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Department of Information Science and Engineering

Convolutional Neural Networks

Name : S Varshitha
USN : 1HK19IS082
8th semester , B section, ISE Dept
Guide Name : Dr. V Balaji Vijayan
Contents :
• Abstract
• Introduction
• Objective
• Proposed System
• Architecture/Methodology
• Nptel Course Details
• Conclusion
• References
Abstract :
• The field of machine learning has taken a dramatic twist in recent times, with the rise of the Artificial Neural Network (ANN)
one of the most impressive forms of ANN architecture is that of the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN).

• Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) is a subset of machine learning and is a kind of network architecture for deep learning
algorithms. It is one of the various types of artificial neural networks which are used for different applications and data types .It
train large datasets with millions of parameters, in form of 2D images as input and convolve it with filters to produce the
desired outputs. There are other types of neural networks in deep learning, but for identifying and recognizing objects, CNN are
network architecture of choice. CNNs architecture is analogous to the connectivity pattern of the human brain. Just like the
brain consists of billions of neurons, CNNs also have neurons arranged in a specific way.

• In fact, a CNN's neurons are arranged like the brain's frontal lobe, the area responsible for processing visual stimuli. A deep
learning CNN consists of three layers: a convolutional layer, a pooling layer and a fully connected (FC) layer. Examples of
CNN in computer vision are face recognition, image classification etc.

• Applications of CNN are Facial Recognition, Medical Imaging, Image analysis and Types of CNN are LeNet, AlexNet, ResNet,
GoogleNet, MobileNet, VGG.

• CNN is very useful as it minimises human effort by automatically detecting the features. For example, for apples and mangoes,
it would automatically detect the distinct features of each class on its own.
Introduction :
• A Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) is a type of Deep Learning architecture commonly used for image classification and
recognition tasks.

• CNN is used mainly for image processing, classification, computer vision, object detection, segmentation and also for other auto
correlated data including self-driving cars, medical imaging, and security systems.

• There are three basic components of CNN : The convolutional Layer, The Pooling Layer ,The Output Layer or Fully Connected

• The Convolutional layer applies filters to the input image to extract features, the Pooling layer downsamples the image to reduce
computation, and the fully connected layer makes the final prediction.

• CNN takes in an input image, assign importance(learnable weights) to various objects in the image and be able to differentiate
from the other.

• Convolutional layer applies a convolutional operation to the input, passing the result to the next layer. The convolution stimulates
the response of an individual neuron to visual stimuli.

• Each convolutional neuron processes data only for its receptive field. Tiling it allows CNN to tolerate transition of the input image.
Objectives :
• To help in the image/object recognition and classification.

• CNN is designed to automatically and adaptively learn spatial hierarchies of features through back
propagation by using multiple building blocks, such as convolution layers, pooling layers, and fully
connected layers.
• The role of CNN is to reduce the images into a form that is easier to process, without losing
features critical towards a good prediction.
• Understanding the architecture of the model.

• It is used in Document Analysis, Facial Recognition, Object Detection and Auto Translation.
Architecture :
Convolutional Layer :
• The convolutional layer is the main building block of a CNN. It contains a set of filters (or kernels), parameters of which are to be
learned throughout the training. The size of the filters is usually smaller than the actual image. Each filter convolves with the image and
creates an activation map.

• The objective of convolutional operation is to extract the high level features such as edges, from the input image. ConvNets need not to
be limited to only one convolutional layer. Conventionally, the first convlayer is responsible for capturing the Low-Level features such
as edges, colour, gradient orientation etc.
Max Pooling Layer :
• The Objective of Max-Pooling is to get an input representation by reducing its dimensions, which helps in reducing
overfitting. With this technique we can select the highest pixel value from a region depending on its size. In other
words, max pooling takes the largest value from the window of the image currently covered by kernel.
Fully Connected Layer :
• The objective of fully connected layer is to flatten the high level features that are learned by convolutional layers and combining
all the features. It passes the flattened output to the output layer where you use softmax classifier or a sigmoid to predict the input

class label.
Applications of CNN :
• Document analysis :
CNNs are used to read handwriting, recognize the written words, compare it to a dataset of handwriting,
and more. They can categorize documents for museums or interpret handwritten documents, which is
vital for banking and finances.
• Facial Recognition :
CNNs are used by computers to detect and identify people based on their faces. They recognize faces in
the image, develop the skill of focusing on the face in spite of lighting or positions, recognize distinctive
traits, and contrast the information they gather with a name. 
• Object detection :
CNNs have been used to identify objects in a variety of photos by categorizing them based on the
shapes and patterns that they exhibit. CNNs has developed models that can recognize a variety of
objects, from commonplace ones like food, famous people, or animals.
• Auto translation :
CNN is used for automatic translation between language pairings, such as English and French, in the
context of deep learning. The usage of word-for-word translation or multilingual human assistance has
been replaced by the very accurate use of CNNs to translate across language pairs like Chinese and
Nptel Course Details :
Conclusion :
CNN is the best artificial neural network, it is used for modeling image but it is not limited to just modeling
of the image but out of many of its applications. There are many improvised versions based on CNN
architecture like AlexNet,VGG,YOLO and many more. CNNs are capable of surpassing humans at visual
recognition tasks. However, they are still not robust to visual artifacts such as glare and noise, which humans
are able to cope.  CNN is very dependent on the size and quality of the training data. CNN is designed to
automatically and adaptively learn spatial hierarchies of features through back propagation. The role of CNN
is to reduce the images into a form that is easier to process, without losing features critical towards a good
References :

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