Avance Del Proyecto Final-Ingles

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Group NRC:


Group number:


Name of the participants: Issue:

-Huamanchumo Ramon Luis Angel

-Davila Delgado Nirko Endangered animals
-Roque Manayay Anderson Jhulinio


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Organizar las diapositivas ANDERSON ROQUE MANAYAY


Buscar las fotografías
White-winged Guan

This large bird can be found in the dry

forests of the northern coast of Peru,
where its habitat is destroyed. It is also
added the rate of its reproduction that is
very low and it is hunted indiscriminately,
these are some causes of extinction.

Pink Amazon Dolphin

It lives in the Amazon river

basin and is in danger of
extinction, its main threats
are the construction of dams,
canals and the diversion of
natural river courses.
El jaguar :

It is an animal with surprising

speed, the jaguar can live in any

Suri :

It is a large animal with

beautiful feathers that are
used as typical costumes and
other parts.
The royal squirt
 Your situation is critical. It is a bird that lives in the
queñualeshumid near Machu Picchu, Cuzco. It is
suspected thatCurrently there are less than a
hundred copies. That's why it's fromurgency that
the local population and the authoritiesauthorities
protect the small forests of queñuales.

The wonderful hummingbird

This precious bird lives in the Peruvian Amazon, in

an areano more than two thousand square
kilometers. The male has two longfeathers and is a
very rare animal. Your situation is dangerous
becausethe forests are continually destroyed for
livestock andextraction of firewood.

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