Integrating New Literacies in The Curriculum

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Integrating New

Literacies in
the Curriculum
The Concept of Integrated
+ In retrospect, the introduction of an integrated curriculum
gained greatest support in the 1960s. Based on the
essential organization of content, the design emphasizes
the role of diverse entities called academic disciplines
clearly defined in terms of knowledge, skills and values.
Three approaches to integration
+ Multidisciplinary Approach.
A multidisciplinary approach focuses primarily on different disciplines.
Teachers who employ this approach, may create standards from the disciplines
within a theme.


Makabayan MAPEH

+ Interdisciplinary Approach.
In this approach to integration, teachers organize and capsulize the
curriculum around common learning across disciplines to emphasize
interdisciplinary skills and concepts. The disciplines are identifiable, but they
assume less importance than in the multidisciplinary approach.


+ Transdisciplinary Integration.

In the transdisciplinary approach to

integration, teachers design a curriculum within
the students needs and concerns. Students
develop life skills as they apply disciplinary
and interdisciplinary skills in a real-life context.
Methods of Curriculum Integration
1. Project-Based Learning - it engages students in creating knowledge while enhancing
their skills in critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, communication, reasoning,
synthesis and resilence (Barron and Darling-Hammond, 2008 in Corpuz, 2014)

2. Service Learning - It refers to learning that actively involved students in a wide range
of experiences, which often benefit others and the community, while also advancing
the goals of a given curriculum.
3. Learning Centers/Parallel Disciplines - A popular way to integrate the curriculum is
to address a topic or theme through the lenses of several subject areas.
4. Theme-Based - some teachers go beyond sequencing content and plan
collaboratively and they do it in a more intensive way of working with a theme
dubbed as "theme-based"
5. Fushion - in this method, teacher fuse skills, knowledge, or even attitudes
into the regular school curriculum.
Other Types of Integrated Curriculum

1. Connected



New Literacy Integration in the K to 12
+The new literacy can be integrated into the K to 12 curriculum
across subject areas as presented in the table below. However,
the integration of new literacy is not limited to the identified
disciplines, the given learning outcomes, suggested strategies
and assessment.
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