1592 – c. 1630) was a Filipino poet.
He is considered the "Father of Ilocano literature." Blind
since birth, he is believed to have authored of parts of the
Ilocano epic Biag ni Lam-ang (Life of Lam-ang). A street
inside the Cultural Center of the Philippines (CCP) complex
in Pasay, Philippines is named in his honor. His surname is
lent to the Bukanegan, the Ilocano equivalent of the
Balagtasan. It was also Bukaneg who translated the Doctrina
Cristiana in Ilocano

Philosophy: Pedro Bucaneg believes that life is full of

hardship and is part of life’s reality.

Notable Work: Biag ni Lam-ang

Fray Bernardino de
Melendreras y de la Trinidad,
Date of Birth: Born on Septemer 5, 1815 in Gijon, Asturia, Spain. 
Death: October 07, 1867 (52) Manila, Metro Manila, Philippines

Born on Septemer 5, 1815 in Gijon, Asturia, Spain. At the age of 17, he

entered the Franciscan seminary of San Jose de Salamanca. On February 11,
1839, he arrived in the Philippines and continued his study for priesthood
and was ordained in Manila. He was first assigned as parish priest of
Quipayo and Bombon from 1844 to 1846. Was transferred to Libmanan in

Philosophy: “Who, possessing poetical and having the reputation of a

natural philosopher, collected and named pretty beetles and shells and
dedicated the most elegant little sonnets."

Luzon Pre-Colonial Literature Notable Work: Epic of Ibalong

Vol. 1 No. 1 Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Amador Daguio
Name: Amador Daguio (Birth 1912- Death 1967)
Occupation: Writer Poet Educator Lawyer

“It is the beautiful expression of man’s personal

interpretation of some aspect of human life, or a wording out
in a unique, beautiful, and personal manner of saying what
an author thinks is a passionate meaning of life. This is
saying that literature not only becomes but is “life itself.” –
Amador Daguio

Notable Work: Hudhud ni Aliguyon

Vol. 1 No. 1 Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Hudhud ni Aliguyon
Once upon a time, in a village called Hannanga, a
boy was born to the couple named Amtalao and
Dumulao. He was named Aliguyon. He was an
intelligent, eager young man who wanted to learn
many things, and indeed, he learned many useful
things, from the stories and teachings of his father. He
learned how to fight well and chant a few magic
spells. Even as a child, he was a leader, for the other
children of his village looked up to him with awe.
Hudhud ni Aliguyon

Now that Aliguyon learned to fight

well and chant a few magic spells
through stories and teachings of his
father, what do you think happened
when he finally grow up?

Luzon Pre-Colonial Literature

Vol. 1 No. 1 Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Hudhud ni Aliguyon

Upon leaving childhood, Aliguyon

betook himself to gather forces to fight
against his father’s enemy, who was
Pangaiwan of the village of
Daligdigan. But his challenge was not
answered personally by Pangaiwan.
Hudhud ni Aliguyon

Who do you think took Aliguyon’s


Luzon Pre-Colonial Literature

Vol. 1 No. 1 Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Hudhud ni Aliguyon

Instead, he faced Pangaiwan’s fierce son,

Pumbakhayon. Pumbakhayon was just as
skilled in the arts of war and magic as
Aliguyon. The two of them battled each
other for three years, and neither of them
showed signs of defeat.
Hudhud ni Aliguyon

Who do you think won?

Was it Aliguyon? Pumbakhayon? Or neither?

Luzon Pre-Colonial Literature

Vol. 1 No. 1 Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Hudhud ni Aliguyon
Their battle was a tedious one, and it has been said that
they both used only one spear! Aliguyon had thrown a
spear to his opponent at the start of their match, but the
fair Pumbakhayon had caught it deftly with one hand. And
then Pumbakhayon threw the spear back to Aliguyon, who
picked it just as neatly from the air.

At length Aliguyon and Pumbakhayon came to respect each

other, and then eventually they came to admire each
other’s talents. Their fighting stopped suddenly. Between
the two of them they drafted a peace treaty between
Hannanga and Daligdigan, which their peoples readily
agreed to. It was fine to behold two majestic warriors
finally side by side. 
Hudhud ni Aliguyon

What do you imagine they've become now

that they're at peace?

Luzon Pre-Colonial Literature

Vol. 1 No. 1 Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Hudhud ni Aliguyon
Aliguyon and Pumbakhayon became good friends, as
peace between their villages flourished. When the
time came for Aliguyon to choose a mate, he chose
Pumbakhayon’s youngest sister, Bugan, who was
little more than a baby. He took Bugan into his
household and cared for her until she grew to be
most beautiful. Pumbakhayon, in his turn, took for
his wife Aliguyon’s younger sister, Aginaya. The two
couples became wealthy and respected in all of

Hudhud ni Aliguyon is a famous epic that came from the Ifugao province
of Luzon in the Philippines. It narrates events about the culture and
traditions of the Ifugao people and their hero, Aliguyon.

When the alim and the hudhud started to be chanted is unknown. The
Ifugao state that both have been chanted since time immemorial, with
no words to specify whether this is in the hundreds or thousands of
years. A study by a scholar of the hudhud indicates that this might have
pre-dated the construction of the rice terraces. The earliest dated
terraces are found in Bunghalian municipality with a Carbon-14
determination of 610 AD., although the earliest human occupation of
the municipality of Banaue is between 1545-825 BC. Both forms are
virtual anthropological documents that orally record through time the
changes that took place in Ifugao social organization, structure, and
Luzon Pre-Colonial Literature tradition.
Theme and Philosophical Idea

Theme: The predominant theme of the Hudhud stories is

exemplifying romances praising Ifugao ideals of love,
marriage and wealth.

Philosophical Idea: Romanticism This story tells as the

importance of Forgiveness. Wars or battles against the
enemy can't solve the problem. If someone hurt us, let them
know about your feelings against them in a proper way.
There is no such trouble that can't be solve in a harmonious
way. Forgiveness and love for each of us can lead us into a
happy, peaceful and progressive way of living
Luzon Pre-Colonial Literature
Luzon Pre-Colonial GROUP REPORTING
Literature ABM-12

Group 2

Wednesday, November 23, 2022
Vol. 1 No. 1 P R E S E N TAT I O N F O R T O D AY ! Early Edition

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