Grammar Mini Lesson

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Grammar mini

Bianca Hernandez
Los Angeles Pacific University
What is word order?
Word order change in linguistics is the study of how words
are arranged in sentences to give readers a meaningful
Facts about word order
● A sentence at its most basic level has three parts the subject, the
object and the verb. (SVO)

Example: Subject + Verb + Object

She loves food

Bianca loves painting

● Languages vary not only in terms of phrase-by-phrase ordering, but also

in the relative locations of the subject, verb, and object inside a
clause. Subject-Verb-Object (SVO) and Subject-Object-Verb (SOV)
distributions make up more than 4/5 of all natural languages spoken
Independent & dependent clause
What is the difference between dependent and independent
clauses? An independent clause is a group of words that
contains a subject and verb and expresses a complete
thought. A dependent clause does the opposite. Independent
clauses make sense on their own

Example: independent clause “Bianca ate tacos”

dependent clause doesn't make sense as its own

sentence “because she was hungry”
Four types of sentence structures
SIMPLE- requires a verb and subject. Consist of one independent clause. Ex: “I ran” or “ I
ran on the road.”

“He smiled.” or “He smiled at her.”

COMPOUND- consists of two or more independent clauses. Typically, a bridging word or phrase
connects the separate clause. Ex: “I worked.” or I worked and then I did homework. Or “ He

COMPLEX: Consist of one independent clause and one dependent clause. Ex: “ I did homework,
even though I was tired.” or “ While I love soccer, I prefer football.”

COMPOUND COMPLEX: Consist of two independent clauses and one dependent clause. Ex: I
worked, even though I was tired, and then I made dinner.”
A word, phrase, or sentence that is
inappropriately spaced off from the word it
modifies or describes is known as a misplaced

Sentences with this fault frequently sound

awkward, absurd, or unclear due to the split.
They may also be completely irrational

EX:At the restaurant Bianca found a beige

womens purse.

We need to move the modifier next to the word

it is trying to describe where it makes more

Ex: At the restaurant Bianca found a womans

beige purse.
Several types of misplaced modifiers
Misplaced adjectives- The meaning is almost always distorted
when adjectives are improperly separated from the nouns they

Ex: My son ate a hot dish of oatmeal this morning

Correct way My son ate hot oatmeal this morning.

Dangling modifier: has nothing to modify

Ex: After the book, the movie made more sense.

Correct way: After I read the book, the movie made more sense.
Yule, G. (1996, June 1). The Study of Language.

Misplaced Modifiers | Effective Writing Practices Tutorial | Northern Illinois University. (n.d.). Northern Illinois University.

B., & GmbH, L. N. (2021, March 18). How Does Word Order Work? Babbel Magazine.

Independent and Dependent Clauses - Purdue OWL® - Purdue University. (n.d.). Independent and Dependent Clauses - Purdue
OWL® - Purdue University.

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