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What is the impact of prayers on the effects of our
Can religious rituals help a sinner go to heaven?
The question was answered effectively by the Buddha.
Once the Buddha was staying in the Pava Mango Grove
near Nalanda .
One day while the Buddha was deep in meditation, a
young man came to him crying.
The Buddha heard the cry and He came out. He asked
the man why he was crying with such intense pain.

祈祷对我们业力的影响有什么影响? 宗教仪式能帮助罪人上天堂
瓦芒果林。 有一天,当佛陀正在打坐时,一位年轻人哭着来到他
面前。 佛陀闻声而出。 他问那人为什么哭得这么痛。

The young man said, “Tathagata, my old father died
The Buddha consoled him, “I am so sorry to hear that
but will your cry bring him back to life?”
The young man said, “I know my cry will not have any
The onthought
villagers whatofhas already
seeking the helphappened
of the pundit and crying
to drive the wolfwill
notthey approached
bring the pundit.
him back. I'm They discussed matters
concerned about among
“Our pundit is a highly learned man. He knows everything. Do you think he can
happen to him. Now that he is dead, can he make it to
do something to help us drive the wolf away?” one villager asked.
“Why not?or would
A learned manhehasbethepunished
brains to do severely in hell?”
anything!” another said.
“Can we take a hunter to the forest to kill the wolf?” a third villager asked.
“You “如来,我老父昨日圆寂。
fool!” one villager said. “The hunter cannot do”佛陀安慰他说:
anything. he will run to the
side of the woods.”
吗?” 年轻人道:“我知道我的哭声不会影响已经发生的
我很担心他会发生什么事。 现在他死了,是上天堂还是
Please do something so that my father can go to heaven. I
am not sure if he can make it to the abode of gods with
the kind of karma he has performed in his life.
I know many priests and ascetics in Rajgir who are
performing different types of prayers and rituals which
would ensure that the soul of the dead person reaches
heaven only.
You are the greatest of all the ascetics and holy men. If
You could perform some ritual, then my father will go to
heaven and I have no doubt about that.”
请做点什么,让我的父亲可以去天堂。 我不确定他是否能
以他一生所造的业力造就神的居所。 我认识王舍城的许多
伟大的。 如果你能举行一些仪式,那么我父亲就会去天堂,

The young man was in such intense pain that all the logical
facts and advice could not make him understand the impact
of karma on the destiny of a person. Finally the Buddha
asked the man to bring two earthen pots from the market
and some butter to completely fill one of the pots. The man
The young man was in such intense pain that all the logical facts and advice
was happy that finally for the first time the Buddha had
could not make him understand the impact of karma on the destiny of a person.
agreed toBuddha
Finally the do some religious
asked ritual.
the man to Heearthen
bring two went pots
running tomarket
from the the
and and in
some butter no time he
to completely fillwas back
one of withThe
the pots. theman
was happy that
finally for theatfirst
materials thetime the Buddha
place wherehadtheagreed to do was
Buddha some religious ritual. He
went running to the market and in no
time he was back with the suggested materials at the place where the Buddha
全装满其中一个瓦罐。 这个人很高兴佛陀终于第一次同意
做一些宗教仪式。 他跑到市场,很快就带着建议的材料回
The Buddha told him to fill one pot with butter and another with
small pebbles.
The young man did as he was instructed. The Buddha then said,
“Now cover and seal the mouths of the pots completely and place
them in the nearby pond. The man was very happy as he was
aware that the Buddha had never performed these kinds of
rituals for any dead man. He was relieved that his dead father
would now for sure go to heaven.
Now Buddha asked the man to bring a long stick and break Stick
open the pots with the strike of the stick.

年轻人照他说的做了。 佛又说:“现在把罐口完全盖上封好,
放在附近的池塘里。 这个人很高兴,因为他知道佛陀从未为任
何死人举行过这种仪式。 死去的父亲现在肯定会去天堂,这让

The young man thought that this was some kind of
mysterious ritual which would ensure heaven for the
departed soul. He did as he was told. The moment the
pots were broken open, the butter from one of the pots
rose up and started floating over the water surface.
The pebbles from the other pot settled down at the
bottom of the pond.
Buddha then said, “This is all that I could do.

