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Blood Culture Contamination Rate Reduction; A Quality Improvement Plan in the ED

Michelle Deane RN and Cat Citron BSN RN

Bon Secours Memorial College of Nursing
Blood Culture Contamination Rates Pre and Post        During our quality improvement project, we noticed that
Abstract Buddy System there were barriers that limited us throughout the project.
The lack of supplies was one main issue as we needed to
always maintain a certain amount on hand. We attempted to Although the main goal of reducing blood culture
             Blood culture contamination rates have affected the 40
contamination rates garnered mixed results, it allowed the
cost of care for our patients in a negative way. It impacts the 30
remedy this a preplan with v=central supply however, the
quantity was limited.  ED to have insight into how to better implement changes
cost of the inpatient visit, can led to misdiagnosis, and 20 Series 1
Series 2
         We saw that an overarching unintentional effect we within our department. Unintentional results in this manner
patients can be exposed to unnecessary antibiotic exposure 10

0 had throughout the project was teamwork. Many of the staff helps create a new culture within the department by
(CDC, 2023). We all know the importance of early sepsis 1/5/2002 Series 2
became closer and more supportive which helped create not facilitating a new culture. We can use the techniques here to
interventions along with appropriate antibiotic therapy. Method
Series 1
better improve our future quality improvement initiatives. 
However mishandling and improper technique can allow for a only a better working environment but also a better learning
        We expanded educational information to all staff but targeted
decrease in cost effectiveness along with quality of care. environment. Since Covid, overall staff morale has been
the six lowest rated nurses and focused in on them throughout the
Misuse of antibiotics can lead to an increase in antibiotic implementation. We increased daily educational pointers on low  and forming a togetherness has been difficult. This
resistant organisms along with an increase in the cost of effective blood culture collection practices. We conducted a buddy proved to be a positive unintentional effect 
treatment for the patient and hospital (Yahav et al., 2021). system where there was a second set of eyes and assistive hands
Having a strong guidelines in obtaining blood cultures can throughout the procedure. During ultrasound IV insertions, we used
certain sterile techniques such as, sterile gloves and sterile jelly. We
help decrease the cost and length of stay for the patient. Blood Culture Contamination Rates Pre and Post
conducted this study from 2/01-3/8 of 2023 
Utilization of Sterile Techniques References

Results 3.5
Series 1
Series 2
2 Series 3
CDC. (2023). CDC. Retrieved March 28, 2023, from
Introduction             Increasing education garnered mixed results as some
of the techniques we used had little to no effect on 0
Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4
            In November 2022, our contamination rates were Yahav, D., Shepshelovich, D., & Tau, N. (2021). Cost analysis of new antibiotics to
decreasing the blood culture contamination rate. Many treat multidrug-resistant bacterial infections: Mind the gap. Infectious Diseases a
listed, and a trend was noted our ED nurses were having an    Certain factors also played a critical role within this
nurses were able to however, decrease their overall blood Therapy, 10(1), 621–630.
increase in blood culture contamination rates upwards of quality improvement project. The patient acuity level,
culture contamination rate with the utilization of the buddy
70%.  This increase in contamination rate caused an increase limited staffing, high patient volume, and limited supply
system. This not only helped decrease contamination rates, it
in the cost of care for the patient and length of stay. Our days proved to be challenging.    
also helped increase teamwork. Using sterile techniques or
unit's  increase in contamination rates allowed for us to
equipment also was challenging and garnered fair results
implement this quality improvement project where we tested
with approximately 30% of nurses decreasing
different strategies to help decrease contamination rates. We
focused on increasing education and awareness, creating a
their contamination rates. The biggest unintentional result Conclusion
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garnered throughout this quality improvement plan was the
buddy check system, along with utilizing sterile techniques       Reducing blood culture contamination rates proved to
theme of teamwork and togetherness  
with ultrasound guided IVs. have positive effects when implemented with a team
approach putting into account the willingness of the team to
work together. 

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