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Prepared by:
Engr. Raymond S. Abesamis, ME, CLSSYB
The basic skills required by every researcher
The ability to generate ideas for research projects

The ability to identify, source and use appropriate literature

The ability to develop research projects with good fit, i.e. where the different parts of
the research project fit well together

The ability to gather and analyze data

The ability to write well, to be able to communicate clearly, thoroughly and simply
through writing
Turning research ideas into research projects
• Am I interested in researching?
• What exactly do I wish to focus on in my research project?

Researchability Researchable
Deems a project achievable in relation A project is researchable if you have
to the money and data access needed. the time, money, data, and the level of
access to the data needed.
The first step:
Developing a This research statement is a simple statement
of a research project. As a researcher, you
research should aim for a simple clear statement of the
statement research. While it is clear and simple, the
research statement contains all the key
concepts in your research project.
Title: Improvement in the Design of Hazardous Waste
Carbonizer of Honda Cars Philippines Inc. at Laguna
Technopark, Sta. Rosa, Laguna
Sample The study aimed to design treatment facilities to reduce
oil content and the Chemical Oxygen Demand stock in the
Research carbonizer wastewater treatment, which is generated by the
Production Department of Honda Cars Philippines Inc. Thus,

Statement the study will provide answers to the following questions:

• What are the significant factors that affect the inefficient
performance of Carbonizer Wastewater?
• In order to solve the problems, what are the possible
improvements of Carbonizer Wastewater in terms of
installation development?
• How much investment a top management should be
investing on this project for the implementation of the
design improvement?
Title: Industrial Fire Detection with Push Notification and
Trapped Human Locator using Indoor Positioning System
Sample The design project aimed to improve the previous fire
detection and alarm system by implementing an indoor
Research positioning system for locating a trapped person and a
push notification for early warning and alert system.
Statement Hence, the researchers sought to know the following:
• How can the employees and emergency personnel be
notified when there is a fire situation?
• How can a trapped person be located inside the
• How can a system minimize false alarm in a fire
detection system?
Title: Paperless Voting System to Eliminate Paper Ballots for More
Reliable Election Results

Sample The irregularities of the PCOS machine that caused inaccuracy on

the total casted votes are the ballot rejection and the electronic dagdag-
bawas caused by the digital lines. It was concluded that the cause of the
Research PCOS machine’s irregularity were the repetitive erasures on the ballot,
and the type of paper and ink used. With this, the proponents came up
with an idea of creating and developing an application program that
Statement eliminates the usage of papers and ink. Moreover, it seeks to generate
document electronically as evidence. The proposed election technology
integrates the power of wireless technologies and application program
software. Specifically, the study sought to answer the following questions:
• How to create a voting application program that will satisfy and meet
the requirement for a more accurate election results?
• How will the application program be integrated to the network?
• How will the system be evaluated to prove its reliability in eliminating
the problem present in the existing system?
With the technology being made as a countermeasure for the
Sample pandemic, there are also problems rising one after another. One particular
problem raised is the exponential growth of the number of current cases,

Research in which is caused by many factors. One of these factors is the loopholes
of current contact tracing systems. Specifically, study wishes to answer the
following problems:

Statement •How can the school’s contact tracing system be improved and integrated
with a digitalized temperature documentation?
•How effective will the new implemented system be to decreasing the risk
of students and staff from the virus?
•How will the developed system help in narrowing the search radius of the
contact tracing process? and
•How can the system improve the safekeeping of contact tracing data by
going digital?
Once the research statement or question has been
Aims & detailed clearly, the next is the development, from the
research statement or research question, of aims and
Objectives objectives.
The simplest way to do this is to develop one aim
and a series of objectives, no less than two and no
more than six objectives. While you can have more
than one aim and more than six objectives, it is simpler
to stay within these limits.
Start Specific Questions/Objectives with Verbs ( Bloom’s

Level Appropriate Verb for each level

Define, Memorize, List, Recall, Recognize, Repeat, Related, Record, Name, Identify, Acquire, Underline, Label, State,
Knowledge Relate, Order
Restate, Discuss, Describe, Identify, Locate, Report, Explain, Express, Recognize, Review, Transform, Represent, Select,
Comprehension Tell, Indicate
Translate, Interpret, Apply, Practice, Illustrate, Operate, Convert, Explain, Demonstrate, Dramatize, Sketch, Employ,
Application Schedule, Use, Sequence, Prepare, Predict, Generalize, Implement, Plan, Show, Solve, Complete
Distinguish, Differentiate, Appraise, Analyze, Calculate, Criticize, Estimate, Discover, Order, Compare, Contrast, Examine,
Relate, Experiment, Investigate, Question, Detect, Break down, Contrast, Diagram, Debate, Examine, Classify, Categorize,
Analysis Determine, Inspect, Inventory
Compose, Plan, Propose, Design, Assemble, Create, Write, Prepare, Formulate, Organize, Manage, Construct, Set-up,
Systemize, Arrange, Collect, Construct, Organize, Systematize, Argue, Conclude, Create, Integrate, Theorize, Combine,
Synthesis Improvise, Manage, Specify, Derive
Judge, Appraise, Measure, Value, Estimate, Choose, Compute, Assess, Test, Evaluate, Revise, Score, Select, Rank, Check,
Evaluation Defend, Verify, Justify, Criticize, Rate, Support, Weigh
Title: Improvement in the Design of Hazardous Waste
Carbonizer of Honda Cars Philippines Inc. at Laguna
Technopark, Sta. Rosa, Laguna
Sample This paper aims to study the problem on how to
improve the carbonizer wastewater of Honda Cars
Objectives Philippines Inc. This study specifically aims to meet the
following objectives:
• To determine the significant factors that affects the
inefficient performance of Carbonizer wastewater.
• To determine the possible improvements of Carbonizer
Wastewater in terms of installation development.
• To determine the investment of top management that
should be investing on this project for the
implementation of the design improvement.
Title: Industrial Fire Detection with Push Notification and
Trapped Human Locator using Indoor Positioning System
The main objective of the proponents is to develop a
Sample system that could help in saving lives and preventing the
destructive result of fire situations. Specifically, this study
Objectives aimed:
• To create a process that would notify employees and
emergency personnel that are needed to respond in a
fire situation.
• To develop a system that would detect a trapped
person inside the building.
• To design a system that would minimize false alarm in a
fire detection system.
Title: Paperless Voting System to Eliminate Paper Ballots for More
Reliable Election Results
The proponents’ main goal was to create and develop a voting
application program as part of the new form of voting system that
Sample aims to eliminate the papers as well as generate the document
electronically as evidence. This addresses the issue on the inaccuracy

