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{Title of your project}

15 words or less. Title refers to what you intend to accomplish by the end of the
Cross-border Digital Entrepreneurship Program (CBDEP)

{Your venture’s name}

{City and country}

{Your first and last name}

Cross-Border Digital Entrepreneurship Program (CBDEP)
October-December 2022

Your email address 1

Objective and deliverables
CBDEP Objective
• One bullet that states what you intend to accomplish by the end of the CBDEP.

1. {provide your venture’s name}
2. Deliverable 2 (provide deliverable’s name)
3. Deliverable 3 (provide deliverable’s name)

• Deliverables 1 and 2 are required; deliverable 3 is optional

• Collectively the deliverables support the CBDEP objective.
• A deliverable is a tangible and distinct “thing” that results from conducting a set of activities.
A deliverable is a “thing,” not the activity or activities that produce the “thing.”
Your email address 2
Problem your venture addresses
Situation regarded as unwelcomed or harmful Who owns the problem. Why solving the problem is important.
that needs to be dealt with and overcome.

• Complete table.
• Fall in love with the problem, not the solution.
Your email address 3
Customer insight and delivery of value elements
Customer insight
• One bullet that describes your interpretation of customer needs that when acted upon will benefit
customers and profit your venture.

Customer value proposition

• One bullet that describes the reasons your product or service is valuable to customers.

Value elements and the activities your venture and MVN deploy to deliver them
• Identify the value elements into which you have decomposed your value proposition.
• Identify the tasks, capabilities, and technology required to deliver each value element.

{Value element 1} {Value element 2} … {Value element N}

{Tasks, capabilities, and {Tasks, capabilities, and … {Tasks, capabilities, and
technology your venture technology your venture technology your venture
and its MVN deploy to and its MVN deploy to and its MVN deploy to
deliver this value element} deliver this value element} deliver this value element}

Your email address 4

Future venture
Reasons for the existence of your venture. Products/services your venture aspires to sell. Who pays and why they will purchase from you.

Number Benefits for MVN members

MVN member type # members in type What members in each type expect to receive from working with you



• Complete table. Organize MVN members into types such as users, suppliers, complementors, intermediaries,
investors, communities. Identify the essential attributes of your future venture.
• MVN is the smallest number of individuals and organizations you will bring together to launch and grow your
venture. Your email address 5
Desirable measurable results that you wish your Which arena (geography, product type, consumer Top management team, structure, administrative
venture to achieve in {number} years. segment, distribution channel, or vertical stage of processes.
production) to do business in and why this choice was


Source of your venture’s ability to undertake Value propositions that show HOW venture will serve Units of measurement that track venture’s move
certain reinforcing activities and their customers better than all others in chosen arena. towards attaining objective.

• Complete table. Identify the choices you made to win in a market.

Your email address 6
External enablers
• Borders:
• Technology:
• Regulation:
• Sociocultural:
• Natural environment:

• Identify the external factors that can play a significant role making possible the venture’s outcomes.
These external factors include significant changes in, or an inherent attributes of, the business and
natural environment and create important “raw material” for your venture to rely upon or work on.
• Organize external factors upon which your company relies into borders, technology, regulation,
sociocultural, and natural environment. You do not need to have external factors in each type.

Your email address 7

Locations and borders
{City, Country} where venture is located.

• One bullet that identifies the borders across which your future venture will operate.

Locations of key customers and MVN members

• Complete table. Identify the locations of key customers and key MVN members

Location Key MVN members

Region, country, province,
state, city, or town Customers
Suppliers Complements Intermediaries Investors ??


Your email address 8
Concrete outcomes that will convince a MVN member
MVN member type it can rely on the future venture and its founders to deliver benefits promised.
Future venture Founders
1 {thing you will produce} {thing you will produce}
2 {thing you will produce} {thing you will produce}
… {thing you will produce} {thing you will produce}
N {thing you will produce} {thing you will produce}

• Complete table. Organize MVN members into types such as users, suppliers, complementors,
intermediaries, investors, communities.
• Identify what are the things you will produce to convince potential members of your MVN to support your
• The greater the confidence in your venture and its founders, the more likely the MVN member will act to
support your venture.

Your email address 9

What venture needs after CBDEP
• Add four bullets, each bullet identifies one important thing that you need to do for the purpose of
launching and growing your venture after the CBDEP is over.

Your email address 10

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