Financial Market

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Financial Market LOGO

Any marketplace where buyers and sellers participate in the trade of

financial securities, commodities, and other fungible items of
value at low transaction costs and at prices that reflect supply and
demand. Securities include stocks and bonds, and commodities
include precious metals or agricultural goods.

In finance, financial markets facilitate:

 The raising of capital (in the capital markets)
 The transfer of risk (in the derivatives markets)
 Price discovery
 Global transactions with integration of financial markets
 The transfer of liquidity (in the money markets)
 International trade (in the currency markets)
Securities LOGO

Typically a borrower issues a receipt to the lender promising to pay back the
capital. These receipts are securities which may be freely bought or sold. In
return for lending money to the borrower, the lender will expect some
compensation in the form of interest or dividends. This return on investment
is a necessary part of markets to ensure that funds are supplied to them.
Relationship Between Lenders and Borrowers

Lenders Borrowers
Intermediary Markets

• Banks •Individuals
• Interbank
•Insurance •Stock •Companies
Companies Exchange
•Companies •Central
• Money Market Government
Funds • Bond Market •Municipalities
•Mutual •Foreign
Funds Exchange
Capital Market LOGO

Capital market is a market for financial assets which have a long or indefinite
maturity. Unlike money market instruments the capital market instruments become
mature for the period above one year.

 The capital markets may also be divided into primary markets and secondary
markets. Newly formed (issued) securities are bought or sold in primary markets,
such as during initial public offerings. Secondary markets allow investors to buy
and sell existing securities. The transactions in primary markets exist between
issuers and investors, while in secondary market transactions exist among investors

 These institutions play the role of lenders in the capital market. Business units and
corporate are the borrowers in the capital market.
Instrument of Capital Market LOGO

1 2 3
The market in which The environment in A certificate issued by
shares are issued which the issuance a corporation with
and traded and trading of debt the purpose of
either through securities occurs. The creating a debt.
exchanges or over- bond market Debentures are
the-counter markets. primarily includes generally unsecured
Also known as the government- by assets
interest and are
equity market.

4 5 6
The market in which
participants are
to buy, sell,
exchange and
traded on a discount speculate on and agreed interest
basis for 91 days currencies.
Role Of Capital Market LOGO

1. Mobilization of Savings : Capital market is an important source for mobilizing

idle savings from the economy. It mobilizes funds from people for further
investments in the productive channels of an economy.

2. Capital Formation : Capital market helps in capital formation. Capital formation

is net addition to the existing stock of capital in the economy.

3. Provision of Investment Avenue : Capital market raises resources for longer

periods of time. Thus it provides an investment avenue for people who wish to
invest resources for a long period of time.

4. Speed up Economic Growth and Development : Capital market enhances

production and productivity in the national economy by generation of
employment and development of infrastructure.

5. Service Provision : As an important financial set up capital market provides

various types of services. It includes long term and medium term loans to
industry, underwriting services, consultancy services, export finance, etc. These
services help the manufacturing sector in a large spectrum.
Money Market LOGO

 As became a commodity, the

market became
money a component of the
markets for assets involved in short-
borrowing, lending,
term buying and selling with
original maturities of one year or less. Trading in
the money markets is done over the counter, is
Organised Money Market LOGO

Main components of Organised Money Market:

1.The Call Money: Here, lending and borrowing transactions are carried out for
one day.

2.The Treasury Bill Market: It deals in Treasury Bills of short term duration: 14
days, 91 days, 182 days and 364 days. They are issued by Government and
largely held by RBI.

3.The Commercial Bill Market: It deals in bills of exchange. A seller draws a

bill of exchange on the buyer to make payment within a certain period of time.

4.The Certificate of Deposit Market: The main purpose of CD is to enable the

commercial banks to raise funds from the market. The CDs maturity period
ranges from 7 days to 1 year (in case of FIs minimum 1 year and maximum 3
years). The CDs are issued at a discount to its face value. The CDs are issued in
denomination of Rs. 1 lakh and thereafter, multiples of Rs. 1 lakh.

5.Money Market Mutual Funds (MMMFs): The MMMFs were introduced in

1992. The objective of MMMFs is to provide an additional short term avenue to
the individual investors.
Unorganised Money Market LOGO

Main components of Unorganized Money Market:

1.Indigenous Bankers (IBs): The IBs are individuals or private firms who receive
deposits and give loans and thereby they operate as banks. Unlike moneylenders who
only lend money, IBs accept deposits as well as lend money.

2.Money Lenders (MLs):They lend money in rural areas as well as urban areas. They
normally charge an invariably high rate of interest ranging between 15% p.a. to 50%
p.a. and even more.

3.Chit Funds and Nidhis: They collect funds from the members for the purpose of
lending to members (who are in need of funds) for personal or other purposes.

4.Finance Brokers: They act as middlemen between lenders and borrowers. They
charge commission for their services.

5.Finance Companies: They operate throughout the country. They borrow or accept
deposits and lend them to others. They provide funds to small traders and others. They
operate like indigenous bankers.

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