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• “ Dream and dream,
make a wish , set a
goal, and step into the
future with confidence
& always be proud to
be you. ”
• “He who does not love
his own language is
worse than an animal
and smelly fish”
• “ Every Man’s work is
a portrait of himself ”
 “ With great power
comes great
responsibility “
• “ Success is not a
matter of being lucky or
genius, But it depends
on your adequate
preparation, courage &
strong determination. ”
• “ Hear advices &
Accept Instructions
that you may be
wise the rest of
your days. ”
• “ Never stop trying until
your good becomes better
and your better becomes
best because behind the
valley’s of sacrifices ,
comes the plain fields of
blessings. ”
• “ Fight for someone
you’ve think is
worth trying for. ”
• “ Don’t just say it,
work it. ”
• “ A man, if he is not a
part of a problem he is
probably a part of a
solution. ”
• “ Knowledge is a
heritage of a
mankind. ”
• It’s better to die
doing good than to
live doing bad. ”
• “ The harder the
challenge , the more
glorious the triumph. ”
• “ Everyone must quick
to listen, but slow to
speak and slow to
become angry. ”
• “ Challenges are not
to impair us, but it
improves us. ”
• “ Success comes to those
who have patience, just go
on until you measure the
position in life that one
has reached by the
obstacles overcome while
trying to succeed. ”
• “ Learn to obey
before you
command. ”
• “ Trust is the key for a good
relationship to everyone.
Faith seconds the first.
Then self-confidence and
proper self carriage
supports the strengthens
the two. ”
• “ Destiny is not a matter
of chances but rather a
matter of choice. It is not
something to be awaited
but a thing to be
achieved. ”
• “ Every man is the
architect of his own
future. ”
• “ It is better to
deserve honor and
not have them, than
to have them and
not deserve them. ”
• “ It’s better to be
alone than to have a
bad companion. ”
• “ Failure is not the end
of life; instead it is a
challenge to a
brighter  future. ”
• “ Do not be too moral. You
may cheat yourself out much
of life so aim above morality.
Be not simply good; be good
for something. ”
• “ Trust is the key for a good
relationship with everyone.
Faith seconds the first then
self confidence and proper
self-carriage supports and
strengthens the two. ”
• “ No one can give
you better advice
than yourself. ”
• “ If you have the
courage to try and
determination to
believe there will
never be a thing that is
too hard top achieve. ”
• “ The greatest glory in
life is never winning
but rising every time
you fall. ”
• “ The best and the most
beautiful thing in this
world cannot be seen or
touched but they are
felt by the heart. ”
• “ Make failure not the
end but rather the
beginning of a better
life towards success. ”
• “ I’m not born to
destroy the future but
to fulfill the mission
for the future. ”
• “ Letting go is not the
end of the world but
it’s the beginning of a
new life. ”
• “ Give the world your best
and the best will come
back to you. Do the best
that you can do everyday
and someday, you will see
many doors opening for
you. ”
• “ Everybody has
influence. For no man
lives a life for
himself  and no man dies
for himself . Your life is
bound to affect others. ”
• “ Don’t let other’s look
down on you because you
are young but set an
example for the believer in
speech, faith, in life and in
destiny. ”
• “ If you have the
courage to try and
determination to
believe there will
never be a thing that is
too hard top achieve. ”
• “ The greatest glory in
life is never winning
but rising every time
you fall. ”
• “ Don’t let other’s look
down on you because you
are young but set an
example for the believer
in speech, faith, in life
and in destiny. ”
• “ Do not think what
your country can do
for you, but think of
what  you can do for
your country. ”
• “ A mistake should not
be considered a failure
but rather an
experience. ”
• “ If you really want
something or you have a
goal in life, you must be
very determined and
disciplined;  you must
have the heart to do
what you like and love. ”
• “ By all means don’t
say “if I can”, say “I
• “ Live life with all your
heart, keeps your
spirit young & free,
Stay true to all your
dreams and be the
best you can be. ”
• “ A faithful man shall
abound with blessings:
but he that makes
haste to be rich shall
not be innocent. ”
• “ Dreams continue to
become a dream until you
act to pursue it, chance
only comes once so better
lift your hands high, grab
and be the master of it. ”
• “ Life is a gigantic
responsibility, nothing
great was never
achieved without
enthusiasm. ”
• “ Better is poor that
walk in his integrity
than he that is
perverse in his lips
and is a fool. ”
• “ You try something
once then you learn
because experiences
should teach us
something. ”
• “ Making choices among
pathways in life is not just
a matter of careless guess
about where it will lead
you to; rather it is
something you should think
of a thousand  times over. ”
• “ Doing easily what
others find difficult is
talent ; doing what is
impossible for talent is
genius. ”  
• “ To accomplish great
things, I must not act
but also dream, not
only dream but also
believe. ”
• “ Don’t leave your life
in crucial situation,
just anchor it in the
land of success. ”
• “ Success is to be measured
not only by the position that
one has reached  in life, but
also by the obstacles which
we have overcome while
trying. ”
• “ Knowledge without
learning is like
unseasoned dish, you
can taste it but you
cannot satisfy your
hunger. ”
• “ Success is not
measured by the things
and achievement you’ve
acquired but it is
measured by what you
left to grow. ”
• “ No matter how dark
from the start the one
who strive can reach
the light. ”
• “ Blessed are those
who dream , dreams
and willing to take the
risk to achieve it. ”
• “ Whatever the mind of
man can conceive and
believe it can achieve.

• “ Sometimes we must
hurt in order to grow ,
we must fail in order to
know , we must lose in
order to gain. ”
• “ Do your best, for it
you give your best to
the world the best will
comeback to you. ”
• “ Don’t believe that winning
is everything – It’s more
important to stand for
something , If you don’t
stand for it, what do you
win? ”
• Wealth brings with it
refinement, the spirit of
conservation, while
poverty inspires
adventurous ideas, the
desire to change things,
and has little care for life.
• The divine flame of thought is
inextinguishable in the Filipino
people, and somehow or other
it will shine forth and compel
recognition. It is impossible to
brutalize the inhabitants of
the Philippines!

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