Unit 3: Physical Education

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• Regular exercise and corrected diet are most vital to achieve the ideal
weight. As responsibilities increase with age, physical activity too
becomes less which leads to fat related weight gain. A disciplined
attitude with determination is needed to exert control over eating
right and exercising more, if any positive difference to the quality of
life and lifespan is to be made.
Professional guidance, to develop customized weight management
programmes, is required to tackle obesity, eating disorders and resultant
diseases. These programmes need to be chalked out keeping in mind the
basics of weight control measures.
Weight management programmes are scientific, comprehensive and easy
to follow programmes. They help an individual to attain the ideal BMI
without compromising on nutrition, energy and fitness even where one
may have to increase or decrease weight.
To correct faulty food habits.
To induce lifestyle changes
To bring about gradual weight loss
To maintain a desirable weight
To achieve and maintain a good nutritional status
• Reducing the risk of heart disease;

• Reducing the risk of stroke;

• Reducing the risks of developing some forms of cancer;

• Controlling non-insulin dependent diabetes;

• Relieving back and joint tension;

• Increasing energy levels;

• Optimizing the immune system;

• Reducing the risks of osteoporosis;

• Reducing infertility risks;

• Reducing the risk of anaemia;

• Having more self-esteem;

• Increasing energy and welfare levels

• Energy balance
• Energy helps our body to perform functions and our daily activity.
• The equation of energy balance is-
Energy intake is done in the form of food nutrition, protein, carbohydrates, fat,
and Energy expenditure is done by performing our daily activities like
respiration, physical exercise (aerobic and anaerobic activities)
When Intake is more than expenditure = WEIGHT GAIN
When Expenditure is more than intake = WEIGHT LOSS
When Intake is equal to the expenditure = NORMAL WEIGHT
There are several important factors, strategies that are essential for
weight management and are therefore regarded as the principles of
weight management. These principles of weight management are:
1. Maintaining a Balanced Diet
It is extremely important to consume a balanced diet with proper
nutrients in order to remain healthy and ensure effective weight
management. According to experts, a diet primarily composed of
vegetables, whole grains, nuts, fruits and seeds is ideal for maintaining
a healthy weight as well as the overall health and wellness of the body.
2. Physical Activity and Excercise
Increased physical activity is an essential component of comprehensive
weight reduction principles. The benefits of physical activity are
significant. In addition to improved maintenance of weight, the benefits
of physical activity include improved cardiovascular fitness, improved
mood, psychological profile, improved blood gluocose and blood
pressure and increase in mortality.

3. Eating Habits
Eating Habits of an individual involve eating responsibly and mindfully
by way of paying attention to potion sizes of food consumed and
reducing instances of overeating. To inculcate healthy eating habits, an
individual should consume smaller meal portions, pay more attention
to food details on packages and prioritizing the meal time.
4. Behavioural Modifications
The primary goal of behavioural modifications in an individual as one of
the means of weight management is to increase physical activity and
reduce calorie intake by altering unhealthy habits. It is based on the
assumption that by changing behaviours, weight can be lost and that loss
can be maintained. These modifications are applied in combination with
other factors like nutrition education, exercise & low calorie diets.

5. Healthy Lifestyle
To manage weight and maintain healthy habits, an individual needs to
make permanent lifestyle changes. Maintaing a healthy lifestyle involves
self monitoring habits by an individual, physical exercise, stress
management, having social support and preventing relapse of old and
unhealthy habits which hinder management of health & weight.
• Aerobic exercise is any type of cardiovascular conditioning or “cardio.” During
cardiovascular conditioning, your breathing and heart rate increase for a sustained
period of time. Examples of aerobic exercise include swimming laps, running, or
• During aerobic exercise, you breathe faster and deeper than when your heart rate is
at rest. You’re maximizing the amount of oxygen in the blood. Your heart rate goes
up, increasing blood flow to the muscles and back to the lungs.
• Other benefits of aerobic exercise include:
-can help you lose weight and keep it off
-may help lower and control blood pressure
-may increase your stamina and reduce fatigue during exercise
-activates immune systems, making you less likely to get colds or the flu
-strengthens your heart
-boosts mood
-may help you live longer than those who don’t exercise
Aerobic exercise can benefit almost anyone. But get your doctor’s approval if you’ve
been inactive for a long time or live with a chronic condition.
If you’re new to aerobic exercise, it’s important to start slowly and work up gradually to
reduce your risk of an injury. For example, start by walking 5 minutes at a time and
add 5 minutes each time until you’re up to a 30-minute brisk walk.
• Anaerobic exercises involve quick bursts of energy and are
performed at maximum effort for a short time. Examples
include jumping, sprinting, or heavy weight lifting.
• During anaerobic exercise, your body requires immediate
energy. Your body relies on stored energy sources, rather
than oxygen, to fuel itself. That includes breaking down
• Benefits of anaerobic exercise
-strengthens bones
-burns fat
-builds muscle
-increases stamina for daily activities like hiking, dancing, or playing with kids
Risks of anaerobic exercise
Anaerobic exercise can be hard on your body. On 
a 1 to10 scale for perceived exertion, high intensity anaerobic exercise is
anything over a seven. It’s not typically recommended for fitness beginners.
Get your doctor’s approval before adding anaerobic workouts to your routine.
Work with a certified fitness professional who can help you create an
anaerobic program based on your medical history and goals.
For workouts like HIIT and we
• Behaviour Modification refers to the techniques used to try and
decrease or increase a particular type of behaviour or reaction.
Here are some techniques of behaviour modification
• 1. Make a commitment to change – We should make a commitmen
to change and be moyivated everyday. We should realise that we
can’t achieve anything without commitment. Here are some tips to
• 1) Don’t be involved, commit!
• 2) If you won’t learn how to commit, someone else will
• 3) Never give up, never give in
• 4) Free your mind and the rest will flow
• 5) Commit to something bigger than youself