Objectives to the casted votes during election because of the irregularities of the
PCOS machine caused by the paper, ink, and the repetitive erasures
on the ballot. The proposed election technology integrates the power
of wireless technologies and application program software.
Specifically, the study sought to answer the following questions:
• Create a voting application program that will satisfy and meet the
requirement for a more accurate election results;
• Assess the procedures on how will the application program be
integrated to the network; and
• Evaluate and prove the new system’s reliability in eliminating the
problem present in the existing system.
The main objective of this project design is to develop and

Sample design a computerized documentation system with temperature

monitoring system for Colegio de San Juan de Letran Calamba.
Specifically, the study aims the following:
Objectives • To improve the school’s contact tracing system and integrate a
digitalized temperature monitoring system;
• To test the effectiveness of the new implemented contact
tracing system on preventing the school’s students and staff to
acquire the virus;
• To implement a contact tracing system that would help narrow
down the search radius of the contact tracing process of the
colegio; and
• To improve the safekeeping of the contact tracing data by going
Source Appropriate Literature

Your idea for your research project

Literature, in the context of
guides you in terms of the
research projects, is research that
literature you need to begin to
has been published in journal
read. You must read some of the
articles, in books, in government
related literature before you can
papers and reports, in theses, in
fully and thoroughly outline a
reports of conference proceedings.
research question or statement of
your research project.
Data: What
constitutes evidence?
In the context of research, evidence is
called data which can take many forms. It
can be the testimony of human participants
in a project. It can be in the responses to a
questionnaire. It can also be found in
documents, archives, records and reports.
Data can be found in maps and charts, field
diaries, narratives , photographs or film. It
can also be in the content of newspapers. In
fact, data can take almost any form. The
constraint is that the data must be valid. For
data to be valid it must represent that which
it is presented as representing.
Plagiarism is the use and/or presentation of
somebody else’s work or ideas as your own. It is a
most serious offense. Students who engage in
plagiarism, even unwittingly, can be expelled from
their college and institutions. This can have
seriously detrimental effects on their careers. It
Plagiarism can also be devastating for them personally, and
for their families. You can avoid accusation of
plagiarism by properly referencing everything that
you take from any and every source and then use
in your own writing, or in any work that you
present as your own.
Appendices are used to detail any document
or artefact relevant to the research but not
detailed in the body of the research project. Copies
of letters written for the research project are
The Use of placed in appendices. These letters might be letters
Appendices written to or received from formal gatekeepers.
These are the people you have sought and
received permission from to conduct your research
in. Copies of data collection methods and
instruments are also detailed in appendices.
Answer the following questions.
1. Differentiate research idea and research question.
2. Detail a strategy, using the four frameworks approach
to research, to source appropriate literature.
Assessment 3. Detail, describe, and explain some of the different
approaches to research.
Task 2: Font & Font Size: Times New Roman, 12
Spacing: 1.5
Margins: 1” (Top, Bottom, Left, Right)
Pdf file, Short Bond Paper
File Name: Surname_AT#
Deadline: March 13, 2023 until 1:00 PM
Provide a critique about the study entitled Design and
Development of Biometric Attendance Monitoring System
for College of Engineering and Information Technology of
Long Quiz UBLC

No. 1 Font & Font Size: Times New Roman, 12

Spacing: 1.5
Margins: 1” (Top, Bottom, Left, Right)
Pdf file, Short Bond Paper
File Name: Surname_PRLQ#
Deadline: March 13, 2023 until 1:00 PM

Refer to the sample form on the next slides. Re-type it then

make the critique.
Long Quiz Create the research statement and objectives of your
No. 2 (by submitted topic in ME-PS1.

Group) Font & Font Size: Times New Roman, 12

Spacing: 1.5
Margins: 1” (Top, Bottom, Left, Right)
Pdf file, Short Bond Paper
File Name: ME#_PRLQ#
Deadline: March 17, 2023 until 1:00 PM

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