Cognitive Behavior Therapy

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Presented By
Cognitive Behavior Therapy
• Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) was pioneered by Dr.
Aaron T. Beck in the 1960s

• The basic idea of cognitive behavioral therapy is that your

thinking determines your quality of life. If you change your
thinking, you will improve your life.

• CBT theory suggests that our thoughts, emotions, body

sensations, and behavior are all connected, and that what we
think and do affects the way we feel.
1) Thoughts causes Feelings and Behaviors

2) Brief and Time limited (Avg. No. of Sessions : Max. 16 – 20)

3) Emphasis placed on current behavior

4) CBT is a collaborative effort between the therapist and the client

a. Role of Client : Define goals, Express concerns, learn and
implement learning

b. Role of Therapist : Help client define goals, listen, teach,


5) Teaches the benefit of remaining calm or at least neutral when faced

with difficult situations
6) Based on “Rational Thoughts” – Facts not assumptions

7) CBT is structured & directive

8) Maladaptive Behaviors are the result of skill deficits

9) Most emotional and behavioral reactions are learned

10) Homework is a central feature of CBT

11) CBT is based on an educational model

12) Sound therapeutic relationship is necessary

1. To help clients unlearned their unwanted reactions and to learn a new
way of reacting
2. The promotion of self-awareness and emotional intelligence by
teaching clients to “read” their emotions and distinguish healthy from
unhealthy feelings
3. Helping clients understand how distorted perceptions and thoughts
contribute to painful feelings
4. The rapid reduction of symptoms with an emphasis on examining the
client’s current situation and solving current problems
5. The development of self-control by teaching clients specific techniques
to identify and challenge distorted thinking
6. Prevention of future episodes of emotional distress and development
of personal growth by helping clients change core beliefs that are often
at the heart of their suffering.
1. Importance Activity schedule :
• Activity makes feel better
• Feel less tired
• Motivates to do more
• Improves ability to think

2. Distraction : taking the mind of problems or symptoms and paying

attention to something else.

3. Problem solving:
• Identify the problem / Issues which underlie & maintain depression
• Looking for alternatives / solutions
Effective For
• Depression & Mood swings
• Shyness & Social Anxiety
• Panic attacks & Phobias
• Chronic anxiety
• Post traumatic stress symptoms
• Eating disorder & Obesity
• Insomnia & Sleep problems
• Difficulty establishing relationship
• Job, Career & School difficulties
• Insufficient self esteem
• Inadequate coping skills
• Trouble keeping feelings

Cognitive therapies do not appear to work as well with those who
are cognitively impaired.
Cognitive Conceptualization
1. Early experiences

2. Development of Beliefs about the self, others & world

3. Assumptions or rules for living

4. Critical Incidents which trigger problems

5. Problem & factors maintaining the problem

Negative Thoughts Positive Thoughts

• Overgeneralization
• Over looking the positive
• ‘Should’ Statements
• Blaming other factors
• Categorization or Labeling
• Emotional Reasoning
• Exaggeration
• Predicting the future
• Mind Reading
• Mentally filtering
• Personalization
• Always being Right
Questions To Help Challenge
Negative Thinking
 Am I confusing a thought with a fact?

 Am I jumping to conclusions?

 What alternatives are there?

 What is the effect of thinking the way I do?

 What are the advantages and disadvantages of thinking this way?

 Am I asking questions that have no answer?

 Am I thinking in black – and – white, all – or – nothing terms?

 Am I using global words in my thinking?

 Am I condemning myself as a total person on the basis of a

single event?

 Am I concentrating on my weakness and forgetting my


 Am I blaming myself for something which is not really my

Tools For CBT
Thought Diary
Simple Thought Diary
CBT Thought Diary

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