• 2. Set realistic goals [ SMART] – We should set goals that are realistic, achievable and work smart.
Smart work is better than hardwork
goals should be realistic and include SMART approach
• S – Specific (goals should be specific and only one goal)
• M – Measurable (goals should be measurable)
• A – Achievable ( goal should be achievable and possible only)
• R – Realistic (goal should be realistic)
• T – Time based (it should be time based)

• 3. Incorporate exercise into the programme

• 3. Incorporate exercise into the programme – Our daily work should include exercise
and some workers to make us physically fit. Exercise and workouts make our body
healthy and be fit. So exercise should be incorporated in our programe.

• 4. Differentiate hunger and appetite – Hunger occurs because of biological changes

throughout the body which signal that we need to eat to maintain energy level.
Appetite is simply desire to eat. We should eat only when our body feels hungry, and
only that amount that body requires. Don’t consume the amount of food more than
• 5. Eat less fat – Fat is the main component for overweight or obese. If fat content is
more than required in our body it leads to different problems. So fat should be
consumed as much as required only. Eat food that contains less fat.

• 6. Pay attention to calories – Calories are present in all food components and gives
energy to our body. You should be aware of calories that food products we consume.
Average person burns 1800 calories per day. So pay attention to calories.
• 7) Cut unnecessary items from your diet – Our diet should contain healthy and
balanced diet. Own diet should include protiens, fats, minerals, Carbohydrates
etc. unhealthy and unnecessary food should be avoided in our diet. Junk food
should be avoided from diet.
• 8. Maintain daily intake of Calcium with food – Calcium is a mineral most often
associated with healthy bones and teeth. Intake of Calcium should be
maintained. Calcium is present in food products like milk products, soya beans,
eggs, meat etc. Required Calcium per day is 2500mg for adult 19 to 50.
• 9. Add food that reduce cavity: - Cavity also called dental caries is caused by
bacteria, smoking, sipping sugary drinks and poor teeth cleaning. Add food that
reduce cavity like. crunchy fruits and veggie, slices of carrot, apple. High fibre
content food should be taken.
• 10. Avoid automatic eating while eating :- Automatic eating should be avoided
like eating while watching TV or movies, eating listening to songs etc. more
eating should avoided. Food should be swallowed after complete chewing of
food only.
• 11. Stay Busy – Always stay busy. You’ll be much happier if you keep yourself busy with activities and
persuits that are meaningful to you. Keep your body busy by doing some activity to achieve your goal.

• 12. Plan meal and shop sensibly – Plan meal that contains healthy diet and contains all nutrients like
protiens, fat, minerals, carbohydrates in equal amount. So that you can shop accordingly and buy the
products that are useful to you.

• 13. Cook wisely – Cooking should be done wisely. Every items should be in equal quantity like salt,
turmeric, chilli powder, masala, etc and it should not be more spicy or less tasty. It should be normal
and good to eat. So cook accordingly.
• 14. Don’t serve more food than you should eat – Eat food as much as your body required. Over
eating and unhealthy food leads to overweight, obese. So each 3 times per day, healthy food only and
not more than required to your body.
• 15. Understand the size (junior size/ senior size) – one should understand the capacity of their
eating. Some one eat more, some eat less. So understand what you are capable of and plan
accordingly to it.
• 16. Eat slowly and at table only – Food should be eaten slowly, and not in hurry. Food should be
chewed thoroughly and should be swallowed. It helps in easy digestion and good should be eaten on
table or ground only. Eating food by standing will cause problem in digestion.
• 17. Avoid social gathering – Social gathering should be avoided like
parties, functions or any special events. Maximum it should be
avoided. But if you attend, you should be aware of food and eat as
much as required only over eating should be avoided.
• 18. Do not place unhealthy food on your table- unhealthy food items
should be avoided on table. You should not place unhealthy food on
table as it will attract you to eat. We are automatically attracted
towards it and we will eat the. So first of all you should not buy
unhealthy food or it should not be placed on your table.
• 19. Practice stress management techniques – Stress management
techniques should be practices daily. Workout, yoga and some
exercise make your body fit and healthy. From getting mid of tensions
and problems, stress management techniques should be practiced.

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