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Report Writing

CSS 4451
A written document that presents relevant information
in an organized and understandable format.

A systematic and well-organized presentation of facts

and findings of an event that has already taken place

Each report: aims at a specific audience& purpose.

Non-fictional account that presents and/or summarizes

the facts about a particular event/topic/issue.
Report : Aims
 To communicate a research process clearly &
in simplified way.
 To provide logical structure to the methods,
results and findings of a research.
 To inform the reader of the findings and
possible recommendations of the research.
 To demonstrate clear, concise
communication and documentation skills.
 People who are unfamiliar with the subject
can find everything they need to know from a
good report.
Types of reports

reports( daily, Informational
Routine reports. Analytical report. Operational report.
weekly, monthly, report.
annual etc.)

Product report. Industry report. Progress report. Internal report. External report.

Vertical & lateral

Special reports. Research report.
Common elements of a research report

 1. Title page.
 2. Acknowledgements.
 3. Table of contents.
 4. Abstract/ Summary.
 5. Introduction.
 6. Literature Review.
 7. Methodology.
 8. Results/ Findings.
 9. Discussions.
 10. Conclusion/ Recommendations.
 11. References
 !2. Appendices.
Structure of a report
 Executive Summary.
It is commonly for the official reports.
A standalone section that summarizes the findings in your
report, so readers know what to expect after going through
the entire report.

It explains the overall topic that you’re about to discuss
with your thesis statement and any ready-to-know
background information before you get into your findings.
Structure of a report
 Body
Explains all major discoveries.
Has headings and subheadings.
It makes up the majority of the entire report.
Can go on for pages unlike the introduction and conclusion.

Where you bring together all the information in your report and
come to a definitive interpretation/ judgement. It is the section of the
report wherein the author inputs his own personal opinions&
Other elements of a Report

 Title page
 Table of Content
 Page Numbering
 Heading & Subheading
 Citation / works cited.
Choose Choose a topic based on the assignment.

Conduct Conduct research.

Write Write a thesis statement.

Steps to write Prepare Prepare an outline.

Write Write a rough draft.

Revise and edit Revise and edit your report.

Proofread and check Proofread and check for mistakes.

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