进入天堂。 他照他说的做了。 罐子被砸开的那一刻,

Now please bring those priests and ascetics and ask
them to pray and chant mantras at the edge of the pond
so that the butter could sink into the bottom the pond
and the pebbles could rise and start floating on the
surface of the pond water.”
The young man said, “Tathagata, you are joking with
me. I had requested you to perform some rituals and
Heaven 天堂 Evil People
prayers so that my dead father could go to heaven. 恶人

让黄油沉入池底,使鹅卵石浮出水面。” 年轻人说:
“如来,你在跟我开玩笑。 我曾请求你进行一些仪式和
祈祷,以便我死去的父亲可以去天堂。 Good Hell
People 地狱
好人 8
However, you are instead asking me to call the priests
and ascetics to pray and chant mantras to make the
butter sink inside the pond and to make the pebbles
float on the surface of the water. How is this possible?
This is against the Law of Nature. No matter how much
they pray or chant the butter will not sink nor can
pebbles float. Butter is lighter than water and it is The Law of Karma is a Natural
Law. Understand it and live by it.
bound to float over the surface. You will then be happy
and peaceful.

然而,你却要我召集道士和苦行者祈祷和念诵真言, 业力法则是自然法则。 理解它并以此为

这怎么可能? 这是违反自然法则的。 无论他们如何祈
祷或吟唱,黄油不会沉没,鹅卵石也不会漂浮。 黄油
“This is common sense,” Buddha replied. “Young man, you
know so much about the Law of Nature and common sense
but you are not willing or able to accept the law of karma.
Isn’t this not wise? If your father had performed good deeds
throughout his life he will rise naturally to heaven. Who
could pull him down to any woeful state?
Similarly if he had committed bad deeds while he was alive,
he would go down. No amount of prayer and chanting can
push him up to the heavens.

“ 这是常识,”佛陀回答道。 “年轻人,你知道那么多自然法
则和常识,但你不愿意也不能接受因果报应。 这不是明智
的吗? 如果你父亲一生都做好事,他自然会升天。 谁能把
他拉到什么恶道上呢? 同样,如果他在世时做了坏事,他
也会下地狱。 再多的祈祷和诵经也无法将他推上天堂。

So you see, young man, the natural Law of Karma reigns supreme.
The earlier and faster you learn and understand the Law of Karma,
the sooner you can improve your present and future lives by doing
good deeds and improving your character. Your happiness, peace
and wisdom will grow.”
The young man now knew what Buddha wanted him to realize. He
now understood the law of karma to a very good extent. He was
very grateful to Buddha and thanked Buddha greatly.
The young man returned home feeling more happy and peaceful
with the newfound knowledge, understanding and wisdom.

所以你看,年轻人,业力的自然法则至高无上。 你越早、越
高你的品格来改善你现在和未来的生活。 你的快乐、平静和
智慧将会增长。 年轻人现在知道佛陀要他证悟的是什么。 他
现在非常了解业力法则。 他非常感谢佛陀,
非常感谢佛陀。 年轻人带着新获得的知识、理解力和智慧回
Dhamma Lessons to Reflect On 反思的佛法课程

In simple terms, The Law of Karma states: “Do Good, Avoid Evil
“Whatever intentional thoughts, speech or and Develop the Mind”
bodily action you put out, you get back — This is the Teaching of all Buddhas.
good (happiness) or bad (suffering).”
“ 行善避恶修心”
的意念、言语或身体动作,你都会得到回报—— 这是诸佛的教法。

Avoid the 10 Unwholesome Actions: With Metta, Practice ardently and diligently
* Greed/Covetousness * Hatred/Anger Brother the Noble Eightfold Path:
*Delusion *Lying * Malicious Speech * Oh Teik Bin *Right View *Right Thought *Right Speech
Harsh Speech * Gossip * Killing *Right Action *Right Livelihood *Right
* Stealing *Sexual Misconduct Effort *Right Mindfulness
*Right Concentration
避免 10 种不善行为:
* 贪 / 贪 * 嗔 / 怒 * 痴 * 谎言 * 恶语 精进精进地修行八正道: * 正见 * 正思惟
* 恶语 * 八卦 * 杀戮 * 偷窃 * 邪淫 * 正语 * 正业 * 正命 * 正精进 * 正念 * 正
The End 结束 定 12

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